7 SEO Tips To Help You Outrank Your Competition

So let’s say you have already set up a blog for your business. What should you do next? Competition is always going to be a part of doing business, especially online.

Everyone is trying to take a piece of the market for themselves, so you will need to fight back to out-rank them and keep yourself successful.

To help you achieve your goals, we are going to go over 7 tips that will help you out rank your competition.

Don’t Use any Black Hat Tactics

While it might seem like a good idea to use some bad methods to rank higher, don’t do it. It will just end up coming back around and hurting you in the long run. The more time and effort you put in ranking the legitimate way, the more successful you will be. Even if you see your competitors using bad techniques, don’t follow in their footsteps. They will be dropped down by the search engines soon enough.

Research Your Competition

One thing you will need to do in order to get ahead of your competitors is to know what they are doing. There are plenty of tools out there that can provide enough information about your competition to let you know what kind of strategies they are using and how they are able to rank and attract traffic. The more information you know, the better you will be. You can also use this information to form your own strategy or get some new ideas.

Quality Content

You should be providing better content than all of your competitors. The better quality content, the more people you will attract and the higher you will rank. Search engines will always love new, unique, and quality stuff, so don’t rush or cut corners when you are making content you are about to post.

Bad content will just make you have increased bounce rates, less authority, and less loyal viewers. It also gives your competitors a much bigger advantage over you.

Healthy Link Profile

Having a healthy link profile is an essential part of SEO and will require a lot of time and dedication. The more links that you have pointing to your website from relevant and quality websites, the better. Over the last few Google updates, they have changed up the way they treat links.

Since so many people were abusing them and spamming them to places they didn’t belong, Google decided to start punishing people. This is just another example of how using bad SEO techniques will come back and haunt you.

You want to keep all of your links to relevant websites, use good keywords that are not misleading, and only post your links on sites that have good authority. Basically, if you look at your link and it doesn’t look natural, it shouldn’t be posted there. The more value your link brings to the page, the better it will be seen in the eyes of search engines.

In depth Keyword Research

Keyword research is more important than ever. You will need to target specific terms to outrank your competitors and keep targeting the right audience. Without the targeted traffic that keywords bring, search engine optimization would be much less effective, so make sure and get your keywords right.

Have More Authority
The longer you post content and get traffic, the higher your authority gets. When your authority is higher, it is much easier to rank then it would be if you didn’t have much. So you should be doing everything in your power to gain more authority within your niche. Also, the higher your authority, the more people will trust you, increasing traffic, which will help with rankings as well.

Internal Links

Internal links are not just for in-house navigation. They provide spiders with additional ways to crawl through your site, increase traffic to your newer content, and help decrease bounce rates. All of which, helps your rank. You should only be using internal links with relevant pages.

Usually if a website is niche specific, it doesn’t matter to much where you put the links. If your website has many different subjects or product types, then you are going to want to only put internal links where they bring value to your visitors.

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Web Designer London November 13, 2013 - 9:16 am
Nice post. Having quality content that is well linked will really work.
Ankara Internet Bilisim & SEO Danismanligi November 13, 2013 - 9:17 am
Wonderful webpage. I try to learn how is optimizing a web page. This site is helping me so much. Backlinks are important for me. I can learn more about SEO from here. Thank you very much.
Tech Fusion November 13, 2013 - 9:26 am
I read through your article attentively and came to know more about SEO strategy. Can you tell me what keyword research tool is best? Thanks for your nice sharing.
Sagar Nandwani November 13, 2013 - 11:15 am
Great tips. SEO is getting more famous slowly and you need to make the difference in order to take full advantage of it. These tools will definitely help me a lot!
Sohail November 15, 2013 - 1:07 am
Yes you are right using black hat technique will only results in bad ranking of our blog or may be leads to banning of our site. The rest of the tips are also helpful. thanks
Rew November 23, 2013 - 9:53 am
Great simple post. I honestly think people put way too much thought into SEO. I see huge books on the subject and I think it scares a lot of people. SEO can be boiled down to a few simple principles and I think you've hit on all of them. This post could also be titles "What is SEO?" Its not really that hard. Basically, content, keywords, and links. You've hit on how to do those correctly.
online shop November 24, 2013 - 11:30 pm
in onpage seo techniques I apply but I've got a problem in offpage techniques including backlinks is very difficult to get backlinks to increase pagerank ask her advice
yathav November 25, 2013 - 4:54 am
easy ,clean,well need tips for me. thank you ALANLUCASON . its really helpful for me to built a seo check list. and i will be happy if you mention something more about authority.
Samir November 25, 2013 - 2:45 pm
Hello, Well there is no doubt that quality content is really important to outrank the competitors. Second thing is we must provide unique information and research is also important. thanks
Ashish November 26, 2013 - 12:29 pm
Research Your Competition is the main point to outrank our competitor and get more traffic. There are several tools to spy on competitors and check their stats. The tips are really informative and helpful. Thanks
August November 27, 2013 - 9:01 am
New bloggers might be tempted to use black hat SEO just to rank higher. Thanks for sharing these tips.
Anurag December 3, 2013 - 2:41 am
Quality content is always the master at the end of the day for your traffic and authority for the blog. Other than content and building honest links, I feel deep keyword research is also very important to rank higher and bring targeted traffic to your blog. And always target your content and hard work for your regular readers and not just for the search engine :)
Naveen Kulkarni December 5, 2013 - 9:47 am
Great tips. Black hat tricks may get you lots of links fast, but it's not tough for Google to spot them and push the site miles away from page 1.
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