All websites would appreciate higher site traffic. After creating a website, webmasters should focus their time to building website traffic. This is especially important for revenue generating websites or blogs like online stores, affiliated websites and those earning through paid advertisements. The question is, what are the methods to accomplish this task? The first thing you should do is to let people know you exist by spreading your links.
Comment on Blog Posts
A common way to scatter your links and let people know that your site exists is to post comments on blogs. You simply have to find a blog post and click on comment. You put in your name, e-mail, website URL and your message. Make sure that the message is something that the owner will approve and not a spam-like comment. Read what other people have to say on the blog post to get an idea on what to write. It is also recommended to comment on blog posts that are relevant to your site.
Make use of Forums
There are a lot of online forums and membership is usually free. Join one or more and participate in each one. After a set amount of messages, admin will allow you to post links in your messages. This allows you to spread your site URL to build website traffic. Again, make sure to put in relevant posts or else the moderator may simply delete your post. If you continue with spam-like messages, you could even get banned from the forum.
These two are basic examples on how to increase your website’s traffic. Keep in mind that you have to post relevant messages so that they’ll get approved. These two are the most common used methods but of course, there are more methods that you can learn to build website traffic.
Question and Answer Sites
You can also find an opportunity to spread the word about your website on question and answer sites like Yahoo Answers. You can post a message and put in your link as reference. This too can help in increasing your traffic. Messages like “Great post!” or a simple “hi, nice site!” will simply get your message deleted and your link wasted. It is also advisable to post in forums and blogs that have relevant content to your own site. Do it right, and you’ll get cheap website traffic and see an increase in your sales within a few weeks.
Add your blog to the list of search engines and ranking sites.
Not everyone knows that you can add your blog’s URL to big search engines like Yahoo, Google and many ranking sites like Alexa, Google Page Rank, Topblogs and Topsites. This would allow the search engines to index your site quicker, and the ranking sites to generate more traffic from their site to your blog. To get more traffic to blog posts, use RSS feeds in these ranking sites.
Post well-written articles regularly
The cliché’ “Content is King,” is still applicable nowadays. If you do not have great content, people may visit your site but would never return because they have not read anything worthwhile. Provide them good reading material and they will come back for more. Regular posting will alert the search engine to crawl your site regularly too, increasing your exposure in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). If you land in the first pages of the SERP, you are guaranteed more traffic.
Utilize social bookmarking sites
Social bookmarking and networking sites could generate millions of traffic to your blog. Get traffic to blog posts by posting links from these sites to your blog. You can add your blog links from your home page or “About Me” pages.
Socialize and make yourself visible
It is not enough that you are a member of these sites; you have to socialize and interact sincerely with members of each site. You can even form a group with other online users whom you share the same interests with.
This is a guest pots by Adarsh Thampy. If you are looking to start an online business, head over to where you will find great tips on how to start an internet business and awaken the entrepreneur in you.