4 Factors How Cheap Hosting Can Kill Your Site

Often business owners face trouble when it comes to take hosting services for their new or existing websites. It is the most abstruse part of web development process for non-technical entrepreneurs. It even frightens tech-savvy web administrators when they take hosting services for their own websites. In real, hosting is like a soul for any website.

So, the soul must be true and authentic. The adoption of a wrong hosting plan can jeopardize the reputation of a website. Despite facing the eventual loss, users do not understand the real consequences of flying with a cheap & insincere hosting provider.

They simply keep pouring money on search engine marketing and social media marketing to grab the attention of targeted visitors but fail in doing so. Hosting plays a vital role in the success or failure of any website. If you are trying to explore the threats of using useless hosting plan then this post can really help you.

You Will Lose Business By 7%

Yeah! It is true. You will see a reduction in the overall conversion rate of your business website by a sharp 7%. The figure might make you confuse if you are not running an online business.

It has been noticed in a research that shifting a running profitable website from a secured host to a cheap insincere host causes a steep decline in the conversion rate of that business website. So, it is sure that it start affecting your business revenue immediately after taking the hosting plan.

You Will Lose Your Name

Well, it may seem like an overt statement that you can lose the recognition due to cheap hosting. However, it is true that the poor hosting of your website can make you lose your name, which you have earned after so many efforts. It will help you in the wrapping up your business organization that you will surely not want to do.

Therefore, you just need to understand that the consistent slow speed of your website irritate the customers of your business website. They come and wait passionately to consume the contents of your website but fail in doing so.

In a study, it has been found that 64% of total online retailers prefer to switch their portals to shop in case of slow speed and about 88% of 64% customers do not come back to the slow speed website. Moreover, people share their bad & good experiences on social media networking websites. So, the slow speed affects in many ways.

Slow Speed Kills Your Traffic

Your website begins losing grip on search engines due to slow loading speed. Gradually, your visitors start taking your website as out of function. Therefore, you should prefer avoid going with cheap hosting provider.

It Trashes Your Site

Yes! It is true that the cheap hosting kills the reputation, slows down the rise at search engine front, and eventually turns your site in a trash. Therefore, you should only go with a secured hosting provided with dedicated servers.

After reading about these losses, you can understand the importance of going with a trusted and responsible host instead of going with a cheap one. You can find the host over web, who will keep a better care of your website.

Moreover, the reputed hosting providers also take the backup of your website after each interval of some certain days. It will increase the security of your website. Therefore, you should not focus on curbing the hosting budget. It will make you sustain a strong online identity of your business organization.

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Leading Edge Web Development Melbourne August 15, 2013 - 5:32 am
Very interesting article, and true, most of the time people think it is slow internet and bad webdesign and programing is the problem of the slow webpage loading, but yes it can be a bad hosting too. Thank you for this article!
makerlogodesign August 15, 2013 - 7:09 am
Most important side-effect of cheap or low quality hosting services is that "Slow Speed Kills Your Traffic". I have experience in it, before two months there was big error from my hosting service providers that my website was not even opening and my customers were trying again and again to put orders. Then i realized that it is totally wastage of money and time therefore i switched it to another hosting service. Your shared information is very important to understand the side-effects of cheap hosting service.
Rew August 15, 2013 - 6:31 pm
I'll admit to having bad hosting. It sucks...I've tried a few different things to speed up my site and nothing. I don't know why this wouldn't be one of the first things you think of though when your site gets slow.
Dhams August 19, 2013 - 8:07 am
what i feel is speed also affect and main thing if any downtime because of cheap hosting, will badly affect your business, traffic, ranking , indexing and lot more other factors. Though it's great article but can highlight few other points also helps. thanks.
Web Design Agency London October 29, 2013 - 10:19 am
Everyone should try to avoid such companies. It is very easy, just research. Nice post.
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