4 Tips to write effective Title Tags to increase conversions

Title tag is the most important SEO real estate that you have, just by rewriting the title tag you can easily increase your click thro rate.

The title tag is a piece of code that tells the search engine what your page is all about. It gives a basis for the search spider to assign relevancy to your website, the result is also displyed in the search results as a hyper link, and it’s what the visitors see at the top of their browser while they are on your site.

Write a title tag that the search engines and your user love to see.

Here’s how :

Step 1 : Include a Title Tag
Most websites don’t have one , even some of the top fortune 500 corporate websites don’t have a title tag. If you leave this blank the search engine will show an “untitled document” in the search results on top on your page. No one searched for “untitled document” you are missing an opportunity for better SEO and sales for your products.

ie. The title that you ll see on the top of this page uses the following ‘Make Money Online with Internet & Affiliate Marketing and Blogging – Web Traffic ROI’ , which is the title tag of the page. Every page on your site should have a title tag based on the content on your page.

Step 2: Avoid using your URL as your Title Tag

Many webmasters have been using URLs of individual pages as their title tags.

A title tag like “WebTrafficROI/categories/product1234.html” has the website address, the category and the product name but does nothing to enhance the search results. Some automated websites automatically generate a title tag for you which is similar to the above mentioned url. If it does, find out how you can change the setting to have better control of your title tag.

Step 3: Say goodbye to friendly greetings and focus on your keywords

There’s nothing wrong with a friendly greeting in person. But your title tag is the wrong place to say hello to your audience. A friendly greeting like “Welcome to my web page!” doesn’t tell the search engine what the page is all about. And again, who searches for welcome messages?

Step 4: Arrange your top two keyword phrases so they make sense

The best title tags use a combination of words and phrases that all get searched regularly. Then arrange them in a way so they make sense. On this blog for example , I use a combination of words and phrases that all get searched regularly — Internet marketing , affiliate marketing , make money online, blogging ,web traffic.

But I’ve arranged them to make sense as well as pull traffic from several different keyword searches:

“Make Money Online with Internet & Affiliate Marketing and Blogging – Web Traffic ROI”

If you were looking for advice on How to make money with your blogs or with internet marketing, you’d know you were in the right place after seeing that title.

Your title tag is easy to find and easy to change in your HTML code. On most web pages, your title tag (and meta tags) are right at the top, below your “head” tag:


<title>Make Money Online with Internet & Affiliate Marketing and Blogging – Web Traffic ROI</title>

When writing your title tag, keep it under 70 characters. Put your best keywords at or near the beginning of your title tag. With the limited number of characters you’re permitted, your keywords at the end of the tag could get cut off and visitors won’t see them.

If you have an eCommerce site , including your customer service or toll free number in your Title Tag can increase your conversions.

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Increase Sales September 10, 2008 - 9:54 pm
So how to find quality web directories on the web for submitting your web site, here is the tips. Increase Sales Increase Saless last blog post..Business, Customer Satisfaction is Paramount, there are steps leading to customer satisfaction continue…
Lucas September 11, 2008 - 10:44 pm
Step #2 is really important. :) Not only does having URLs as your title look ugly, they also prevent you from ranking high for keywords (other than your site name) on search engines. Lucass last blog post..How to Get Clients as a Freelancer
Home Business Mom Tara September 11, 2008 - 11:36 pm
#4 is great! I am sure you have saw all of the sites and blogs, where the keywords make no sense! Hopefully all of the people who do it currently, will come and read this! Home Business Mom Taras last blog post..Squidoo Profits For August
Mikel September 12, 2008 - 6:19 am
not only top 2 keywords ....try to keep it 5 so it does nt like spamming
adda4u September 12, 2008 - 8:01 am
This is amazing tips ...Keep on sharing Thanks a lot
Online Dividends September 12, 2008 - 3:11 pm
Good tips WTR.. Online Dividendss last blog post..Competition at Compounding-Dividends
ZK@WebTrafficROI.com September 12, 2008 - 7:54 pm
Hi Lucas - You rightly mentioned its important to rank well for key terms in your url. Hi Home Business Mom Tara : Hopefully this post will flood the traffic on my site :) Hi Mikel : 5 is a decent number, so that it does not look like spam.
Dollar dude September 14, 2008 - 2:31 am
This amazing tip for a web site owner? Can you write in detail about the inclusion of perfect title tag for wordpress blogs? Dollar dudes last blog post..Top Three Wordpress Plug-ins To Optimize a Make Money Online Blog
Anna September 14, 2008 - 8:40 pm
Very good basic data. I Googled "Welcome to My Website" just for fun. The lucky guy is an archeologist. :) Annas last blog post..This Applies to Internet Marketing
CoolProducts September 17, 2008 - 2:11 pm
Simple yet very effective. I'll be sure to keep this in mind! Thanks for the post
free web directory September 20, 2008 - 12:15 pm
Amazing ...thanks for this great information.i are working on a large content driven site and this will definitely be very helpful.
firstwebsource Directory September 23, 2008 - 2:51 pm
i am little bit confused with Step 3 can u explain little more ?
ZK@WebTrafficROI September 24, 2008 - 10:06 am
Hi Dollar Dude : We can use the same principle stated in the above post for blogs, Google uses the same logic for any web page on the internet. Blogs are web logs, webpages on the internet. Hi Anna : Google will link your site for keywords you ve optimised your site. Hi First websource directory : Some pages or sites have the Title tags as "Welcome" or "My Site" , you can see it in the browser window when it opens up. This does not do any good to your rankings, you need to have the keywords your site focuses on.
Andrew Green October 2, 2008 - 9:33 pm
Step 2: Avoid using your URL as your Title Tag Can we use Just Site name as title is it good for seo ?? And Regarding Meta description and tags how many Tags can we use?
Kashif October 7, 2008 - 6:20 am
Wow... I think I am doing this mistake... I use 'LogicHub: An etc... blog' as a title for my blog, what do you suggest? Kashifs last blog post..CheckPageRank.ws -A Free Page Rank Checking Tool
ZK October 7, 2008 - 8:58 am
Hi Kashif : I checked your blog , your Title should ideally be descriptive based on what your site is about. You should ideally have about 70 characters for your title.ie A Blog about everything for everyone - could be a title for your blog. ZKs last blog post..Are You Making Money with Your Blog ?
Kashif October 8, 2008 - 12:55 am
Thanks for the suggestion, ZK. I will change the title accordingly. Could you please guide me how to research high paying keywords? Kashifs last blog post..CheckPageRank.ws -A Free Page Rank Checking Tool
Phillip@Onpage optimization fators November 1, 2008 - 10:08 pm
Some good advice about the need to use good title tags containing keyword rich phrases. Too many bloggers seem to use their name, URL or just a random greeting which obviously won't pass them any authority. Phillips last blog post..Make Money Online
Internet Marketing Company November 7, 2008 - 3:28 am
Step No. 4 is the best tip on writing title tags. Thanks for sharing this tips. Helps a lot. :)
Sherry November 18, 2008 - 9:22 pm
good post about title tags. I hope I able to try it. Sherrys last blog post..Are you Winners of Awesome Thanksgiving Contest Giveaway
Michael Henry November 21, 2008 - 6:39 pm
The All in One SEO plugin lets you set all these options in the pulldown menu. Its also helpful to edit the actual URL wordpress creates from the title. You can throw keywords in there or remove excess words that don't help search - like the, it, and. Michael Henrys last blog post..Lifestyle: Current Monday to Friday Schedule
Best Internet Marketing Company June 23, 2009 - 3:56 pm
Outstanding article! You definitely know what you are talking about - cheers.
kitchen taps August 8, 2009 - 6:33 am
Its a fantastic article giving the beautiful tips for making the right title tags.
Bribana September 24, 2009 - 12:53 am
Awesome post! That was a good read
chris October 8, 2009 - 4:34 pm
this is great info. However, you are assuming something: that we know how to input the title tag. I have read various articles about title tags, and how important they are, but none of the authors tell you how to go about making the changes! Please remember a lot of the people reading your blog don't know the first thing about what you are discussing, so you should never assume things about your audience. thanks again for the great post....although I still have no idea how to change my title tag..guess I'll keep looking
Anna October 8, 2009 - 5:20 pm
@chris If you have an HTML website, your title tag goes in the header area toward the top of your webpage. In the source code, it looks like This is My Title If you are using a blogging software like Wordpress, your title will usually be the same as the title of your blog post, depending on your settings and plugins. You can tell what your title tag looks like by going online and looking at the web page - and then looking at what is written in the browser tab at the top of the page. This one is "How to write effective Title Tags | Web Marketing Blog." .-= Anna´s last blog ..How to Handle RSS Scrapers Who Copy or Steal Your Content =-.
ZK October 8, 2009 - 8:50 pm
Thanks Anna for your help on this :)
chris October 8, 2009 - 10:11 pm
thanks for clearing it up.....for someone who doesn't know much about this stuff, it can get very confusing!!! .-= chris´s last blog ..Barbie & Ken =-.
Anna October 9, 2009 - 12:42 am
You're welcome - I hope it's clearer to you now! .-= Anna´s last blog ..How to Handle RSS Scrapers Who Copy or Steal Your Content =-.
Anna October 9, 2009 - 12:44 am
But the little characters didn't show up in my example, let me try again ’This is My Title’ Or, if that doesn't show, [title]This is my Title[/] (but use the pointy brackets instead of the straight ones. .-= Anna´s last blog ..How to Handle RSS Scrapers Who Copy or Steal Your Content =-.
Benjamin@headline analyzer December 15, 2009 - 1:18 pm
Thanks for Sharing this informations. It´s important to use a readable term to attract visitors trough the SERP. I write a Blog Post about a really nice tool to analyze the "psichical trigger effect" of your headlines. This tool is completly free (no sign up required) and very useful (You can use it to pre-test your Adwords Ads, for example, or to optimize your Blog Post Headlines). You can read more at my Blog!
SEO Web Analytics December 17, 2009 - 1:30 am
A basis for the search spider to assign relevancy to your website, the result is also displayed in the search results as a hyper link, and it’s what the visitors see at the top of their browser while they are on your site.
eCommerce Development December 4, 2010 - 3:56 am
fabulous tips for title tag optimization of a website. i want to know that using wildcard characters like @,& is good for title?

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