4 Ways to Annoy Your Market and Friends on Social Media Sites

Social Media Marketing is hot these days, but if you don’t utilize this powerful platform effectively, you will end up annoying your market and friends.

When it comes to promoting your business via social media sites, there are actually 4 devastating practices that you must avoid. Otherwise, you will end up messing up your reputation, seriously!

Caution: You should never use these 4 ways, but should actually avoid them always!

Start Spamming:

Imagine owning a business and then annoying your market. What will happen? Well, the only thing you will imagine then is closing down your business. If you don’t build your credibility as a decent, trustworthy and reliable businessman, then you won’t be able to attract your market and convert them into customers.

Spamming is an extremely powerful way to annoy your market and friends. Hence, you must avoid this practice always. You will notice that a lot of people only care about posting ads and affiliate links, they don’t really use social media sites to mingle and make new friends. Such people are never liked by anyone. So, don’t get disliked. Avoid spamming, always.

Create Irrelevant Titles to Attract Others:

This is something that can put anyone off easily. There are two things you can do on social media, especially video sharing sites. You can either create good and relevant videos to win the trust of your market. Or, you can cheat your market by creating an attractive video title, but have a totally different and irrelevant video. This practice even sounds irritating, but people like to use irrelevant titles a lot. This will really irritate your friends and you’ll end up losing your respect.

Don’t Care About Others:

Social Media allows you to interact with others. However, if you don’t care about others, they will stop caring about you too. Friends ask each other for help and suggestions. It will be rude (extremely rude) if someone asks you for an advice and you don’t respond at all. You let their email sit and rust in your inbox or get buried under other messages on your wall.

If you want your market and friends to pay attention to what you say, then you will have to pay attention to what they say. You have got to have a caring attitude and you need to ensure that you reply in a timely manner, always.

Never Talk to Anyone:

People like to share photos, news, videos, etc. on social media sites. This is a great opportunity you have to get to know your market and friends (you meet on the net). If you never, ever send a customized message to any of your friends, then you will lose your credibility. They will eventually realize that you are there just to exploit the power of social media. They will either delete your name from their friends’ list or simply start ignoring your promotional messages.

So… These 4 ways can really kill your business. If you don’t want to ruin your credibility then, never spam, never try to fool your market with irrelevant titles, start caring about others and start talking to others as a human being, not a machine.

Image Credits: Intersection Consulting

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UK ecommerce forum October 7, 2010 - 1:38 pm
Nice share and really cool points, social media sites is a good marketing tool but you must first know how to go about it to utilize it effectively. Titles are great social media tool which can help a post or make it buried immediately..
Free Voip Calls October 7, 2010 - 9:42 pm
ha ha ha...i agree that you tend to get annoyed by the people following these tips..I mostly get irritated by people who use false titles just to attract others..errrr... lol..let me myself try some of these tips and check if my friends get annoyed..
Ben Johnson October 8, 2010 - 2:13 am
Go a head, and see what happens :)
Car Rental October 8, 2010 - 12:13 am
I can still see some competitors are spamming over the internet. they are not spamming in social media but black hat SEO. I have analyzed that sometimes Google does reward them even if they are spamming.
Property Marbella October 8, 2010 - 4:48 am
Hi Ben, One old rule say; You should give and help you friends more then you expect they are going to give back, but if somebody don’t help or give you anything back, then is he not your friend. Good article.
Slava October 8, 2010 - 5:16 am
Ben, "Start Spamming" There was quite an interesting turn of events recently, where a guy had been found guilty of spamming via Facebook. He has to pay about a billion dollars (at $100 per message he sent). Well, he wouldn't, because he's declaring bankruptcy. But still it's interesting that spamming in social networks is no longer just immoral, it's pretty much illegal (at least according to Canadian court). Google for "facebook billion spam" if you want details - there's a number of outlets covering the story.
Ben Johnson October 11, 2010 - 12:42 am
ya but he is a very poor guy :)
Andrew @ Blogging Guide October 8, 2010 - 5:59 am
Spamming is really the number one thing that annoys people, so we really have to be careful. And if making it illegal can hamper it then well and good. Every means should be taken to bring the number of spammers at a minimum.
Sam October 9, 2010 - 6:52 am
4 simple common sense thoughts. Unfortunately many out there do not adhere to all thus causing their downfall.
Software Development Company October 11, 2010 - 3:06 am
Social media is really good platform fro all but some are use fake email id and start spamming. Don't use these 4 methods.
used tires October 11, 2010 - 3:17 pm
Speaking of creating irrelevant titles, I see this all the time with videos on youtube... and it's really annoying... and often times afterwords you can tell the viewers have been annoyed too by looking at the Like to Dislike Ratio on the videos. Till then, Jean
Property October 18, 2010 - 6:22 am
User related information.Do the spam didn't effect sites
Ben Johnson October 22, 2010 - 12:15 am
Good to know about S.E.O Arizona :) New edition in my knowledge, thanks for that
Company Logo Design February 2, 2011 - 3:06 am
Very helpful and interesting post for social media marketers . I thinks its best way to promote your site.
Web Page Optimization October 12, 2011 - 5:56 pm
I can still see some competitors are spamming over the internet. they are not spamming in social media but black hat SEO. I have analyzed that sometimes Google does reward them even if they are spamming.
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