Capturing the right leads for Email Marketing

This is a guest post by Anand Srinivasan.

Have you ever thought why businesses pay hefty rents to own a shop space in the main city center and not on the outskirts? Pretty obvious, right? The most likely spenders come to visit these shopping places around the city center and very unlikely to travel to the suburbs to shop.

A similar logic is in hand when it comes to email marketing. It is not about how many you sell to, but the right customer that matters. In other words, you can make more profits out of a 100 member database if they are truly targeted than you can from a 1000 member generic database.

One of the most popular ways to populate databases for email marketing has been offering freebies in return for the customer’s email address. It is one of the most easiest and most efficient ways. But there is a logical flaw here – people who provide their details to the database are those who are going crazy for a freebie offer. Can they make rightful targets if you are selling a product later on?

The answer to this is yes and no. It depends on what you are actually offering. Let us take an example. Let’s suppose your target visitors are bloggers who come to your site for blogging tips. And you are selling them ebooks related to PPC advertising through email marketing.

You may always offer a free ebook on blogging tips to populate your database. But will this database provide the returns? Alternately, let us suppose you offer a free ebook on ‘cheap ways to advertise your website’. The members who subscribe to the ebook are likely to be those who want to spend money to advertise and they are looking for cheap opportunities. These are also members who could be convinced into purchasing a book about PPC advertising.

The end result of your email marketing campaign is hence so well dependent on the start. Choose the right bait to attract customers for your returns to be the highest.

Contact us if you want to write a guest post for this blog.

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Stefan October 7, 2009 - 1:02 pm
The best thing about building a list is that it doesn't have to be more expensive to have a few extra followers who don't care about your content. When you buy traffic from AdWords you really have to be specific, but this is not the case when you are building a list. Sure it helps, but it's not something you have to. .-= Stefan´s last blog ..Get People to Work For Free =-.
Anand Srinivasan October 7, 2009 - 9:35 pm
I agree with you Stefan on the low cost on the extra followers. But my point is on choosing the perfect bait. A '1000 tips to blog' free ebook can get you more followers than 'Cheap ways to advertise on Google'. But the latter will get you subscribers who are more likely to buy your product than the former free crowd. .-= Anand Srinivasan´s last blog ..Evolution of the Mobile Advertising Market =-.
oes tsetnoc October 7, 2009 - 2:08 pm
well i think email marking now end because people does not open unknown emails
Anand Srinivasan October 7, 2009 - 9:38 pm
Thanks for the comment Oes. On the contrary to what you said, Email marketing is still considered one of the marketing channels with the highest ROI. No wonder spam still exists... Here are a few links you may be interested .-= Anand Srinivasan´s last blog ..Evolution of the Mobile Advertising Market =-.
oes tsetnoc October 22, 2009 - 10:35 am
interesting but Pakistani hosting companies does not allow all these :( they said it is spamming
Seaward October 8, 2009 - 2:22 am
I think you are right,I am trying to mail my friend, some of my other friends email addresses. But the mailer-daemon replies that the message is spam because it is having the email addresses. How can i avoid this?
Make Money Online Free October 7, 2009 - 7:09 pm
I totally agree.. traffic is one thing, but you need targeted traffic in order to convert. It's the same with emails.. In order to sell, you need to find people willing to buy. Search the internet, there are people asking questions daily pertaining to your niche! Google is your best friend. I've managed to build up an email list of people that want to make money, now when I find opportunities that I know they will make money from, I send out an email.. however it's also important NOT to spam! I've actually become friends with quite a few of them and often talk about things not related to making money. .-= Make Money Online Free´s last blog ..Click or Sign Up to Make Money Online Free! =-.
Anand Srinivasan October 7, 2009 - 9:41 pm
That's bang on target. Even if you choose to use an autoresponder, it should not look like a bot-reader exchange. Making a few friends, thanking readers publicly for their suggestion all helps... .-= Anand Srinivasan´s last blog ..Evolution of the Mobile Advertising Market =-.
bingo calls October 13, 2009 - 9:17 am
i think email marketing is fantastic .I agree. but you need targeted traffic in order to convert. .-= bingo calls´s last blog ..WTG Bingo – Receive A 300% Welcome Bonus =-.
siya October 14, 2009 - 2:46 am
My experience is email marketing is good for communicating with existing customers and not very effective at recruiting new ones. I have tried both several times and we see a pretty good return from existing customers, but, as I said, trying to recruit using emails is a non-starter really.
Mike Standing October 21, 2009 - 8:25 am
I firmly believe the PPC programs can still be more valuable and fruitful than the email marketing plans as they are not as powerful as in the past. Many times the incoming business letters might be caught by the security programs and marked as spam letters and deleted without even being read. People also are not that much interested in using email advertisements to buy goods and services from the net as they prefer using the search engines.
Promotional Products October 25, 2009 - 3:33 pm
Very well said, I think getting the right customer is essential to building your business. Whether it through email marketing or traditional methods if you can generate a worthwhile lead that will be loyal to your brand, they are definitely the right customer.
ANSH@ACDSee coupons October 31, 2009 - 5:09 am
Email marketing is very effective for promoting your products. here you have given very nice information about the email marketing tips, so thanks for this valuable ideas. .-= ANSH@ACDSee coupons´s last blog ..daj654 =-.
Kit Homes November 17, 2009 - 2:21 am
The best is aweber... they are simply great. Its only $20 a month, you can create unlimited email lists, you can set up unlimited auto responders, and set everything on auto and its click of a button easy. .-= Kit Homes´s last blog ..Are there any Exclusions? =-.
Davits November 30, 2009 - 3:18 am
Freebie offer is good way of email marketing. Good explain the right leads for email marketing. Thanks.
deer hunting dvd May 20, 2010 - 12:26 pm
I wants to add your weblog to my blogroll please tell me what anchor ought to I use?
Best Bingo Sites June 28, 2010 - 10:09 pm
Yes you are true! Email marketing boost traffic as well as promotes brand. i used this method a lot to get traffic. Thanks for sharing.
Reggie @Email Delivery Rates September 23, 2010 - 3:49 am
Email marketing is effective if your delivery rates are high and you have a very low percentage of bounce rates. Just stay away from spam filters because it is one of the major factor affecting success. Reggie

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