Article Marketing – Easy and Simple Way with Content Crooner

Article marketing is a well know traffic generating method, in my opinion its not only great for traffic but also a good resource to build quality link backs for your website. Yet a lot of markers and bloggers don’t use this method.

One of the prime reasons is that its too operational and time consuming to write articles and post it to a directories, no doubt the task is monotonous and time consuming but it has lots of benefits for your website.

I just happen to stumbled upon this new site called Content Crooner, it’s a great new tool to help you market and distribute your articles to more than a thousand article marketing directories. Its a smart tool and works a lot better than I initially thought.

The articles you can submit is unlimited, everything is located on one website. Which means that your articles will get the maximum exposure with the least effort. Which is how I bet every single marketer would like to work? At least I would, cause I am a lazy blogger, well maybe not lazy, I just love to do things the fastest way. In that way I can get a lot of stuff done, with the least effort.

The point of the site is to get your articles widespread. To get as much exposure as possible. Content Crooner is a very smart article distributor, and the best thing is its all automatic and works like a charm to get you the best exposure for all your articles.

And no you don’t have to login to all the thousand article directories listed in there and you don’t have to worry about the relevancy of your articles, you just have one login that will help you distribute your articles to all the directories. Your articles will be sent only to relevant directories, that is taken care by the “smart” system and the tools.

The articles are very easy to submit just like to would do on any article directory, the site also provide you a guide on how to write the best possible articles, I recommend you to download and read the guide it clearly documents the do’s and don’t s for publishing the best articles.

A very good plus, is that you have a live support which is willing to help you with any problem, if you should ever get one, though I doubt it, cause it is so simple and easy.

With Content Crooner you have the option to schedule your release, a year as a maximum. Which really gives you the opportunity to schedule some articles that overtime will grow you a lot of traffic.

They even give you the possibility of tracking your exposure. Which is the only thing that I really wish they would improve, cause the the statistics aren’t that good, at least I have seen better statistics, and I reckon that it isn’t that hard to do, when you have some results to output them better.

The true benefit of Content Crooner is that you can save lots of time, imagine submitting your article to thousands of directories one at a time. You can do other things while the smart system does the operational submissions ie. you get to connect with potential customers, write other blog posts and concentrate on the promotion of your web business.

Affordable pricing :

Content Crooner is priced at a low $39.99 per month with unlimited submissions, which means you can submit any number of articles during the one month period and what’s more you also have a 30 day money back guarantee.

You can try Content Crooner for a full 30 days – RISK FREE, if you think its not for you then all you need to do is send an email and the team will REFUND the FULL amount. No questions asked.

There are additional pricing benefits :
– Annual subscription is at $269.99 a year, that’s a cool saving of $209.89 over a monthly subscription
– Lifetime membership is at $599.99 one time payment.

Lifetime membership is the best value plan at $599.99, you never pay a cent more for content distribution ever.

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Profit Addiction May 19, 2010 - 2:38 am
How does it deal with duplicate content? .-= Profit Addiction´s last blog ..The Secret to Endless Profits =-.
Kenneth Vogt May 19, 2010 - 3:37 pm
If by "deal with duplicate content" you mean "deal with Google", we have not found it to be a big issue if (and this if matters) you are not trying to "spin" articles so that they pretend to be different when in fact they are not. Spinning articles into text that is no longer compelling and readable to humans is a failed approach. The big search engines are smarter than that and readers are much smarter than the search engines. For a more comprehensive discussion of the duplicate content topic, see
ZK May 20, 2010 - 2:02 am
Thanks Kenneth for clarifying
Web Design May 20, 2010 - 6:26 am
Just make sure the articles you submit are not duplicated on your website, that is all. Otherwise you got zero duplicate content issues. People using your articles may not quite get the benefit though, especially if there are loads of them ;-)
Profit Addiction May 21, 2010 - 10:52 am
Thank you Kenneth. I might have to take a deeper look at this now :) .-= Profit Addiction´s last blog ..REVEALED: The Exact Recipe for Success =-.
Tiffany @ Online Passive Income May 19, 2010 - 5:13 pm
I have never heard of Content Crooner before although I have heard of a few similiar sites and products. In the near future I plan on writing more articles so I may look into this one. Thanks! .-= Tiffany @ Online Passive Income´s last blog ..Would You Like Extra Help To Make $1000 a Month Online? =-.
ultrasound technician May 19, 2010 - 10:43 pm
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
Web Developer May 19, 2010 - 11:32 pm
This is a great tool and very resourceful for article distribution
Komodo Dragon May 20, 2010 - 1:04 am
ZK this sounds pretty interesting, I'll have to investigate further on some of the cases on there, to see if it would be something worthwhile to me, due to the monthly pricing, but the 30-day money-back guarantee is tempting me to try it out.
ZK May 20, 2010 - 2:00 am
It's an amazing tool for article distribution, try the 30 trial like a charm, you won't have to outsource any article marketing activity with this tool.
Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate May 20, 2010 - 4:15 pm
I wonder how Content Crooner compares to Posterous. Any thoughts? .-= Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate´s last blog ..Tri Cities Washington Cold Winter Nights Makes For Abundant Springtime Babies =-.
Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate May 20, 2010 - 4:13 pm
I wonder how seamless the submission is to ezine articles. Ezine seems to be very particular in the way they accept articles. I had an article lately that took a few submission to get it through. .-= Colleen@Kennewick Real Estate´s last blog ..Tri Cities Washington Cold Winter Nights Makes For Abundant Springtime Babies =-.
Kenneth Vogt May 20, 2010 - 5:33 pm
We have an excellent relationship with Ezine Articles. They give us a special "back door" to submit articles. We work directly with Chris Knight and Chris Knutson of Ezine Articles to make sure that our customers' articles get into Ezine Articles seamlessly.
limo hire Gold Coast May 20, 2010 - 11:48 pm
I have been searching how to improve my articles, and i think this one is a great post. I am actually a freelance writer slash ghost writer so I should know more about this stuff! .-= limo hire Gold Coast´s last blog ..Introducing "The Bride's Day" =-.
Mathew Day May 21, 2010 - 3:26 am
This is one of the ways I get my affiliate sites ranking on the front page of the serps. Really great service and effective for your SEO needs! .-= Mathew Day´s last blog ..How to Make Real Money Online Blogging =-.
Joanna Cake May 24, 2010 - 6:59 am
Hey Guys I currently use a well known article submission service with whom I sometimes have problems over wording. I run two personal health sites - one male and one female - and I am very careful to ensure that only anatomical terminology is used. Articles using medical terms for the female anatomy are accepted for distribution without any problem but those for the men invariably fall foul of my current provider's extremely sensitive censor... even though ezine and the other big article sites will accept the same article if submitted separately. Does Content Crooner attempt to censor any of its subscribers' submissions? With Best Wishes Joanna .-= Joanna Cake´s last blog ..The Perineometer – Pelvic Toners For Men =-.
Kenneth Vogt May 24, 2010 - 8:43 am
We don't "censor" our clients' articles but we do ask them to meet a set of generally accepted guidelines. Clinical use of anatomical terms should present no problems at Content Crooner.
payday advance online May 25, 2010 - 11:08 am
I have been using Content Crooner for over a year now, and I must say it is a great tool. Articles are submitted fast and easy.
Seo Services May 28, 2010 - 4:40 am
The only problem of article spinning tools is that the article finally made is not very readable. Thus the technology of article spinning still needs to gain lot of Artificial Intelligence.
Kenneth Vogt May 28, 2010 - 9:12 am
To say the only problem with article spinning is that the results are not readable is like saying that the only problem with changing the ingredients in a recipe is that the food becomes inedible. Articles exist to be read. If someone thinks he can blow off the humans and con the spiders, he is going to get very poor results.
Cletus Dyce September 7, 2010 - 11:01 am
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