8 Tips for Effective Site Submission to Directories

Not too long ago directories were supposed to be the fastest way to increase your backlinks. All you had to do was submit your site to a few of them and watch your site move up the ranking and gain high PR.

That’s not the case now with Google having changed their algo to devalue site ranking for these directories. So are all directories devalued ? Of course not but most of the free directories are MFA ( Made for Adsense ) sites and spam sites. They lack the authority that Google values to list your site ranking.

Most sites that have Authority Status have moved to a paid model to list site rankings. It is a worthwhile investment to list your site on paid directories that have Authority than waste time submitting your site to free directories.

Below are 8 tips for effective site submission to directories.

1 ) Avoid paying for automated submissions :

Avoid paying a directory submission service company that promises to submit your site to hundreds of directories. The automated service submissions do nothing but devalue your site links on Google. Look for a submission service that does manual link building activities. Google values natural and manual link building activities.

2 ) Pay for Authoritative directories listing :

If you want to build a long and strong online business I recommend that you pay for top authoritative sites, you can easily drop a few hundred dollars on this initiative but its a good investment that will make your site very sold on Google and will increase ranking and PR very fast.

3) Keep a tab of your submission directories :

Make an excel sheet and note the directories your site has been submitted to, don’t keep submitting your site over and over again to the same directories until the directory blacklist your site. Many times website owners are not aware that their site has been blacklisted.

4 )  Use Effective Anchor Text :

When you submit your site to directories use effective anchor text. Never use the same anchor text again and again. Use several related keywords for anchor text to point back to your site.

5 )  Phase your site submissions :

Submit your site to many directories at the same time in a phased manner. When Google bot finds lots of back links pointing to your site over a period of time its going to value your site. An automated software submission will affect your ranking as it will submit to all sites in one shot.

6)  Submit to Page Ranked directories :

Ensure that you submit to only Page Ranked directories ( higher the better ) to maximize your submission effort.

7 ) Use descriptive site descriptions :

– Take time to draft a descriptive submission for your site, if possible draft a few alternatives descriptors while submitting to directories to avoid duplication.

8 ) Submit to deep directories :

– Ensure that you also submit pages to directories ie. if you have a site on health include sub pages on Men’s Health , Women’s Health – submit your inner pages to directories for maximum benefit.

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Ben - frogstr.com October 8, 2008 - 8:06 am
Good tips. I usually pay for a manual submission package on DigitalPoint for my directories submission and it works great. I can usually find a package like 1000 submissions for 10$. I don't think it's worth doing it myself considering the time it takes...My time is worth more than 10$ ;) Ben - frogstr.coms last blog post..Do I look like a comment bitch?
Danny Cooper October 8, 2008 - 11:20 am
I also pay for manual submissions, quick easy way to gain some backlinks. Danny Coopers last blog post..Nofollow, Dofollow - What the hell?!
John @ Maryland Real Estate October 8, 2008 - 11:55 am
Really good tips however I believe Google is no longer giving that much credit for links coming back from directories. Your time might be better spent elsewhere. Johns last blog post..Baltimore Real Estate
matrigaldo October 8, 2008 - 12:51 pm
I found your article extremely interesting. I've made the mistake to pay a company for automatic submission and i have reached better results with manual submissions paying less.
Gatwick Parking October 8, 2008 - 3:29 pm
I must admit that the tips here on your site are great, I found them very useful and I will continue to use them, Thanks
ZK October 8, 2008 - 4:47 pm
Hi Ben : I also outsource this activity , but you need to be cautious on forums , I ve recent got scammed Hi Danny : You are right , its an easy way to get backlinks Hi John : The activl give you back links, your links will be valued much higher from high PR sites and blogs. Hi Matrigaldo : Thanks for dropping here, hope to see you often Hi Gatwick : Welcome to the community, I am happy you liked the post. Hope to see you here often. ZKs last blog post..8 Tips for Effective Site Submission to Directories
ChiQ Montes October 8, 2008 - 6:49 pm
I have stopped submitting to directories.. i believe it is not that effective anymore. the only ones that matters in my opinion is dmoz. ChiQ Montess last blog post..Make Money Online: Creating Content Niche Sites
Jeremiah Cooper October 8, 2008 - 9:13 pm
Well worded, great read. Directories have been very devalued recently and I definitely think that manual submission is your best bet. I also suggest that you use ZK himself to do your submissions, he does a good job.
Salwa October 9, 2008 - 1:41 am
Great tips. thanks Salwas last blog post..Why You’re Not Blogging – and Why You Should Start Today!
ZK October 9, 2008 - 11:32 am
Hi ChiQ : Nice to have you here :) , I recommend using directories to strengthen site back links in Google. Hi Jeremiah : Manual submission in a phased manner is effective. Hi Salwa : Thanks for your comments :) ZKs last blog post..8 Tips for Effective Site Submission to Directories
Rajaie AlKorani @ Do-Follow Blogs October 9, 2008 - 1:40 pm
Nice post. It always bugs me when I see people on DigitalPoint offering submission services to hundreds of sites. They promise all sorts of crap and eventually rip off some newbie :( Rajaie AlKoranis last blog post..Fame, Fortune, or Fun - Why Do You Blog?
Joan Yankowitz October 9, 2008 - 4:07 pm
Great tips. I just wanted to clarify your statement: "An automated software submission will affect your ranking as it will submit to all sites in one shot." Your ranking will be adversely affected with automated submissions. Otherwise, terrific points. Thanks! Joan Yankowitzs last blog post..Get Joel Comm’s AdSense Secrets for Free
ZK October 9, 2008 - 8:50 pm
Hi Rajaie :Submission services is a business model for a lot of freelancers. Hi Joan : Thanks for the correction , I actually meant that :)
mila October 10, 2008 - 4:19 am
Very useful tips indeed. Thanks for sharing. I am sure many will use them in directory submission, although i personally don't prefer it, because it is very time consuming and returns are very little, if there are any at all. It is very hard to find quality directories this days...
Adam - Creadiv.com October 10, 2008 - 7:30 am
Paying for submission to link directories is something that is an after thought for me. I mean there are so many free and legitimate ways to develop strong back links I would rather spend my time building those than spend my money building others. A good post with good tips though I will be sure to check back if I ever do decide to get into submitting to directories. Adam - Creadiv.coms last blog post..Answer Session 1
Rajeev Edmonds October 12, 2008 - 10:51 pm
I normally do not submit my blog to directories and try to gather back links the other way. These are very useful and informative tips for directory submission. I think I should explore this option too. Rajeev Edmondss last blog post..10+ Best Discussion Forums For Bloggers
Yan@Blog for Beginners October 17, 2008 - 9:17 am
I don't know..perhaps it's just me but I don't see directory submission to be worth all the effort. I'd wouldn't mind to pay a small price to outsource the work though... Anyway, thanks for the share... Yan Yans last blog post..The Art of Writing Catchy Articles
Mayank@ World Travel Guide October 21, 2008 - 7:25 am
I have submitted my website to several directories and they have accpeted my website but Google Webmaster does not shows any backlinks from these websites.
Ganesh October 22, 2008 - 6:24 am
I have never tried directory submissions. I depend upon comments for most of my traffic and backlinks. Ganeshs last blog post..Blog About What You Love and You Will Succeed
Ben Pei October 22, 2008 - 12:36 pm
I believe one thing to avoid is submitting to too many in one day.. Google hates that Ben Peis last blog post..A Great Idea To Blogging Is No Longer Enough
Directory Submission Blogger October 23, 2008 - 2:04 pm
Those are pretty good tips. I would also suggest the following: - Make sure the directory you are submitting to does not use the do-follow tag on external links. - Don't bother submitting to directories that are using redirections unless you think you can get valuable traffic from it.
ZK October 23, 2008 - 7:35 pm
Hi Mila : Thanks for your comment :) Hi Adam : I would recommend a mix of directories and building links Hi Rajeev : Welcome to the blog and thank you for your comment, most bloggers don't submit to directories, directories do give you a resonable traffic and quality link back. Hi Yan : Its best to outsource directory submissions Hi Mayank : You many want to check if the directories are using Do Follow tags on external links. Hi Ben : You are right , the submission needs to be spaced out to be effective. Hi Directory Submission Blogger : Welcome to the community, you are more of an expert with your services , thanks for the valuable directory submission tips for all of us :). Any more tip on directory submission would help ZKs last blog post..Position 2 on Google in 2 days
Gigs October 29, 2008 - 8:25 pm
Automated submission is not really good. You are not sure wether your site was submitted into the right category or not. Gigss last blog post..$350,000 For World’s Most Expensive Abaya
horse racing results November 4, 2008 - 8:59 pm
Thanks for this post and for the tips you have given.one of my task last month was submission to directories..
Internet Marketing Company November 7, 2008 - 3:25 am
Thanks for the post. Very helpful especially to SEO beginners. :) My mentor taught me to only submit 10 directories per day to prevent spamming.
Richard@DVD Duplication Chicago November 7, 2008 - 3:07 pm
Submitting to relevant sites of your business is also important. Also make sure to change up your descriptions and also try not to sound to spammy.
Michael Henry November 14, 2008 - 7:27 pm
Good food for thought. I've noticed that Men's Health comes up alot in examples. Whats up with that? Michael Henrys last blog post..Launching a blog, Planning Stage
Kevin December 18, 2008 - 6:03 am
nice tips, really help me out :) thanks
Dave February 24, 2009 - 5:28 pm
I must admit that the tips here on your site are great, I found them very useful and I will continue to use them, Thanks
website optimization March 6, 2009 - 12:55 am
Directory Submission is a very cost-effective way to get links and helps to establish a foundation for Internet marketing. Very helpful and informative post.. thanks for sharing it..
Mark@Airportessentials June 3, 2010 - 12:37 am
Having read your article I am not convinced that automated submissions affects your rankings, here is why. If I wanted to sabotage a competitor it would be too easy to just submit their site with an automated submission software and get them to lose their ranking, I think the process is a waste of time because most good directories don't allow automated submissions and that should be the reason. Mark
Directory Submission June 24, 2010 - 11:22 am
I agree with mark above, its only through people using crappy software, or not taking the time to choose the correct category that affects your rankings.
cheers July 23, 2010 - 4:53 am
Thanks for the tips, manual submissions though time consuming it definitely builds strength to your page.
Justin July 23, 2010 - 4:54 am
Very informative information. Thanks for sharing this post, very helpful in my seo works
Miquel Fitch November 10, 2010 - 4:24 am
Here you can find a list of 20 quality directories, sorted by PR - http://tinydirect.com :)

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