Being Connected is the New Marketing Strategy

Last week, technology companies from across the globe gathered together in Las Vegas to show their flashy devices and services at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES.)  Amid the glowing, flashing displays of slick technology there was a clear theme. 

Get connected.

The message is clear.  Technology is pushing us all to evolve and get connected. We’re living in a globalized world, wired to connect to people across the world in a matter of nanoseconds. Is your marketing structured to keep up?

We have cloud computing, social media, and personalized marketing that makes a clear case for marketing with connectivity in mind.  How connected is your business?  Is your marketing focused on not only attracting clients, but also connecting to them to increase the effectiveness of your marketing?

Connectivity Drives Marketing

One of the key panel discussions at CES this past week focused heavily upon connected marketing. Is your business poised to reach your customers on a personal level, to engage them?  If not, you may be missing opportunities.  When you connect to customers, you enhance your marketing

Let’s look at the following ways getting connected can support your marketing:

  • Optimize your website for mobile marketing. Today, 72% of consumers search the internet with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile searches, then you may be losing business.  79% of consumers will keep searching if a website isn’t optimized for mobile. This could not only produce huge bounce rates, but also undermine your marketing efforts. Optimize your website to increase your connectivity with clients no matter how they find you.
  • Get social and connect!  Social media offers us all opportunities to not only connect with other people, but to connect to the brands we know and love. It also allows us all to discover new businesses based upon the recommendations of others, Likes, and comments in our news feeds. By connecting to your target customer, you are also able to connect to their friends simply because they Liked you, or commented on your posts

    This is an effective form of marketing that organically grows your customer base for free.  Social media shares are also increasingly important to search engine results, gaining priority over many other links.  Get social, get connected, and open up your marketing to new audiences.

  • Connect your marketing to customer service. Marketing and customer service do not exist in silos. Break down the walls and connect your efforts. Ask happy customers to review your business. Proactively reach out to customers and ask them how their experience was, and if you could enhance it for them.  Make customer service a central part of your marketing strategy. Businesses who marry these techniques gain better reputations, reach their customers better, and experience a sense of connectivity unlike many of their competitors.

When you connect with your customers, you enhance your marketing return on investment (ROI).  And ultimately, we all want a higher ROI for our marketing efforts. Try enhancing your connectivity today and see how much more effective your marketing can be.

Image Credit: nrh85

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Alicia January 18, 2013 - 10:00 pm
It's important to always stay connected these days, through emails, social media sites, blogs, phones, and all the other means.
Rahul January 19, 2013 - 12:37 pm
connecting to them to increase the effectiveness of your marketing and is really important you will notice the change.
Kyle January 20, 2013 - 2:08 am
All the websites have it's mobile versions too. In fact the concept pf responsiveness came from all these mobilized versions.
El Paso Web Design January 21, 2013 - 7:35 am
Things have changed, if you still work on old fashion marketing strategies, then its hard for you to beat your competitors. Social Media and Mobile Optimization are important marketing strategies which help in gaining customers confidence.
chiru January 23, 2013 - 5:55 am
i agree with your points steve..but marketing strategies are changing time to time.. we have to be updated with new marketing strategies.. now a days social media is taking major part for marketing strategies.
Animated banner January 25, 2013 - 2:12 am
Trends are changed now if we struck with the old fashions then we can't move in market any more so ... we should go with new trends i agree above all tips and think you are right we must go with social media and it is getting stronger and stronger as social media is the great hub of connecting people so it is great place to market.
Steve January 28, 2013 - 7:26 pm
Thanks for the positive response gang! We are big believers in staying connected with our customers and have found that this strategy has been driving marketing forward.
Dave March 21, 2013 - 11:37 pm
Good point well made Steve. I agree with you. Being connected to your friends, followers and targeted customers are very important and effective strategy of marketing. Indeed, this approach is already proven, many internet marketers increase their sales and become successful in online business because of their interaction through the use of social media, email marketing and other means.
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