Aweber : Automate Email Marketing Newsletters for your Web business

If you have a website or a blog you’ll know the importance of building a targeted list and having all your users email ids white listed (This is the process by which a user adds a company’s e-mail address to their e-mail address book or whitelist) and comply with the CAN-SPAM act (This is the U.S. law that regulates commercial e-mail. It stands for “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003.”)

The process of white listing encourages all subscribers to do this and helps prevent “false positives” in which legitimate, permission-based e-mails are filtered. This helps you remain clean as a web business owner.

The CAN-SPAM Act affects some aspects of your email marketing business, especially if you intend to send an email newsletter or send emails about “deals” to your list. You need an effective email marketing system that maintains your email marketing list by complying to The CAM-SPAM rules.

Remember that whenever you use any form of email marketing you ll be complying with CAN SPAM and best practise for email. Not complying to CAN-SPAM affects critical aspects of your email marketing and web business.

Why should you consider using Aweber for email marketing on your website or blog

1 ) Uses the Opt-In Box
– CAN-SPAM requires that you have the permission of the recipients of your marketing emails (this includes ezines and newsletters) to send marketing messages to them. This means that the email marketing system that handles optin box on your website must include certain things. The opt-in box must require a positive action on the part of the site visitor. The visitor should have to check a box that says, “Subscribe me” or “Add me to your list”, etc.

You may NOT add a paying customer to your opt-in list automatically when he or she makes a purchase.

You can subscribe a customer who signs up for your mailing list at your physical store or at a meeting with you if they do it in writing and the signup sheet clearly states that it’s for a mailing list.

2) Uses double Opt-In
Aweber uses double opt-in. It sends a confirmation email to the subscriber, and that they MUST reply or click to CONFIRM their subscription. It keeps copies of all subscribe notifications, it maintains this list for you. If you don’t use an autoresponder, you must maintain the list yourself.

3) It follows the CAN-SPAM rules.
– Just because a subscriber opted-in doesn’t mean that you don’t have to follow CAN-SPAM . Any message that you send of a “commercial” nature — having to do with your business — must follow the rules of CAN-SPAM .

4 ) Creates a CAN-SPAM Compliant Mailings
Identifies yourself in the “from” line of your email. You can use your real name, the name of your business, or the name of your website. The law requires that the “from” line identifies the sender.

5 ) Uses accurate headers
Real addresses should be in the “From” and “Reply-To” fields. If your present email marketing system does not allow you to use your real email address in the “From” and “Reply To” fields, change companies. Try the Aweber Email Marketing system.

6 ) Handles obvious opt-out instructions in every email
– A clearly defined and obvious unsubscribe link is required by the law. CAN-SPAM allows you to provide a menu of opt-out options. That means you can direct users to other targeted mailing lists when they leave yours.

It always reminds your subscribers why they’re receiving email from you. “You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking this link.” It includes your physical address. It is the law that your physical address be included in marketing email messages.

7 ) Honoring the Opt-out
– Aweber honors all opt-out requests immediately. Email Opt outs are done automatically by Aweber email marketing system. If you are not using an email marketing tool or an email marketing service, you ll have to do this manually. Trust me doing opt outs manually is painful when you have an email list in the thousands.

If you’ re an affiliate marketer, you would want to use Aweber and comply with CAN SPAM :

– Keep relations with your Affiliate company or Merchants :

One of the foundational concepts in the CAN-SPAM legislation is that a company can be found in violation of CAN-SPAM even if they didn’t send the message.

The term “on behalf of” is found throughout the CAN-SPAM Act. This term, though vague, is directly related to the internet marketer/affiliate (or advertiser/publisher) relationship.

It means that if you, as an affiliate marketer, send a commercial message advertising a merchant whose
affiliate marketing program you’ve joined – BOTH you and the affiliate are responsible for following the rules of CAN-SPAM when it comes to that message and the list that it is sent to.

As you might imagine, this stipulation has lead to some nervous merchants. Here are some of the things that you can expect affiliates to do in an attempt to stay in compliance with CAN-SPAM:

– Email marketing bans:
Some affiliates will not allow email marketing of any kind. If you intend to promote via email, even if it’s through a newsletter or ezine, be sure to check the affiliate agreement to see if the programs that you’re joining allow email marketing.

– Added Disclosure and Opt-Out: Some affiliates will require that you add their email signature and opt-out link to your message along with your own CAN-SPAM compliant contact details and opt-out link.

– Approval: Some affiliates will require that you receive their approval on the message — and possibly even the list — before you send emails.

Aweber fully complies with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 by the Federal Trade Commission which can carry fines of up to $10,000 per violation for what is considered email Spam.

This blog uses Aweber email marketing system to maintain a spam free email list and comply to the CAN-SPAM rules.


Aweber is offering you a 30 day RISK FREE TRIAL to test out the features of their email marketing service and see if it’s right for your web buisness. AWeber offers a risk-free thirty day trial. With this trial, you can set up your first email marketing campaign and quickly begin to see results. If you do not see results, or cancel your account for any reason during the first 30 days of your service, Aweber provides a full, hassle-free refund.

They know that technology can be daunting sometimes so they offer free webinars on topics such as effective email newsletters and how to get started to help you start taking advantage of the power of email marketing right away.

If you run into problems or questions Aweber provides an online knowledge base you can search for answers to your questions about using the system. You can also send them questions through their Help control panel or give them a call on their toll free number.

If you’re not using email to communicate with and market to your customers, give Aweber a try and see for yourself how it can add to your bottom line.

Apply for Aweber’s 30 DAY RISK FREE TRIAL

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Ben Waugh May 5, 2009 - 9:54 pm
I just stopped by your blog and thought I would say hello. I like your site design. Looking forward to reading more web marketing tips to better my knowledge in the online domain down the road.
Steve May 6, 2009 - 4:40 am
Aweber is one of the leading internet marketing solutions provider .. !
social bookmarking demon May 10, 2009 - 1:04 pm
I love aweber I love their autoresponder its the best one out there, I prefer their's over Get Response's. I even became an affiliate for them because their a high converting company and everyone uses them for their online business. social bookmarking demons last blog post..Review Of The Email Messenger “Mostly Known” As AWEBER
Tom@Twitter Backgrounds May 6, 2009 - 7:55 am
I have been using aweber for about 6 months now and it is fantastic. Really easy to use. Toms last blog post..Twitter Backgrounds: Top 10 Bloggers
ZK@Web Marketing blog May 6, 2009 - 11:21 am
Thanks for the testimonial on Aweber Tom :) much appreciated
article post robot May 6, 2009 - 6:44 pm
I have a question what do you use Aweber for exactly? Do you use it for your business or just a way to connect with your visitors? Because I had a lot of people contact me about this particular subject to see if people are still using it, I guess it's time for me to write a post about this. article post robots last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0
ZK@Web Marketing Blog May 6, 2009 - 7:07 pm
As mentioned in the above post Aweber is an email management system that is used to build an email list and send newsletters to your email base.
Shanker Bakshi May 6, 2009 - 8:24 am
A must have tool for MMO blogger. Money is in the list. Shanker Bakshis last blog post..What’s Your Story?
ZK@Web Marketing blog May 6, 2009 - 11:28 am
You are very right Shanker ..The money is in the list, invest in list building with Aweber ...its a passive income stream
Authority Networker May 6, 2009 - 3:07 pm
Email marketing is key to your internet network marketing success and can help build your downline fast. This attraction marketing strategy can generate free, fresh leads and guaranteed signups, present offers more effectively and close more business sales. People who come across your web page will opt-in or provide their names and email addresses if they are convinced that you can teach them how to market their website and blogs , and build a list of their own free, fresh leads. With email marketing you can tailor fit your marketing specifically for this group of leads, which in turn can greatly increase the chances that they will join your program. The best free, fresh leads and signups that you can get are the ones that you yourself have generated. Apart from you not spending anything on your self-generated free, fresh leads, you can never be sure of the lead source when you just buy leads.
Dennis Edell May 6, 2009 - 4:13 pm
A must have tool for anyone online - regardless of niche, pretty much anyone should have lists. :) Dennis Edells last blog post..Article Marketing Made Easy
Jason May 7, 2009 - 10:44 am
Email marketing is another great means of communication commercial messages. This is a way of automating it and not be tagged as spammer. Thanks for the tips.
Ann @ Work From Home May 7, 2009 - 11:27 pm
The money is in the list
Kinexus Internet Ltd May 7, 2009 - 11:53 pm
"I really like the way you write your blog posts and relate it to web marketing techniques that we can use to make our internet business better . Thanks and I am waiting your next blog post "
kitchen taps May 8, 2009 - 6:56 am
Aweber is good email marketing newsletter for today's internet marketing field.
social bookmarking demon May 10, 2009 - 1:09 pm
I certainly agree with that statement. Aweber has a superb service such as customer support,satisfaction,affiliate program and everything else that makes a legit company look reputable. social bookmarking demons last blog post..Review Of The Email Messenger “Mostly Known” As AWEBER
Heidi May 18, 2009 - 9:22 am
Interesting stuff! I'm just getting started with blogging and trying to gain some insight into writing articles. I like your style!
Kit Homes May 21, 2009 - 1:05 am
It is very easy to use and very friendly. Its one of the landing internet marketing solutions provider.
Lena Steuern@ sicher Kaufen und Verkaufen May 21, 2009 - 8:02 am
I love getting update emails telling me what people are up to, so I think email newsletters are a great idea. A 30 day trial will really help everyone make up their mind about the service - great
internet marketing reviews May 28, 2009 - 10:01 pm
I have a question what do you use Aweber for exactly? Do you use it for your business or just a way to connect with your visitors?
DotComSecrets Review May 28, 2009 - 10:41 pm
I love aweber I love their autoresponder its the best one out there, I prefer their’s over Get Response’s. DotComSecrets Reviews last blog post..Mike Filsaime’s Launch Tree Review
hosting May 29, 2009 - 5:31 am
Aweber is the best emailing tool for bloggers and small web businesses ...Thanks for the great post
Brian Kurtz@Airsoft Rifle May 29, 2009 - 8:41 pm
Aweber is a great service. Not only does it help you line up with the law in regards to your email communications but they do everything in their power to help you build your opt-in list. I recently signed up for someone's opt-in list and was greeted on the confirmation page with a cheerful audio message which gave me clear instructions on exactly why and how I was to check my email for and click on the confirmation link. I thought that this was a a little hinge that could end up swinging big doors. Another bonus that now comes with Aweber.
John@Email Marketing Services June 1, 2009 - 2:29 pm
I think it is important to be personal in your emails and avoiding to look and sound like spam. People are not going to bother as it is much easier to just delete a spam sounding email then actually taking the time to read it.
Internet Marketing Company June 18, 2009 - 5:04 am
I completely agree with "Email Marketing Services". Email Marketing used to be very effcetive but due to spamming it lost its weight and importance. Still It can work well if you do it wisely and being selective. Stick to the point with positive reasons. And off course when it comes to Email marketing software "Aweber" is the best. there is No doubt about it.
Baby Gifts July 17, 2009 - 10:17 pm
I prefer their’s over Get Response’s. I even became an affiliate for them because their a high converting company and everyone uses them for their online business.
Bubba Moe August 9, 2009 - 10:47 pm
I like your site design. Looking forward to reading more web marketing tips to better my knowledge in the online domain down the road.
Bobby@Airsoft Rifles November 5, 2009 - 9:03 pm
I like how there is a 30 day free trial. That always makes signing up for trials like this so much easier. I have not conducted an email marketing campaign for awhile, but with this free trial, I probably will start up again. They can be effective as long as you create the campaigns correctly. .-= Bobby@Airsoft Rifles´s last blog ..Extra Magazines =-.
Easy Skateboard Tricks November 15, 2009 - 7:12 pm
I have heard from many sources, including this one, that Aweber is by far the best it looks great. I'm debating on the trial because I cant really afford to pay for it, and I don't want to realize what I'm missing after the month and have to go back to feedburner... someday though.
Dennis Edell November 16, 2009 - 8:22 am
I think you may be slightly confused. Aweber and Feedburner are 2 separate entities, that do 2 separate jobs. .-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..I Want You To Review Me. Part 1 =-.
Davits December 8, 2009 - 12:30 am
Aweber is good feature of email marketing. I'll try it for email newsletters for my site. Thanks.
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John Shand April 21, 2010 - 9:34 am
You can't go wrong with Omnistar Mailer

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