If you still haven’t decided what you are going to dress up as for Halloween, then let Google help you decide with the top Halloween costumes for 2010. Search for costumes have seen a steady rise since August and have inspired millions to shop online for Halloween costumes.
Lady Gaga may have topped the Halloween costumes searches last year, but this year we have a new girl that has topped the costumes charts – Snooki, one of MTV’s “Jersey Shore” stars. Snooki costumes tops the list of fastest rising costume searches in 2010, followed by Avatar, Iron Man and Lady Gaga costumes.
If you are a blogger or an internet marketer you’ll probably be dressed like one in jeans and T shirt distributing candies in the neighborhood, that’s what I do every Halloween 🙂
Whatever you dress as I wish you a Safe and Happy Halloween 🙂
Image Credit: Chande Legion