Today is Blog Action Day, Blog Action Day is an annual event held every year that unites bloggers from around the globe to post about one common issue or concern on the same day with the objective to create a community discussion around the common issue.
While Blog Action Day 2008 was about ending poverty, Blog Action Day 2009 is about climate changes and I am glad that the team has addressed this issue. Climate change is one of the burning issues that concerns planet earth and if you live on earth it should concern you too.
Blog Action Day is a movement desired to inspire YOU, only when YOU are inspired YOU will act.
Here are TEN things you can do as a blogger to reduce climatic impact on Planet Earth :
1 ) Turn Off the power of your computer at night
2 ) Switch to Hibernate mode when inactive
3 ) Use Energy saving bulbs
4 ) Use Green Web Hosting
5 ) Use Blackle for search ( Its Google powered in Black and is based on the theory that Black Google could save 750 megawatt hours a year with similar search results)
6 ) Plant trees
7 ) Recycle, Recycle, Recycle
8 ) Use cycle or roller blades to travel short distances (Toronto City encourages you to use non petrol consuming and polluting transportation means )
9 ) Switch to eStatements for your billing & banking needs and pay all your bills online.
10) Dry clothes in your back yard (Toronto City encourages you to dry your clothes in your back yard and avoid using the dryer machine)
Make a difference today, so that your kids can live on a better Planet Earth.
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