4 Ways to Boost Sales Using Social Media

Social media can be a very powerful tool for the success of any business. The following are some tips that can help you boost sales using social media.

1. Carry out some research

When it comes to research, you could start by investigating your competition. Find out what other businesses in your niche are doing in terms of social activity. Visit their sites or blogs and look for widgets linking to their social media profiles. Don’t just limit your search to businesses your size or even local businesses. You should also research larger companies and international businesses.

When you come across the profiles of several businesses, you can then start looking at their social activity in detail.

  • Do they post videos, images or links on their Facebook wall? Which posts attract the most comments or likes?
  • What kind of tweets do their followers retweet most frequently?
  • How detailed is their business profile on LinkedIn? Which services or products have they listed?

These insights will help you get ideas for your own social media campaign.

2. Have a plan

After research, you need to come up with a plan. What social media profiles will you create for your business? Who will manage them and how often updates will be made? Your plan should also include social media policy for your staff that will have profiles linked to the business.

What are they allowed to discuss? How are they expected to promote the business? A social media policy is vital especially if you are planning to allow your staff to administrate your Facebook page, reply to tweets or answer questions on LinkedIn groups.

3. Create great content

To increase the number of your followers and fans, you need to create great content which will grab the attention of prospective clients. However, make sure the content is not always about your products or services.

For instance, if your business offers SEO solutions, you can share content covering different SEO techniques. Your aim should be to educate your prospects using articles, blog posts, infographics or videos. If your content is valuable, potential clients are likely to get interested in what you have to offer.

4. Listen and interact

When it come to social media campaigns, interacting with people is very vital. You need to keep track of what people are saying about brand names, business or staff of your business. Services such as Google Alerts can notify you whenever your business is mentioned in other sites or on social media.

Anytime you see your brand or business mentioned, make sure you respond as soon as possible. Remember also to respond to comments or questions on your YouTube videos or Facebook wall. Businesses which handle complaints and problems efficiently and fast are perceived as more credible.

Image Credit: Telezent

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Grace August 20, 2012 - 6:12 am
Social Media is one of the most powerful way to boost your business online.You can share,post and comments anything through this social activities.Overall,your post is awesome and newsworthy.Thanks & keep it up.
Bhushan August 20, 2012 - 8:29 am
Blog commenting on high pr do follow sites is fast way to increase traffic and make your website rank higher.is not it???? social media can bring very good traffic with promotions here. and at last i want to say that content is gold....is not these???????????
Felicia @ No Deposit Poker August 21, 2012 - 5:07 am
I agree with #3, creating great content is a good way to keep your readers and to increase it as well, but of course, this does not mean that you should always make it a point to sell your products or offer your services in each post. Publishing articles that are relevant to your niche (and could be entertaining or helpful to your readers) gets them interested and therefore it will encourage them to visit your blog and even avail your products/services.
Jasmine August 21, 2012 - 10:26 pm
Love your writing, Charles. Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn are enjoying a huge amount of traffic, so naturally, they are great traffic sources, only 2nd to organic traffic from the search engines.
steve@Hire Php Programmer August 28, 2012 - 3:23 am
Nowadays, Social media is great and instant platform to connect with people and get traffic on your website. Social media websites have good amount of user traffic so if your content or ad has quality then definitely you will get good response from users.
custom stickers August 29, 2012 - 4:44 pm
You can brand your business via social media. It gives you a platform to share your updates about the business and make it popularize.
Alicia August 30, 2012 - 10:27 pm
Good article, Charles. I like your social media tips and hopefully these will help me to get more traffic to my website!
Nanvy @ CRM Software Solutions September 10, 2012 - 2:19 am
Social media has now become a very powerful tool to get success for any business and that's quite right. People are getting benefits from these social media sites and they are really worth.
Quality Seo Services October 31, 2012 - 9:33 pm
Social media marketing is an excellent platform to use when you want to build and maintain a strong presence in your industry. For a small business to take advantage of any social marketing campaign, it is important to focus on essential aspects in order to succeed.
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