5 Strategies to get a High Page Rank for your site in the next Google PR update

Google has been very generous to webmasters lately it’s done three Page Rank ( PR ) updates in the last six months, averaging one Page Rank ( PR ) update every 2 months. This blog went from PR 0 to PR 3 in the last six months.

My assumption is that the next update should be end of march or early april and here is what you need to do to increase your Page Rank (PR) when Google has its next update.

1 ) Influence keywords in your Anchor Text :

– Try to get inbound links where the actual words used to link include your target keywords.( ie. one of the target anchor text keyword is Internet Marketing Blog. You can have a different anchor text keyword link based on your niche and the keywords you want to rank for in Google. To get relevant keywords for your site you can use Wordtracker or Google Trends. I use Wordtracker for relevant keywords for my sites, it also helps me get long tail keywords for PPC campaigns.

When people link to you, the anchor text that they use helps your site rank well for the keyword that are in the anchor text. If you link to Wordtracker with the anchor text ” Keyword tool “, then the search engines believe that Wordtracker has a good chance of being a keyword tool.

And since influencing others is harder than simply writing copy, search engines feel comfortable trusting anchor text more than page copy.

2 ) Push your top performing pages with internal links

If you have items that are selling exceptionally well, but do not rank as well as you would like for the related keywords, you can help boost the rankings of those pages for the target keywords by linking to them more aggressively on your site using anchor text.

You can create a section named top sellers or My top picks. These could feature top selling items and be linked to aggressively from a high level page in your site. Or if you have a small site you can potentially link to your best selling items from every page on your site.

If you have categories that are under performing, consider linking to them less frequently so that more of your overall link equity flows into your top performing sections instead.

3 ) Submit rich keyword content to trusted sites
– Get relevant quality inbound links by submitting content to sites that are trusted by search engines. If you are a new site it may take a while for search engines to trust you as a website and rank your site for keywords, a faster way to get the trust of search engines is to get your content published on trusted domain sites.

I ve used the following sites to publish content for my blog these sites are valuable and trusted by the search engines. Publish articles based on the content of your site on Squidoo.com, Hubpages.com, ezinearticles.com .

Publishing content on these sites will give you faster access to indexing and ranking on Google.

4 ) Support cast of similar keywords :

– Support your main target keywords with a range of similar keywords – your supporting cast. These keywords show the search engines that your pages are real, and will bring you additional traffic.

Here is an example of how well mixed page title, meta description, h1 and h2 headings will impact your ranking :
Download Free Movie Reviews
h1 Best movie website rating h1

h2 Movie website with the largest movie site database h2

Notice the following:

– Usage of related phrases like site and website
– Singular and plural versions of movie
– Mixing the order of keywords.

5 ) Pick Keywords before you write Content

Use your target keywords in key places like your domain names, page title tags and file names. This means they are likely to be used as all important anchor text by other sites when they link to your site.

Domain Names :

– If your domain name is mywebsite.com then many people who mention you are going to link to you using mywebsite or my website as the anchor text. If your domain name is mybigwebsite.com then many people will link to you with my big website as the anchor text

Page Titles :
– For individual pages the page title tag acts similarly to the way in which a domain name influences site references. Many people who link tend to reference articles by their official name. If your article is entitles The History of My website, then people who see that are likely to link your site with that name as the anchor text.

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Donace January 14, 2009 - 5:04 pm
Very concise write up; though I would venture and say most of these points are more 'SEO' then PRO :p. Granted they are related, though one thing I would like to highlight is that yes try and optimise on all aspects HOWEVER the higher PR sites are there because they are useful. Write good targeted content; promote it and see the benefits, Donaces last blog post..Oh Spammer Spam ME!!!
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog January 15, 2009 - 5:41 pm
Fresh and relevant content does matter in getting indexed faster and as a result gaining PR , but without relevant link building your site will not increase PR with every update. If you want to get high PR every update then you must have a very aggressive linking strategy ZKs last blog post..5 Strategies to get high Page Rank for your website in the next Google update
Living on Adsense Blog January 14, 2009 - 5:54 pm
That's a pretty bad ass checklist. I have similar one, but this seems much better. As for Google be "generous" with it's PR updates, you can only consider it generous if you gain PR. My sites have seemed to lose PR. Google seems to hate me. Oh well, not everybody can like me... Living on Adsense Blogs last blog post..How to Combat the Oompa Loompa Sploggers
Ajith Edassery | Blog Money January 15, 2009 - 2:21 pm
Great post ZK. I guess along with the PR of homepage, one should worry about that of the internal pages as well for better search visibility. And most important thing: A lot of hard work we are putting for getting inbound links with keywords, comment luv, comments etc can backfire if somebody mark us spammers. So aggressive commenting, going after do follow blogs etc should be at a controlled pace and at the right type of blogs. Ajith Edassery | Blog Moneys last blog post..Search User: Shift in Paradigm and New SEO Requirements
Sherry January 15, 2009 - 9:11 pm
I am very poor in keywords, I think that is one reason my blogs are less visitors. Sherrys last blog post..Clinique skincare product
Dennis Edell January 16, 2009 - 6:25 pm
As per #1, it's a great theory but controlling what anchors are used when others link to you could prove very troubling at best. I mean, if you buy a review then you may have some say in anchor text, but if someone just links to you for the hell of it do you actually go back to them and ASK for the anchor insertion afterward? Your thoughts... Dennis Edells last blog post..Blogroll Effectiveness - What Do You Think?
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog January 17, 2009 - 2:51 pm
Hi Dennis, You are absolutely right in a way and this can be controlled to an extent. If someone links to your site you don't have much control over anchor links, thats where your domain name, your page titles and your logo / branding will play an important role. It will tell the site owner what your site stands for and that could be critical in getting your anchor text links. In most cases the sites that link back will anchor your domain name , its critical to have a domain name that represents what your site is about. However we can argue over the fact that there are sites that have done well inspite of domain names that dont mean anything. ZKs last blog post..5 Strategies to get high Page Rank for your website in the next Google update
Dennis Edell January 17, 2009 - 4:25 pm
Hmm, like Google? LOL! Kidding aside though, that's true and you hope the linker takes a minute to actually think of the anchor text of the linkee. Dennis Edells last blog post..Blogroll Effectiveness - What Do You Think?
Work At Home Blog February 14, 2009 - 9:13 am
Dennis, You have a point. That's why it's good to start some contextual link exchanges with few friends and you can suggest your anchor text with them. It's a win win. I do this with some friends and to make it seem natural we do it periodically. Peter Lee Work At Home Blogs last blog post..Here’s A Smarter Link Building Strategy To Get Top Search Engine Ranking
Donny Gamble January 17, 2009 - 1:50 pm
I definitely would like my page rank to increase to a pr 4 for the next update, so I will try to initiate some of these tactics to try to increase my changes of getting a higher pr Donny Gambles last blog post..Why I Don’t Believe in Dofollow Comments
Pheak Tol January 17, 2009 - 2:37 pm
My blog has only existed for a few months, started at the end of november and beginning of december, I noticed that I got a page rank of 1 after only a couple of weeks. I did however implemente some SEO tactics (non black hat) to help me with my keywords and indexing. I think that played a major part of my pagerank from 0 to 1 in only two weeks. I'm hoping to get another gain in page rank real soon so good luck to myself and others that is hoping to gain in page rank. I like how you modified this theme to your own kind. I was too lazy to do anything else, i like the original color green so i kept it at that, didnt change much but you did a good job on it. Pheak Tols last blog post..Exposing My Google Stalker
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog January 17, 2009 - 2:52 pm
Thanks Pheak Tol I am glad you liked this theme :) ZKs last blog post..5 Strategies to get high Page Rank for your website in the next Google update
Thompson Outdoor Sports Gear January 18, 2009 - 5:44 am
Thank you for sharing such useful tips. It's one of my dreams for my website to get to the top in Google. But I don't want to try so hard lest I get frustrated. So I'm just dong everything I can to help my site. Many thanks again.
Imran Hasan January 19, 2009 - 12:42 am
thanks for the tips. i think these tips will help people like me(new blogger) up to some extent Imran Hasans last blog post..Zero Interest Credit Cards: Do They Exist?
akshob January 21, 2009 - 11:25 am
A very good tool for counting your external links with dofollow is Site link analyzer from SeoChat. The number of external links is just one factor for a PR evaluation. Good tips about keywords for boosting PR. Thank you. Great post ZK. Akshob http://www.p2w2.com/akshob
HowToSpotACanadian January 21, 2009 - 12:58 pm
One of the problems I've found with my own site is that it's a niche that doesn't contain many other sites, so it's very hard to get relevant links back. Any suggestions? HowToSpotACanadians last blog post..They Have Retail Stores That Print Their Own Money
ZK@Internet Marketing blog January 21, 2009 - 4:36 pm
- If you are serious about blogging and growth of your site move to wordpress and have your own hosting. - You have a great concept, you need to post articles that people will find interesting ( ie. I have seen a lot of Canada related funny T shirts ...that could be a post for your blog. ) , if your articles are good bloggers will start to post them on their blogs giving you a link back. - Get crazy social bookmarking ( ie. digg , stumble upon ) - Submit articles to different article submission directories ( ie. ezinearticles.com ) with a link back to your site. - Make a squidoo lens and a hub page based on the theme of your site and link it back to your site with relevant anchor text ( the keyword you want to rank on Google ) - Get listed in high PR directories, they still work in gaining PR. - Create signatures in forums and take part in forum discussions, your signature will act as a backlink to your site If you implement the above your site will see an increase in PR in the next update. ZKs last blog post..Professional Web Template Designs from Template Kingdom
Donace January 21, 2009 - 1:21 pm
@ HowToSpotACanadians! I saw your name and question and had to comment! Not a lot of blogs in your niche eh :p though on a serious point; the best way to grow links for a site such as yours is social media. Comedy works well on sites such as propeller, digg, stumbleupon and ...well most social media sites. SO target them and you'll get good traffic and links (due to exposure). Donaces last blog post..Windows XP Registry Tweaks
ZK@Internet Marketing blog January 21, 2009 - 4:40 pm
Yes, Social media is good for exposure and backlinks , thanks for your valuable comments Donace :) ZKs last blog post..Professional Web Template Designs from Template Kingdom
real estate broker philippines January 22, 2009 - 12:26 am
thanks for posting such useful tips...=) real estate broker philippiness last blog post..JP Morgan adds 6,000 seats to BPO facility in RP
chuckiesd January 22, 2009 - 1:14 am
That the thing that i do right now. LINK Building. I make it posting a comment to other blog and put my link to the Forum. It really cool. Thanks for sharing an info
HowToSpotACanadian January 22, 2009 - 1:55 pm
Thanks for the tips. I submitted by site (http://www.howtospotacanadian.ca) to several social media sites and I'm already getting increased traffic. HowToSpotACanadians last blog post..Sewing a Canadian Flag on a Backpack is their idea of Blatant Patriotism
DomoBlogger January 25, 2009 - 7:00 pm
Thank you for sharing! Your advises will be very helpful for me. I don't think that Page Rank is about keywords only, but in reality right words are right base for SEO in general.
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog January 25, 2009 - 7:26 pm
Hi Domoblogger, you are right PR is related to inbound linking, but the right keywords will help you get higher on search engine results and boost your PR. ZKs last blog post..Professional Web Template Designs from Template Kingdom
funweekz February 9, 2009 - 11:51 am
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funweekz February 9, 2009 - 11:56 am
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Oliver@Free PS3 February 13, 2009 - 6:19 pm
Yep, I got a really nice PR hit recently too! Although, you know what they say, your PR doesn't really matter that much, only for links that are coming off your site! :)
Zaslony March 3, 2009 - 3:45 am
Using keywords won't change your PageRank. It will help you rank better in Google or Yahoo but increasing PageRank has nothing to do with anchors of links.
ankit@Christian Counseling Dallas March 13, 2009 - 4:32 am
Getting a high pr is not a simple thing to do.A lot of efforts are required for do this,But it can be achieved by proper & good efforts.
ankit@Michelle Obama March 13, 2009 - 4:35 am
Nice post.I like that.thanks.
Graphic Competitions April 14, 2009 - 3:56 pm
I got a really nice PR hit recently too! thanks for giving this nice information..
Nicholas Halmond April 16, 2009 - 6:09 pm
I am going to be using these to get a high PR in the next Google update , great blog on seo and web marketing
http://freewinmxdownloadsnocreditcards.blogspot.com/ May 2, 2009 - 6:26 am
This is really nice very helpful article, who ever is interesting to get higher page ranks of their web pages using their desire keywords
Page Rank Checker May 4, 2009 - 10:09 am
Very well written post however, I would recommend that you turn the No Follow off in your comment section. Keep up the good work.
Pagerank Checker May 26, 2009 - 2:23 pm
Finally someone who can write a good blog ! . This is the kind of information that is useful to those want to increase their SERP's. I loved your post and will be telling others about it. Subscribing to your RSS feed now. Thanks
seoman@SEO June 17, 2009 - 1:22 am
I totally agree with you.Ranking well in search for important keywords/phrases is far more important that the number shown in the Google toolbar for PageRank. What matters is the relevance and trustworthiness of the incoming links
SW @ Squidoo Lens June 21, 2009 - 2:00 am
So finally you have used cream products to get the backlinks for your blog. Squidoo is one of them. Certainly now a days you will have to take the help of web 2.0 to get well rank.
kitchen taps August 13, 2009 - 5:59 am
Its good to have a high pr of the site. It gauges the importance of your web page but the rank in SERPs is the most important to your site than the PR.
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norfolk web design November 24, 2009 - 10:15 pm
i'm in the process of doing this and this info helps a lot. I'm looking forward to the next update!
jimmypage@cong xep April 25, 2010 - 12:25 pm
Really great tips. But, just wondering the #3 "Submit rich keyword content to trusted sites" , trusted sites here is meaning a good quality site - good neighbour sites link to my site ? Thanks for share! cong xep , ban laptop
Barbara Weir August 24, 2010 - 12:33 am
I agreed with you ZK for this information post and explanation of these factors. Keyword rich, informative and unique content is a big factor that involved in getting good PR.
Jelly Roll Fabrics November 26, 2010 - 7:40 am
Thanks for this. I have been working at this stuff for over a year, and although I've had some real success with some of the things I've done, a lot of this whole ranking and traffic business is still a mystery to me. I've just opened ALL the other Related Post links before this article... time to get reading, ha!
World Designs December 3, 2010 - 5:09 pm
Thanks for writing this article. It was very helpful. I'm going to work on #4 to create similar keywords. I didn't know that that would be picked up by search engines.

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