6 Local SEO Tips to Optimize your Business

There was a time, just two short decades ago, when consumers looking for a professional turned to only one of two places: the Yellow Pages and Word of Mouth.

If someone wanted an attorney, a dentist, or a tax preparer, they asked around with friends and family. If no one had a recommendation, they opened the phone book and called around.

Things are different today.

The Yellow Pages have become antiquated. Today, more than 65% of consumers looking for professional businesses start online. Of those, the overwhelming majority get your business moving up the rankings toward those coveted top spots:

1 ) Generate locally-relevant content.
– Having a blog on your website is a great way to accomplish several marketing tasks. First of all, it becomes a forum where you can boost your local SEO rankings.

2 ) Garner inbound links from other local websites.
– Having a link to your website from the local Chamber of Commerce, Visitor’s Bureau, or even a local business review website can help with your local SEO.

Not only will these links help your SEO rankings, you’ll also Google+ when it comes to search results. If you don’t have a profile for your business on each of those four major social media sites, you should consider creating one.

There are a number of tools out there you can use to consolidate content across your social media sites, so that you don’t have to update four different sites every time you want to say something.

Image Credit: Jamies Rabbits

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Felicia @ PokerStars Leaderboard June 2, 2012 - 12:22 pm
If you are trying to gain local readers, it is important that you focus on local important events that people may want to know more about. However, if you are focusing on a more international audience, then concentrate on world events or things that may interest a certain group of people. Blog commenting on local websites may be a good way of redirecting local traffic to your site.
Traffic June 4, 2012 - 11:34 am
Thanks for contributing Felicia. Talking about local events and getting involved in the online conversation about these local events is a great opportunity.
Google plus business July 5, 2012 - 9:22 pm
Well, exactly its a great opportunity for local business whose trying to get local marketing. And besides, its a basic rule when it comes promoting business. Know your category first.
IQUEST IT Recruitment June 3, 2012 - 12:33 pm
SEO is cost effective tool of internet marketing. Bing and Yahoo also have local business listings, so companies should claim/create those also. I would recommend people visit getlisted.org for a free and quick way to manage their local listings among pertinent engines and directories. Thanks a ton for these helpful tips.
Traffic June 4, 2012 - 11:35 am
GetListed.org is a solid tool - a great first step to know where you're at with local business listings.
Johndeveloper June 4, 2012 - 3:39 am
Really Great tips.SEO is an ongoing activity that needs to be continuously performed to make sure you are on the top.Thanks for sharing.
Traffic June 4, 2012 - 11:35 am
Thanks John- Yes, SEO is an ongoing tactic that should be pursued over time. It's definitely not a one and done tactic.
worth June 4, 2012 - 4:54 am
Great tips. Seo is very important to get high page rank of your website and famous in the world. but seo is not stop when your site on top of first page of search engine. if you hands up, your site will go down.
Traffic June 4, 2012 - 11:36 am
Yes, SEO is important. Best of luck with your site!
Nick Stamoulis June 5, 2012 - 9:57 am
It's important for local businesses to create local profiles with the big 3 search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo! It's free to sign up and improves a search engine presence for a local search.
Madeleine June 6, 2012 - 5:23 am
Many tips on local search state claiming a Google Places page, but one shouldn't stop with just claiming a page. Updating your profiles is just as important, can even help maintain a good ranking in the search results.
online marketing solution June 6, 2012 - 6:17 am
Link building is a powerful way to get your website higher up the search engine and is the process of building quality, relevant links to your website which get traffic to your site. Tips are so useful to get more traffic.
iPhone Application Development June 7, 2012 - 9:22 am
Hii Traffic, thanks for the post. These tips are really very effective. SEO is really very important for getting high PR. If we do this continuously then our PR will increase otherwise our site will go down. Link Building is most powerful way of getting high PR. Writing a Quality Content is also very important. If our content is not Quality Content then no one take interest to read this. If our content is quality content then we get more traffic.
Melisa L. June 7, 2012 - 2:48 pm
Keeping your information up to date everywhere; social media profiles, business directories, etc. is very important. It's frustrating to find a company that offers the services you're looking for only to find their website is down and their phone is no longer in service. (All because they never updated their information.)
JD Edwards Lists June 12, 2012 - 8:08 am
Great tips. Seo is very important to get high page rank of your website and famous in the world. but seo should not stop when your site gets on top of first page of search engines. .. .
Wordpress Developer June 13, 2012 - 2:52 am
search engine optimization made simple. . . The step up towards buissness development
We Buy Houses June 13, 2012 - 11:25 am
This is very nice SEO tips.! I think this is gonna help for the google update. Thanks a lot for the tips.. :)
Marketing Companies August 18, 2012 - 4:52 am
Every businesses, whether big or small, can take help of the online tools to perk up their exposure and increase their customer base. SEO is a helpful technique to improve your business by these useful methods. Thanks.
Linda@dns server setup August 30, 2012 - 1:28 am
These cool SEO tips will help me to optimize my business even more efficiently. Thanks for the useful tips :)
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