5 ways to build your Blog Authority

This is a guest post by Onibalusi Bamidele.

Having an authority blog or simply put; building an authority blog is not a prerequisite for making money blogging but being an authority blogger will surely make a difference and will help you achieve more greater things than you can believe.

Becoming an authority blogger is not easy, but following the steps below can make a huge difference.

1) Passion: Having passion in what you do is very important to achieving success let alone what you want to be an authority on. It is very important to have passion for your blog; you should be able to blog based on your passion and not just because of the monetary gains because this will help you achieve success more easily.

Blogging is not that easy because things might not sometimes work as you expected but having passion for your blog will make sure you are always blogging without discouragement. Your passion will also be reflected in your work, I mean in your post. Your passion for your blog will also be reflected in how you interact with your readers, how you relate with other bloggers and how you market and promote your blog

2) Vision: We all know what it means to be an authority; you hardly can be an authority without having a goal. What is your goal? Is your goal just to be making the same amount of money you made last month (maybe with a little increase) or maybe to be getting the same type of traffic you were getting last month. It is good to have a goal, because your goal helps you to work hard and it also keeps you motivated towards achieving it.

You have a goal, the next thing will be to achieve it. Not having a goal will just make sure you work anyhow and even sometimes neglect important opportunities because you don’t know where you are going. A goal is truly important, but it is also more important to know the type of goals you set, do not set goals that are too overwhelming and also don’t set goals that are too limiting. Let there be a balance between how you set your goals.

3) Action: Glad to know you have passion, glad to know you have a goal, but your goal is “nothing” without you taking steps to achieve it. You might dream of being a world star, you might dream of being a billionaire, you might have the best type of dream humans can ever have but not taking action makes your goal nothing. You have to take action; you have to work towards achieving your goals. You don’t know who you are until you implement what you know. Take Action today.

4) Research: You know who we call an authority? You have to constantly research, not just browsing through some points on a website, you have to effectively consult various trusted sources to verify any information you have before giving it to your readers because they know you as an authority so they believe anything they hear from you as “final” and the ultimate truth.

5) Confidence: As an authority blogger, you should be able to talk with confidence, let your blog posts reflect the confidence you have in what you are saying, you wouldn’t just want to go out there and be saying things because others are saying it, even if you have a different opinion from that of every other blogger in your niche, speaking with confidence will help you achieve great results, because all what you say is “yeah! and amen” i.e. so be it.

Let your confidence reflect in how you relate and interact with your readers, it is very important to have confidence in what you say in order to be a blogging authority

This is a guest post by Onibalusi Bamidele is a young entrepreneur, he blogs at Young Pre Pro. Get his free ebook on how to build a successful website . Contact us if you want to guest post on this blog.

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Yudhi April 25, 2010 - 10:25 am
Waoow...very - very greatr tips, nice post, thank you
Onibalusi Bamidele April 26, 2010 - 3:36 am
Hi, Thanks a lot for your nice comment, I really appreciate it. Onibalusi .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 Things to do to Achieve Blogging Success =-.
Julius April 25, 2010 - 7:24 pm
I often write down my goals and the steps I need to take for my actions. This helps me to stay on track and reminds me to keep focus when other activities distract me. .-= Julius´s last blog ..Why Is Braille on Drive-Through ATMs? =-.
Onibalusi Bamidele April 26, 2010 - 3:40 am
Hi, That is great! keeping track of your goals helps you achieve even more. Thanks for the nice comment. Onibalusi .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 Things to do to Achieve Blogging Success =-.
Kennedy April 25, 2010 - 9:37 pm
Really Great Tips. It is useful for each and everyone.
Onibalusi Bamidele April 26, 2010 - 3:41 am
Yeah! exactly! Thanks a lot for the nice comment. .-= Onibalusi Bamidele´s last blog ..7 Things to do to Achieve Blogging Success =-.
Dump Trucks April 26, 2010 - 1:17 am
Authority means invention, advice, opinion, influence, or command. Usually authority has components of both compulsion and persuasion. Authority is the capacity, innate or acquired for exercising ascendancy over a group. Really your post about the blog authority is really a helping desk for blog owners.
sesli panel April 26, 2010 - 3:04 am
Tweets that mention 5 ways to build your Blog Authority | Web Marketing Blog -- Topsy.com
Dev | Technshare April 26, 2010 - 4:23 am
Hey Onibalusi !! These are really some great tips bud :) thanks for sharing ..!!! You're doing really a great job !! Keep at it :D .-= Dev | Technshare´s last blog ..Top 20 Young Entrepreneur Blogs =-.
Greeting Cards April 26, 2010 - 6:40 am
Also your industry reputation will help build your blog authority. Know what you are writing about !
Davits April 28, 2010 - 12:16 am
Good point of authority blog. It's different and unique information about blog.
Pdf to word Converter April 28, 2010 - 3:49 am
Very Nice information we will follow these rules to build our blogs.
Wealth Education May 5, 2010 - 2:08 am
Hi Onibalusi, I am becoming one of your followers man. Very nice article and your blog is great too. Keep it up!
Banner Design May 6, 2010 - 3:10 am
Excellent tips. The matter of having confidence, I especially agree with that because once you make sure to know a lot about the topics covered on your blog, the web readers too would feel the confidence in you and continue following the points. Word of the mouth too is very important regarding promoting and running cool blogs.
Banner Design June 25, 2010 - 6:29 am
Yup banner design said right that the word of mouth is also the important but to spread this in the whole globe then you must have to go for e-marketing.
Compare Excel Formula July 19, 2010 - 3:32 am
very nice tips on how to build blogs.

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