6 Tools to Help You Share Great Social Media Content

Smart businesses know that social media is a power to be reckoned with as social media channels creates a direct line of communication between your company and consumers, and they give anyone with an Internet connection instant access to the latest buzz around your products or services.

According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites. And according to Social Media Examiner, 97% of marketers are currently participating in social media—but 85% of participants aren’t sure what social media tools are the best to use.

This write up gives a clear cut information on which tools will help you share great social media content.

1 – SocialBro
The number-one marketing platform for Twitter, SocialBro maps community engagement on a simple graph. This is a tool made for businesses with the goal of monetizing their followings. This will show how your followers online are interacting. It is been used for direct message campaigns and to know about webinars and other opportunities.

2 – Tweetdeck
Tweetdeck aims to maximize reach. It enables users to split their main feed into topic or group specific columns allowing a broader overview of tweets. With its customizable dashboard, users can schedule future tweets and monitor activity across several accounts — all at a glance.

3 – LikeAnalyzer
As the name suggests, LikeAlyzer analyzes Facebook pages, generating reports highlighting areas for improvement. This tool is an invaluable resource for businesses new to social media. The page-rank section allows business to see how they stack up against similar brands and by industry standards.

4 – MyTopTweet
A quick-and-easy Twitter analytics tool, MyTopTweet shows you the top 10 tweets for any Twitter user you wish. The Top 10 is ranked according to number of retweets. It’s quite useful to see your own top tweets as well as the content that has done well for others in your industry.

5 – Word Press
Word Press is arguably the simplest way to add a blog to a LinkedIn account, which will attract more connections through content. Word Press is responsible for 23 percent of webpages on the net.

6 – Keyhole
For hashtag campaign tracking, Keyhole offers a wealth of statistics that can help you sort the popularity and success of a branded hashtag or any other hashtag you choose. You can save a hashtag search so you can quickly and easily refer to it later on.

Some of the advantages of using these tools are:
– Increased brand recognition
– Find new customers & expands audience
– Easy understanding about audience
– Helps to target audiences more effectively
– Instant feedback from consumers
Higher conversion rates
– Increased inbound traffic
– Decreased marketing costs
Better search engine rankings
– Improved consumer insights

Maximize your social media impact by using these tools while sharing social media contents.

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1 comment

Mohd Arif January 2, 2016 - 2:03 am
Social media is a great place for drive instance traffic on website, but we need engagement on social media and this problem solve many platform like you given here some great online tool which playing great role in social media.. thanks for share this post..
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