DirectCPV: A great alternative to Pay Per Click model

If you’ve been surfing blogs in the internet marketing space you may have come across heavy advertising and promotion on top blogs about a service called DirectCPV. Curiosity led me to find out more about this service.

What is DirectCPV ?
DirectCPV is an advertising network based in Canada, their business model is delivering targeted contextual advertising using the CPV ( Cost per view ) or PPV ( Pay per view ) method.

What Is CPV?
CPV stands for Cost Per View, it’s also referred as PPV or Pay Per View. In this blog post we will be using the term CPV to make it simpler to understand. CPV is one of the fastest growing advertising networks online.

The CPV model works on a similar principle like the Google Adwords, the only difference is that with Google adwords you pay per click and with the CPV ad work you pay per view. The CPV model charges you when someone views your site or your landing page.

How does DirectCPV work ?

With Direct CPV you can set up an account with only $100, whereas other ad networks will charge you a higher amount to get started. The low set up cost for DirectCPV makes it lucrative and affordable for blogger and affiliate marketers to use this service to get more traffic to their web business.

Why should I use DirectCPV ?
1 ) Low deposit amount :
– You can start promoting your websites or your affiliate sites by depositing only $100 which you set up when you initial open an account with DirectCPV. The initial set up cost is much less that the competitive networks which will charge you a higher deposit to activate your account. You also get a $25 in FREE traffic on your first deposit of $100. Use bonus code CPV 25 when you register.

2 ) Low cost bids:
– Direct CPV makes campaign costs more affordable that other advertising networks.

For example: According to Google Adwords you can set up an Adwords account with a minimum bid of 5 cents, but if you try to set up bids for 5 cents, you’ll get a message saying the bid is too low. If you are in a competitive market your bid amount per keyword will be anywhere from $2 to $20 maybe even higher. With DirectCPV you can actually start the bid as low as 1 cent, which means that you’ll get more users for a less price.

If you are running an affiliate cost per lead offer that pays you $4 per lead, in order to break even with a 5 cent CPC Google ads you will have to convert 1 user every 80 users to break even, with a DirectCPV campaign you’ll have to convert 1 user for every 400 users. With DirectCPV your chances of conversion are higher since the bid is much lower.

3 ) Target your audience:
– With DirectCPV you can effectively target your audience based on specific keywords, URL, countries and channels. The told provided by DirectCPV will help understand your market and audience much better.

4 ) Great support and control:
– You have complete control over your ad campaign, but if you have any problems with set up DirectCPV has expert account managers who will help set up your creative elements, help you target your ad effectively and also help you in the bidding strategy.

If you are a publisher you can sign up for with DirectCPV and participate in their network. Once you register as a publisher you have access to their database and use the files to showcase their ads on your site.

DirectCPV will share 50% of the revenue earned via your site or blog, this can also increase to 65% depending on the traffic that you send, if you have good traffic I recommend you negotiate with them on the share. Minimum payouts is $100.

Although DirectCPV is a new company it’s a great alternative to PPC, considering that the CPV starts at a low of 1 cent you should give it a shot. You also get a $25 coupon when you sign up.

Check the below video to see how DirectCPV works

Check out DirectCPV

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Web Developer June 2, 2010 - 11:55 pm
Yes, I have seen a lot of banner ads for this one, maybe I should try using them. Google sucks up all your money on adwords, so this can be a good alternative
david June 5, 2010 - 9:14 pm
This is a good alternative to adwords and good for companies that might not necessarily need someone to buy something right now. The basis for up and coming companies could be that they get a higher branding.
Halloween Costumes June 5, 2010 - 10:31 pm
Do we have to invest in the Directcpv or pay per view? I mean I haven't used any pay per view or whatever means to get high traffic., I do not understand well about their service.
jon June 6, 2010 - 7:13 pm
I agree about google adwords.
Tasarım June 8, 2010 - 5:47 pm
Even though most people suggest ditching Google & PPC campaigns, i personally (after doing some testing) found that PPC is still alive and hanging in there. But tbh ZK, the low bid req actually makes it pretty appealing :)
Mathew Day June 13, 2010 - 11:41 pm
Thanks for the great review on directcpv. I've seen the banners all over the place and I've really been wanting to try them out. I've heard PPV is the next big thing for getting instant targeted traffic.
Chris June 21, 2010 - 3:44 am
Should be testing out DirectCPV in the next couple days. I already deposited 175$ into my account so I'm good to start testing!! Should be fun!
Alex June 22, 2010 - 2:37 pm
Anyone have any luck with trafficvance? I use mediatraffic, linksador and leadimpact right now.
Online Home Business October 15, 2010 - 11:59 pm
Well.. I’m new to PPV advertising but after read your review it look interesting! so I’m plan to go with PPV now hope this will work as you say.. but anyway, thanks for the promo code $25, this will sure give my lots traffic to my site above!
Bill October 16, 2010 - 5:29 pm
I've launched a campaign on CPV, and although active for 6 days, I've gotten no traffic. I'm not looking for conversions that are out of the market, but I'm talking ZERO views. CPV is new and maybe it's all done with a human interface, but so far, it seems the whole process is slow, so if you want something to launch, give yourself a few weeks.
Jens | SportPicks.WS November 28, 2010 - 3:03 am
Better to try this CPV models :) What CPC models have high income for my blog ?
TechNina November 28, 2010 - 8:05 am
Are you using DirectCPV ? I find it more similar to per impressions ads.. What's are the distinguishing features (as in for blogs).
UpdatingWindows March 18, 2011 - 9:06 pm
Is the conversion rate any better with DirectCPV? Is there a better network conversion-wise?
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