6 Tips to Create Quality Content that Sells

The biggest problem that goes along with the Internet being an open source network is that anyone can post content. While most people see it as an advantage, it can actually hurt the Internet’s image as a whole. Search engines like Google and Yahoo! have been bombarded with issues relating to the quality (or lack of it) of its search results.

 As a result, search engines have released various algorithm changes over the recent years. Google for instance has released the Panda and the Penguin updates which aim to promote unique and quality content and displaced rubbish ones in search results.

Why opt for quality rather than quantity?

In the land of the Internet, there is only one rule – content is king. Regardless of how many articles are posted in your website, it won’t matter as long as they’re not of commendable quality. Articles should be written intelligently and should provide readers with new, useful and relevant information.

What is quality content – the definition of quality per Internet Standards?

We’re here talking about the importance of quality content but have you asked yourself, what is the definition of quality? Perhaps not.

Quality content per Internet standards is content that informs and engages its readers. It should also be entertaining and relevant to its target audience. In short, quality content should solve a solution to a problem.

6 Tips on creating quality content that sells

Do your homework – research, research, research

One of the main acid tests that determine quality is whether or not you’ve done sufficient research to create an informative write-up. It is essential that you provide tidbits of information in your write-ups in order to catch the attention of your readers. Your claims should also be supported by facts in the form of research studies.

Keep it concise, use small paragraphs

Keeping it as short as possible but still providing relevant and useful information is the best way of creating online content. With the many distractions scattered all over the Internet, you need to sell your ideas to the readers as quick as possible.

Write compelling headlines

Writing compelling headlines is another important way of getting your reader’s attention. In a similar fashion, compelling headlines can also attract readers especially those who are using search engines to find answers to heir questions.

Don’t be afraid to be controversial

If you want to get readers then it is important that you stir a bit of controversy in your articles. Being controversial requires having a thick skin especially for criticisms and if you want to stay strong in the Internet writing industry, you need to grow a thick skin.

Controversy creates attention.

Ask your Readers

The best way of knowing what you’re visitors really want to read is to ask them what type of content they would want to find. If you’ve been receiving a couple of comments on a certain topic then you should explore the possibility of writing an article to keep them interested.

Proof Read your Writing

It may take you a couple of hours to complete a single article but it only takes a few minutes to proof read your articles. Nothing shouts unprofessional than an article with simple grammatical mistakes. Being a native English speaker is not a requirement but please take time to go over your article and save your readers from headaches.

Image Credit:KB 35

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Gagan Arora August 1, 2012 - 5:22 am
all the tips are nice and useful i am always trying to make my content is valuable and quality.
Alicia August 1, 2012 - 12:37 pm
These are good tips to keep in mind when we are writing, as this will make sure we do not write useless content, but quality content that sells!
Nanvy @ CRM Software Solutions August 2, 2012 - 5:11 am
"Quality content per Internet standards is content that informs and engages its readers. " - This is complete statement for describing what exactly quality is! Tips are good to follow in order to create quality content.
Anton Koekemoer August 3, 2012 - 4:54 am
Hi Steve, Yes – I do agree, Quality compared to quantity is one of the most important issues when it comes to content (images and text alike) and ranking in the search engines. And yes – Research end proper thought and planning is key to producing quality, relevant and viable content.
Lawrence August 3, 2012 - 5:08 am
These are the tips that make your content sells, the better your content have, the more readers you will have and these readers will keep coming back to read your content.
corporate video production company September 30, 2012 - 11:04 am
Great advice, content is definitely king. If you can engage your viewer 50% of the job is done. Video production has become a very good tool in communicating with your clients in and efficient and affordable way
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