And now Google has a new Logo

After the launch of Alphabet, restructuring the company and having a new CEO – Sundar Pichai. Google now has a new logo. The new logo identity was revealed by the company today, the new Google logo is much slicker and looks a lot colorful than its original logo.

The new logo is defined in sans-serif typeface making it playful and jovial. It looks like a sketch right out of my 3 year old sons color book. The new company Alphabet also uses a similar typeface for its logo, making the Google logo a part of the Alphabet logo family.

According to the blog post Google has been working on the new typeface since early this year, Google’s global teams conveyed in New York for a week brain storming on the challenges faced for the new identity. These challenges were addressed in four categories.

– A scalable mark that could convey the feeling of the full logotype in constrained spaces.
– The incorporation of dynamic, intelligent motion that responded to users at all stages of an interaction.
– A systematic approach to branding in our products to provide consistency in people’s daily encounters with Google.
– A refinement of what makes us Googley, combining the best of the brand our users know and love with thoughtful consideration for how their needs are changing.

The new thinking behind the logo was shared with the Google Global teams – marketing, product, engineering , research etc. News ideas were tested and feasibility checked before roll out of the new logo design.

The new logo is lighter in weight and size making it more usable and adaptable to smart phones and new media. The new logo is 300 kb v/s the old logo at 14000 kb (WOW, that’s really heavy) making it faster to download on low bandwidth connections.

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1 comment

IAK Media September 11, 2015 - 12:06 pm
It's about time! I like the new logo look :)
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