Awesome Thanksgiving Contest Giveaways – Are you missing out

I want to thank all my readers for the amazing response to my first Thanksgiving Contest. The blog received close to 75 entries for the contest, more than 100 comments and more than 1100 views for the contest post.

My experiment to get natural search traffic for the Thanksgiving Contest post has worked successfully. The clever SEO approach on Google has ensured that I did not have to spend any money for paid advertisements on any blogs or sites for this contest.

The term “Thanksgiving Contest” was number two on Google and was the main driver for visits to this post. This is also a great case study for all other blogs to leverage the power of Google without spending money for paid advertisements.

If you have not yet taken part this could be your chance to win some great promotions for your blog or site. The Thanksgiving Contest ends 10 th November.

Enter the Thanksgiving Contest and make your blog count.


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I Thank You All


Study Babes November 4, 2008 - 5:39 pm
i haven't really been keeping up, would you go into more detail about how you did this? Study Babess last blog post..Big Boobs x3
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 4, 2008 - 9:13 pm
Hi Study Babes : I ve used appropriate title tags for the post alongwith other critical components of the SEO mix. I ve mentioned this on the post in detail. Hope you enjoy reading it. ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
horse racing results November 4, 2008 - 9:23 pm
Thanks for this post! congrats to the winners! I hope they enjoy th contest..Hopefully more contest soon.
Marianna@Hair Growth November 5, 2008 - 7:05 am
I haven't read your Thanksgiving Contest, but I think, that it is a very good idea. Thanks for sharing, now I going to learn more about it.
Ben Tremblay November 5, 2008 - 9:12 am
Congrats on getting the number 2 spot my friend and I'm glad to sponsor that one! Ben Tremblays last blog post..frupdates: Some updates from the frog
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 5, 2008 - 10:21 am
Hi Marianna : Thanks for visiting this blog , I am glad you liked it. Hi Ben : Thank you for being a sponsor :) and for frequent visits to this blog.
Study Babes November 5, 2008 - 2:23 pm
Thanks for the reply ZK, looks like you really know your stuff. I was thinking about having a contest to promote my site but since the majority of my audience don't have blogs I'm not totally sure how to do it. Any ideas? Study Babess last blog post..Big Boobs x3
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 5, 2008 - 4:11 pm
Hi Study Babes : I am glad you are liking the blog, I am unaware of you traffic figures to comment on this, ideally you should be getting more traffic than most blogs considering your niche :) However, the idea of contesting is to increase backlinks, user interactivity for the blog and rewarding your blog readers. I suggest you initiate the contest without worrying too much about your audience. You miss too much, if you start to think :) ZKs last blog post..6 Reasons to Join Twitter
Dennis Edell November 5, 2008 - 6:22 pm
I am missing out but I appreciate the updates. I really don't have time for contests right now, which is ironic to say the least... Dennis Edells last blog post..100 RSS Subscribers - It’s Happy Dance Time!
Study Babes November 5, 2008 - 10:21 pm
Well I mentioned them not having blogs, because if they don't have blogs/websites they won't be able to give me backlinks, you know? Study Babess last blog post..Hot British Ass
JR @ Internet Marketing Strategies November 6, 2008 - 1:40 pm
Great results, can't wait to win! JRs last blog post..God Bless America
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 6, 2008 - 3:39 pm
Hi Dennis : I am happy to have you as a regular visitor here :), thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. Hi Study Babes : I say go for it, you ll gain insights about blog / user relationship..Cash prizes are lucrative. Let me know when you contest, I ll sponsor ad inventory on my site :) Hi JR : Thanks for visiting and contesting :) ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow
Study Babes November 6, 2008 - 11:47 pm
Ok cool, I'll definitely let you know. The site is still very new (less than a month old) and it's getting about 300 views a day, I'm gonna wait until that hits 1000 and then go for it. Study Babess last blog post..I’ll Take a Threesome
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog November 7, 2008 - 9:56 am
Hi Study Babes : Thats great for a new site , I had to struggle for a few months to reach that number. You seem to be doing great :) ZKs last blog post..Blogging Secrets from John Chow

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