Join me on Blog Action Day to end Poverty

Today is Blog Action Day, thousands of bloggers will unite to discuss a single issue – Poverty. Blog action Day is a non profit, grassroots movement of thousands of individual bloggers coming together for one cause – End Poverty.

Blog Action Day originally began when a 27 year old Canadian student at Notre Dame University named Shawn got inspired by a speech given by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs (author of the book “The End Of Poverty”).

That speech inspired him to withdraw from grad school, liquidate his savings and begin his journey to try and make the world a better place – one meaningful difference at a time.

Shawn’s is just one example of the myriad ways for one person to make a difference. It just took one young college kid to make this into a worldwide movement.

What can you do to make a difference or get involved ?

: If you have a blog , podcast or a videocast you can commit your blog or site to participate in Blog Action Day. If you participate I encourage you to put up a post, video or podcast about poverty.

Donate: You may also wish to donate the day’s ad revenues to a poverty related organization like Give India or help other entrepreneurs in the developing work with a micro loan through Kiva , or help to feed hungry school children in India through Akshaya Patra

Participate: Eliminating Poverty is a movement that requires participation , promotion and fund raising on a mass scale. With every registered blogger, the event reaches more people and grows in scale creating a buzz and going viral. You can Post about your participation on your blog and help your audience sign up who will in turn do the same and create a buzz for this initiative, post the blog action day video on your site ( just pick the code from the home page of the site and paste it on your site ), put up a banner on your site and spread the word.

“I have something to prove, as long as I know there’s something that needs improvement, and you know that every time I move, I make a movement.” – Ani Difranco (American Singer, Song Writer and Guitarist. b.1970)

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Amita October 17, 2008 - 12:54 am
Hi, Thanks for the mention of GiveIndia and the work we do. Why restrict your efforts to combat poverty to just one day? Would you be interested in helping us by putting up a small GiveIndia banner on your site? Please write to if this is something you could do. Thanks again! Amitas last blog post..After the big day...
ZK October 17, 2008 - 8:32 am
Thanks Amita, we need to make a constant effort in eliminating poverty. Its not a one day effort. I ve sent you a mail on this. ZKs last blog post..Awesome Thanksgiving Contest Giveaways
Hussein October 17, 2008 - 9:18 am
I actually failed to blog about this. I did signup with blog action day but failed to blog about it. HUHUHU. Husseins last blog post..Testimonial Generator
Norhafidz@Make Money On Internet October 17, 2008 - 9:19 am
Thank you for the video, It inspired me a lot ! Norhafidzs last blog post..Promotional Items - Use Your Imagination
Tumblemoose October 17, 2008 - 9:42 am
It is a worthy cause and I was happy to post in my blog to help out. Thanks for the visit and the kind words! George Tumblemooses last blog post..Poverty today
willbill October 17, 2008 - 11:23 am
i was late hearing about blog action day because I'm working with my new blog. maybe next year, i hope I can join. willbills last blog post..10 Ironic Truth about Blog Addiction
Salwa October 18, 2008 - 5:13 am
Thanks for the video. Very inspiring. Salwas last blog post..Blog Action Day 08: Poverty
ZK October 18, 2008 - 11:48 am
Hi Hussein: Welcome , I actually happen to see it while I was surfing :) Hi Norhafidz: I am glad it inspired you :) Hi TumbleMoose: Thanks for the post and the visit here. Hi WillBill: I hope you can join next year , its for a great cause. Hi Salwa : I am happy you liked the post :)
Tushar Dhoot@make money online October 18, 2008 - 2:13 pm
Great Video! Very inspirational and very motivating! Tushar Dhoots last blog post..Market Leverage: Marketing Brilliance
Ben Pei October 22, 2008 - 12:33 pm
Aww read about this on quite a number of blogs.. Spread the love for the community! Ben Peis last blog post..A Great Idea To Blogging Is No Longer Enough
Arfan October 29, 2008 - 12:30 am
Honestly that Video was Quite Touching, Arfans last blog post..Gas Price Even Cheaper then 99 Cents :|
Gigs October 29, 2008 - 8:23 pm
Owwww.. I really touch with that video... Gigss last blog post..$350,000 For World’s Most Expensive Abaya
johnsmith December 7, 2008 - 10:32 am
I’m still trying to figure out my role in this particular story of poverty issues here in Austin. Where I am going and what I’ll end up doing here is up for grabs. For now I’m just listening to stories. ---------------- johnsmith Offers free talent profiles, as well as business contacts to the acting and modeling industries Hollywood North Acting & Modeling
Bubba Moe August 9, 2009 - 10:33 pm
I was happy to post in my blog to help out.Thanks for the visit and the kind words!
Bubba Moe August 9, 2009 - 10:34 pm
Poverty issues here in Austin. Where I am going and what I’ll end up doing here is up for grabs. For now I’m just

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