Build a Million Dollar Online Empire with Anik

Anik comes in my top 5 list of great internet marketers, at the age of 25 he was one of Businessweek’s 2008 Top 25 Under 25 best young entrepreneurs in America.

Anik started Affiliate Classroom in 2005 and was already a millionaire in less than a year. Affiliate Classroom has grossed more than a million in less than a year. His other very successful ventures are Launch Tree in 2009 and PPC Classroom in 2008.

– Since 2005 Anik’s companies and products have sold more that $32 million online
– His companies annual revenues for this year have crossed $10 million.

Some of you might not like Anik’s aggressive marketing style, but the fact remains that he has grossed over $32 million in just five years. Anik’s credentials are top notch, he has a very solid reputation as a “real” business person.

Anik recently launched Empire Formula , his latest and greatest contribution to the world of internet marketing training courses. The concept behind Empire Formula is very simple, according to Anik you can build an online Empire by using his techniques and applying the formula that he teaches in the course. These are the same techniques and formulas that have made him a very successful internet marketer.

What is the Empire Formula ?

Empire Formula is the latest internet marketing course recently launched by Anik, it’s over 35 hours of video training of how to build a successful online empire. Its designed to teach people a systematic and repeatable formula or approach to build their own online empire.

Anik has put all his experiences and knowledge while designing this training program. It represents the formula that has worked for him – How he sold $32 million dollars online. All you need to do is copy it as is to build you own online business.

Click here if the above video does not open

What does the Empire Formula include:

The Empire Formula is broken down into four stages and four modules, that consist of over 50 HD quality videos and tons of online training content all of which totals over 35 hours. The four modules are basically the four pillars to build an online empire. Each stage has a goal and a path to success.

Stage One – Goal : 0 to $300,000
Stage Two – Goal : $300,000 to $1 million
Stage Three – Goal : $1 million to $3 million
Stage Four – Goal : $3 million to $10 million

Each stage has a formula or a blueprint that you can copy to make your first million, just the way Anik has build his Online Empire in the less than 5 years. The course also consists of four modules or the four pillars of the Empire.

Empire Formula – Module 1
– This is the first module and the most important one , it help you build a solid foundation for your online business. You learn the exact steps and techniques to take your business from 0 to $300,000. This module has video content and tons of PDFs and online content to help you with the initial building blocks.

The module is easy to follow and very methodical, you don’t have to innovate or think out of the box, all you need to do is copy the exact steps given in the module to build a solid foundation.

Module 1 consists of the below mentioned courses:
Course 1:Introduction
Course 2:Niche Selection
Course 3:The Basics
Course 4:Types Of Products
Course 5:Product Development- Basic Funnel
Course 6:Creating Your First Offer
Course 7:Creating a Sales Process
Course 8:Outsourcing 101
Course 9:Customer Support Basics
Course 10:Your “Launch” Checklist
Course 11:Your Initial Traffic
Course 12:Initial Conversion Strategies
Course 13:Initial Networking
Course 14:List Marketing
Course 15:Initial Technology (Payment and Affiliate)

Empire Formula – Module 2
– This module will give you the launch pad approach to take your business to the next level, it will show you live case studies of how you can take your online business from $300,000 to $1 Million. Again this module is easy to follow with tons of videos and PDFs

Module 2 consists of the below mentioned courses
Course 1:Welcome to Stage 2 What to Expect
Course 2:New Tools
Course 3:Sub- Niche Diversification
Course 4:Recurring Products
Course 5:Stage 2 Sales Funnel
Course 6:Recurring offers
Course 7:Expanding Sales Process
Course 8:Consistent Outsourcing
Course 9:Changes in Customer Support
Course 10:Stage 2 Checklist
Course 11:Traffic to Expand Into
Course 12:Diving Further into Conversion Tracking
Course 13:Turning the Networking Up a Notch
Course 14:Expanding List Marketing
Course 15:Tech: More Flexibility & More Features

Empire Formula Module 3
– This module will teach you how to experience freedom and automate your business. The tool and ideas in this module will expand your income level

Module 3 consists of the below mentioned courses
Course 1:Welcome to Stage 3:What to Expect
Course 2:New Tools
Course 3:Niche Domination
Course 4:Live Events, High‐End Products
Course 5:Full Sales Funnel
Course 6:Crafting Each Piece of Offer
Course 7:Adding Offline Marketing to Sales Process
Course 8:Beginning to Hire
Course 9:Turn Customer Support into Sales Function
Course 10:Stage 3 Checklist
Course 11:PR and Brand Attention
Course 12:Advanced Conversion Tools
Course 13:Firming Network- Systemize It
Course 14:Diversify your Market Matrix
Course 15:Personalize,Flexible Technology

Empire Formula Module 4
– This is the ultimate dream of an internet marketer – to make a 10 million dollar business a year. How to run your company, how to find niche products to sell online, new tool for success, how to become an authority and much more.

Module 4 consists of the below mentioned courses
Course 1:Welcome to Stage 4: What to Expect
Course 2:New Tools
Course 3:Horizontal Niche Diversification
Course 4:Workshops, High ‐Ticket Products
Course 5:Back End Funnels into Main Funnel
Course 6:Metrics and Systematization
Course 7:Management and Hierarchy=Freedom
Course 8:Stage 4 Checklist
Course 9:Lead Events- Become an Authority
Course 10:PR: Apply for and Win Awards
Course 11:Centralize Technology for Better Metrics
Final Thoughts and Closing

Is Empire Formula for me ?
Empire Formula is for serious people who want to make a full time living online, I recommend this course only if you are committed to make it happen. If you are looking to make a few dollars with adsense then this is not for you or maybe you are not yet ready for a serious online business.

The course is one of the most extensive and in-depth training courses I’ve seen, you may argue that the price slightly steep but its worth setting up and running a very profitable online company. If you are serious about your financial freedom then take a look at Empire Formula , you ‘ll thank me for recommending it.

Empire Formula has two pricing options:

Option One:
One time payment of $1997 ( save 15% with this option ) Plus get access to exclusive access to private training sessions with Anik’s team.

Option Two:
$387 and 5 future payments of $387 each

30 Days FULL refund
You get a FULL 30 Days refund with Empire Formula, try it for 30 days and if you think its not for you then send an email to Anik and he’ll refund the FULL amount – no questions asked.

You make the choice: 9 to 5 till 65 ( a full time job for the rest of your life ) or a six figure passive income for life from home.

Experience Freedom, check out Empire Formula

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Badr October 27, 2010 - 1:29 pm
Hi, The courses are too expensive, I mean, you can buy some cheap ebooks (or download them for free) and get the same informations.
ZK@Web Marketing October 28, 2010 - 1:14 am
Please let me know which cheap books or free downloads give you such exhaustive content and the credibility of the author of the cheap or free book..Feel free to share the links in the comments.
Lisa at remote pc access software October 27, 2010 - 8:17 pm
ZK - have you used this product? anyone else have reviews about it? I've never heard of that guy before, but if he is making millions I'm sure i can learn from him. suggestions?
Free Voip Calls October 28, 2010 - 7:50 am
yeah same with me..any reviews would be helpful...
ZK@Web Marketing October 28, 2010 - 9:56 am
I am sure you can learn a lot from him :) Anik has given me access to this course thats how I know of the content details. I've attended his PPC Classroom
Property Marbella October 28, 2010 - 12:36 am
Hi ZK, Pyramid selling scheme with old figures to get more people in the pyramid and new better figures every year to get more…..I’ve never heard of Anik Singal before and when I Google on him comes only his own blogs, sites, and similarly thing up, nothing from any economic magazines or other information either. I don’t know what I think, but something stinks…
ZK@Web Marketing October 28, 2010 - 1:11 am
Anik's business revolves around assisting serious online marketers in developing, launching, growing and supporting their web business via information products and online teachings (ebooks, online training courses, membership sites, videos etc). His concepts and formulas are tested for highest conversion of business objectives. Anik was nominated for Businessweek's 2008 Top 25 under 25 in America, thats speaks volumes about his credibility and work. Below is the link I've also mentioned it in the blog post Anik runs a compay called Lurn, In 2009 it was ranked in the Top 500 companies by Inc. Ranked 216 overall and Ranked 2 in Training. You can check the link here You can also check can Google Lurn or Lurn Inc to know more about him I don't understand what do you mean by pyramid selling scheme ?
Property Marbella October 28, 2010 - 7:23 am
Hi ZK, Maybe I was little to hard in my text, but when something is too good to be true, and then I know its something wrong. We all have seen this too many times. When you looking at all the video clips around on internet, he just talking like all the TV commercial we see every day. (Buy this gym machine and you lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks, bl.a, bl.a) He say; do you want to get 10 millions, do like I did. Of course everybody want 10 million without working or little work like he says. On some of his offers do you get an IPod Touch 4th free, (Value = $997), 238 High Quality Back links Free (Value = $714), plus many more thing to a total real value of = $3706 What I build my solution about Pyramid selling scheme comes from many pages; incl. his web page: Singal founded The Affiliate Classroom, which is a virtual training center for marketers. The Affiliate Classroom is run by many of his students. Some of his staff have risen to the level of affiliate trainee after only one year of studies. Sorry ZK, I don’t believe in this guy.
ZK@Web Marketing October 28, 2010 - 9:54 am
"On some of his offers do you get an IPod Touch 4th free, (Value = $997), 238 High Quality Back links Free (Value = $714), plus many more thing to a total real value of = $3706" Based on your quote above, these are not his offers these are offers by Affiliates selling his products and I don't see anything wrong with it..Even I have bonus offers you can check out my bonus offer for the thesis theme "What I build my solution about Pyramid selling scheme comes from many pages; incl. his web page:" Based on your quote above I still don't get what do you mean by pyramid scheme, the above site gives information about him and his training course...
Web Developer October 28, 2010 - 12:01 pm
If you guys have nt heard about Anik, then 1) You guys are not serious about your online business OR 2) You guys are living under a rock Wake up, get started with a serious internet business and stop making pennies off adsense
Car Rental October 30, 2010 - 10:39 am
His profile seems to be really impressive. Please someone who has done this course, let us know how useful it is.
Iphone 4 Jailbreak November 1, 2010 - 12:14 am
I went through his 100 mins video and it really looked good ... the best part was he had a bad history and did mistakes and now making millions out of these Sourish
Emergency Plumber November 1, 2010 - 3:53 am
Anyone with those sorts of credentials is generally worth listening too. Will have to seriously consider checking this one out...
Membership Site Cash November 3, 2010 - 2:16 am
Anik is a genius. he lays everything out very well and clearly tells you what you should do to achieve your online money making goals. I highly recommend him. keep up the great content Zk.
Roxanne | SchoolkidPh November 5, 2010 - 4:19 am
Just wondering.. what would be the right start-up capital to build a money-making website business? Not including the cost of the products and not including this US$2000 training. I'm asking because I want to know if I can afford to put up such an online business before signing up for any training. Would US$1000 be enough?
Jasmine November 5, 2010 - 6:40 am
Anik is really impressive! Yes, I want to choose the later, I do not want 9 to 5 till 65!
Iphone 4 Jailbreak November 8, 2010 - 12:58 pm
i went through his video before , but the expanded view of his course material was useful ... gives brief overview of the content ...
panic attacks treatment November 9, 2010 - 8:59 am
I wonder how this formula works.. is it worth this money ? And about Anik, he must be smart, making so much money in short time is reall awesome.
SEO Miami December 2, 2010 - 6:07 am
I seen this guy all around the internet. I was going to buy one of his classes.
Software Development Company December 14, 2010 - 7:08 am
It's really good achievement by Anik, comes in top in internet marketers. I will check it out this video.
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