5 Excellent Tips for Breaking Through Writer’s Block

When it is your job to be creative, you can be sure that you will encounter writer’s block now and then. No one is creative all of the time. If you are going to make your writing career into a successful business, then you will have to write even when it isn’t easy. Here are some excellent tips for those times when inspiration does not come easily.

1 ) Find an environment where you can write

Your office may not be the most inspiring place to write a great blog post or a fantastic article. I recommend finding a quiet place outdoors whenever you are in need of a fresh dose of  inspiration. Turn off your phone and anything else that takes your focus away from your writing.

2 ) Set your goals at a reasonable level for your state of mind

If you are feeling motivated and empowered, you will be able to accomplish even more than you set out to do. However, there will be days in which you will not feel like doing anything. You may be setting your goal for those days too high. It is better to do one task than nothing at all. If you know that you have only one task on your list, you may be able to relax enough to overcome writer’s block.

3 ) Get your brain moving by getting your body moving

Writers tend to spend a lot of time sitting and writing, that is a given. The trouble can start when we sit too much and our brain refuses to work. In order to get the blood flowing to your brain, you need to get up and move around. A daily routine would be ideal; even a fifteen minute walk at lunch will help. An hour at the gym would be even better.

4 ) Take control of negative thoughts

We all have times when we feel like nothing will ever go our way. When you allow your thoughts to dwell on those feelings of failure, you will begin to go down the road to failure. The good news is that you are in control of your thoughts. Train your mind to focus on all things positive. You can read success stories from ordinary people like yourself or you can look back at your own personal successes. Staying positive will go a long way towards breaking through writer’s block.

5 ) Start with your most difficult challenge

When you are having trouble with writer’s block, the solution does not involve warming up with answering emails. You will lose time and mental energy if you spend time on smaller tasks. It is better to start with the tough stuff while you are fresh and work on the easier stuff later.

It is important that you do not let the way you feel take control of your writing. When you are not at your best, you still must push through the mental block and write. If you can practice this kind of self discipline, you will be able to make your creativity profitable.

Image Credit: Monkey Traffic

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Richard October 14, 2010 - 10:33 pm
Hi Anna, Thanks for the tips. I tend to take my laptop to a local coffee shop to get the writer's blood flowing in me. For some reason it seems to have a writing atmosphere for me. But seriously, what actually helps me a lot is that I tend to brainstorm my topics a lot, and have a list of topics that I like to cover for the week and I continually add to it. So I generally have a backup topic to write about if I'm ever stuck.
WP Themes October 14, 2010 - 11:50 pm
I hate it as as soon as i go to bed, ideas are flushing into my mind. But when i'm in front of my laptop, i am always having the writer's block.
buy p90x October 15, 2010 - 3:06 am
Thanks for sharing these tips Anna. I often have writers block with my projects and it can be hard to overcome. I especially can relate you your last tip about doing the little task. I often times do the smaller tasks just because I dread the ones that require more thought and energy, and I see that this can really end up being a negative course of action. - Robert
Property Marbella October 16, 2010 - 8:30 am
Hi Anna, I using a other system, I write 4-6 articles at the same time in the same niche so I can reference to each other in the text and also links for SEO.
Promotional Products October 16, 2010 - 6:22 pm
These are some great tips for writers block. I often encounter this problem and have found that physical activity is a good tip for breaking through because you can get away from your project and let your mind wander.
Thu Nguyen October 16, 2010 - 10:25 pm
Great tips Anna, I definitely need to get moving when I have a lot on my mind. When I get into the writing mode, the best thing to do is make sure that you have enough energy to let it all out and I really like the active part as well as tackle the most difficult tasks first. Thanks for the share! Thu
Zarko@Practical SEO October 17, 2010 - 8:56 am
Great advice to overcome the block. personally I never had a serious writer's block, in most cases all I need to do is step away from my computer for a half an hour and take my dogs for a walk. After I come back I'm not only in the mood to write, but I also have tons of great ideas to write about :)
Anna from Auto Traffic Avalanche October 18, 2010 - 10:31 am
Hello, Anna. Great tips you have here, certainly very helpful to people who seem to have problems with getting over writer's block. I'd also recommend getting rid of clutter and distractions before writing. It's hard to focus and get some writing done with a messy desk and other things that will take one's focus away from writing.
Steve@Lifestyle Design October 18, 2010 - 1:25 pm
Very good hints on some awesome ways to bust through writers block. There are not many things worse than staring at that blinking cursor not knowing what to write next. Have a wonderful week!
Matthew Needham October 18, 2010 - 5:54 pm
Great tips here Ana, there's some really useful tips here. Sometimes I suffer from having too much stuff to write about, I find myself struggling to write. Thanks, Matthew
Felicia @ No Deposit Poker October 19, 2010 - 12:20 am
Hi Anna, Thank you for these great tips. These sure are ways on how to break through writers block. I tend to get distracted at work when there is noise coming from somewhere and wearing a headphone helps a lot in cancelling that.
Harsh Agrawal October 19, 2010 - 2:32 am
Hey Anna Some nice points here... When I get into Writers block situation, I usually stop writing and try to go out and do other social stuff apart from writing.. After some time I start reading feeds and go through my old posts....Most of the time it works for me and I get back into the mood of writing..
Murlu October 19, 2010 - 10:55 pm
The environment is one of my big things because I can easily write at home but often get bored - I'd then go to a friends but as soon as something's happening all productivity goes out the window haha. So yeah, you have to be able to find a spot that really gets you motivated to write and equally so in inspiration - throw up some new paint, keep a drawing board or poster, something to get your mind racing!
Kimi October 21, 2010 - 1:04 am
I love the #5! It really describes myself when i start something (in this case, blogging) I wanted to focus on something but at the end, i found myself just doing surfing without any productive result. I guess i need to more focus on what i am doing.
Matthew Needham October 22, 2010 - 5:28 pm
Great tips Anna. I really like the idea of getting moving about. If I have difficulty writing, I d something ele for 30 minutes, then try again. Sometimes works!
Jasmine October 25, 2010 - 3:54 am
Great tips here. Sometimes when I have writer's block, I just take a break and have a cup of coffee. The 10 minutes break is all I need to restart my engine... I guess coffee works wonders for me.
spindle repair November 21, 2010 - 8:23 pm
I find that writing near some body of water helps me out alot. The sound of nature relaxes me alot and helps me to concentrate more.
Melbourne real estate November 13, 2011 - 1:01 am
As a writer, its important to get inspired in order to produce fresh content. Each writer I feel, gets inspired in their own personal ways. I like reading stuffs from those writers who try to bring something fresh in each post, perhaps a new twist, a new perspective to an old topic or anything fresh.
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