Don’t Make an Excuse, Make an Effort

If you are not moving towards becoming an authority in your niche, the future of your blog is very dim. You ll always remain a small timer and will never be able to make any impact on your category.The truth is that making money on the internet is becoming a lot tougher than it was a few years ago. If you have not thought of your blog as an authority, your audience will not think of it as an authority. The secret to becoming wealthy is to have faith and belief in what you do. The secret is to believe and become an authority in what you do.

Whether its blogging, making money online or even selling hot dogs on the street. You can’t make THOUSANDS a month with a 10 cents attitude. Harsh as it may sound, its the simple truth. Its funny to me that i see so may bloggers want to retire off their blog income but have zero faith and belief in their blog or their ability.Most bloggers have big dreams and even bigger excuses. I cant find the time to post, I cant seem to monetize my blog. Don’t make an excuse, make an effort.

The sooner you quit thinking like a follower and start thinking like an authority the sooner you ll be able to monetise your blog. How long are you going to be stuck in the middle. When will you create momentum on your blog to generating income.

When will you give all you have to be a WINNER.

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Health Directory August 18, 2008 - 12:41 pm
I am fired up reading this post ..thanks zk
Vicky@Moviedownloads August 18, 2008 - 12:39 pm
This is a great post zk , I' m pumped up to get my site on top :)
paula money August 18, 2008 - 2:45 pm
Sweet. Do you post up your income online? August 18, 2008 - 11:18 pm
This is so true, most of us dream big but dont put the required efforts. Its never an overnight success in blogging, and it is pure hard work.
coolwebdeveloper August 18, 2008 - 11:20 pm
Paula is right, we would like to know your income chart, your posts are pretty interesting buddy. coolwebdevelopers last blog post..Microsoft WEFT - Web Embedding Fonts Tool
Suzanne@Money Making Ideas August 19, 2008 - 6:47 am
Hi ZK ~ Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my BANS post ... I'd love to help you out in any way I can ... just ask ;) Looks like you have a great blog here ... I will subscribe right away ... I love "hanging out" with like-minded people. From what I've read so far I can tell you that you'll be very successful ~ you have a great attitude and clearly the right skills as well. This post is a great motivation for me this morning ... and I will refer back to it when I need a good kick in the a#% to get my "work" done. LOL I'm usually pretty disciplined with my time ... but we all need motivation every once in a while. Thanks! *SmiLes* Suzanne P.S. You are using two plugins I really want to add to my blog ... CommentLuv and KeywordLuv ... now added to my ToDoList! ;) Suzannes last blog post..How to Schedule a Post on WordPress
Online Dividends August 19, 2008 - 9:03 am
WTR, A very inspiring article. One thing that it interesting to me however is the fact that most people start writing a make money online blog as their first blog. This is pretty wrong in my opinion. I have moderately successful stock market related investing blogs which bring in the dough. I kept writing my trakc passive online blog just to keep track of my passive income.. Online Dividendss last blog post..Monetization Methods for small bloggers
JK Swopes@How can I make money online August 23, 2008 - 8:18 pm
Good stuff man, it's true. Many will hinder themselves by how the think of things. Mindset has a tremendous amount to do with things. JK Swopess last blog post..24 Hour Site Flipping Contest: Update
Paul Maclauchlan September 6, 2008 - 10:48 pm
I have been fortunate in my life to have heard a number of motivating and inspiring speakers. Your post reminds of a keynote address given by Rudy Gulianni (former mayor of New York) in January 2003. This was about 16 months after the 9/11 attack. He told us that he had a 12 inch "name plaque" on his desk that provided him with exactly the excuse he needed to do nothing on that day and leave the work to someone else. The plaque didn't say "Mayor Rudy Gulianni - Mayor of New York" It didn't say "The buck stops here" It didn't say "Blame the state government" It didn't say "Blame the federal government" It said... "I am responsible" No excuses necessary. No explanations required. Just accept that it is your responsibility and get to work. No one else in the world gives a rip about your excuses. But I will stand on my chair and applaud your successes. clap Clap CLAP -- .../Paul Paul Maclauchlans last blog post..MLM - Who's Lying?
frank@150cc go karts September 17, 2008 - 12:50 pm
I agree with everyone else. This is a great post... I agree with Paul, no one will give a rip about your excuses... so don't give them, and don't dwell on them. cheers
WP@Product Liability September 19, 2008 - 4:33 am
Excuses are just another way to be slack and lazy. I'm afraid we all do this from time to time but like you said, we need to make an effort in whatever we do. Otherwise, why bother anyway?
promosyon September 26, 2008 - 10:48 pm
This is very useful, thanks ;)
bahce September 29, 2008 - 2:29 pm
This is the best observation i have ever seen for this subject
Joe T October 26, 2008 - 7:55 pm
This is exactly what I need to do! I love body building and wanted to share my personal success and tips. So, becoming an authority in my niche is a must! Thanks.
latif@debt management December 24, 2008 - 10:09 am
Reality is always harsh. unfortunately mostly people start blogging or look to make future online by reading lucrative ads. and think its so easy. And while making not success for months will lead most quiting it.
David@Chicago Collection Agency March 19, 2009 - 12:05 pm
Having a positive outlook and attitude will go a lot farther then just making excuses and being negative. Go out and take charge.
nora@hard gainer May 26, 2009 - 1:16 pm
This post is good enough to encourage us for not quitting but instead trying more. Efforts should be put in a right direction then it can get us what we want. Same applies to peoplewho joing programs to lose weight.
anupam@Cpr certificate May 28, 2009 - 6:40 am
Hi. Very nice information. Title of your post is very attractive. Thanks for sharing anupams last blog post..What is spamdexing?
online stores June 3, 2009 - 3:55 am
It sounds like you're creating problems yourself by trying to solve this issue instead of looking at why their is a problem in the first place
Stuart@st louis kickboxing June 8, 2009 - 5:02 am
I agree that if you want to make something out of your blogs or yourself, you should always put 101% trust in yourself and in what you do. And you should also look for ways that you might market yourself better in order to achieve you business goals.
ashay@Webdevelopment nj June 9, 2009 - 5:30 am
Hi, Very interesting. This post is really wonderful.We always make the excuses when we are wrong somewhere. Great stuff.keep going. Thanks for sharing.
kitchen taps August 24, 2009 - 5:32 am
Very inspirational post! Making excuse is not a way for being true in life but giving the best effort can make your life successful.

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