Download Thesis Theme 1.8.3 – Fast & Awesome

Good news for Thesis Theme users. Chris and team have just launched the latest version of the Thesis Theme Framework – Thesis Theme 1.8.3, you can download it here.

This blog is a testimonial of the solid and flexible framework that the Thesis Theme has to offer, I’ve been extremely satisfied with thesis theme framework and I highly recommend you to download it. If you already are on Thesis then the Thesis 1.8.3 version is a free upgrade, all you need to do is login to your Thesis account and download the zipped file.

What’s new in Thesis 1.8.3

The new Thesis theme is packed with awesome features, some of them are:

1) Thesis now load much faster:
– Thesis, always know to be a faster framework, with the addition of smarter CSS controls in the new and improved update your blog is faster than ever. Faster loading improves your rankings on Google, the new Google algo rewards faster loading websites.

2) Easy Header image Upload:
– The new drag and drop image upload feature makes it easier to upload Thesis header image and Favicons.

3) Thesis Multi Site support feature:
– The new Thesis version fully supports the Wordpress Multi-Site feature, if you are using the multi site feature then you can create separate customer folders for each site.

4) Gravity Form CSS support:
– Thesis automatically detects if you are using gravity forms and adds the necessary CSS to your style sheets.

Apart from the above features, there are tons of smaller details that have been taken care of by the Thesis team. Hats off to them for doing a great job.

Lifetime Upgrade to Thesis (including Thesis Theme 2.0)

When you buy the Thesis Theme you have access lifetime upgrades, which means that when Thesis Theme 2.0 is launched (which the team has been tirelessly working at) you get to download it at no cost.

Thesis Theme 2.0 is going to be priced higher when it launches, but its a free upgrade for Thesis Theme users. It makes perfect sense to buy Thesis 1.8.3 and upgrade it to thesis 2.0 for free when it launches.

Thesis Theme Bonus:
– When you purchase the Thesis Theme, you also get $477 in bonus, check out the Thesis Theme Bonus. If you want us to set up a blog for you on the Thesis Theme or customize your blog on Thesis, you can contact us.

Download the new and improved Thesis Theme 1.8.3

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johnavery February 11, 2012 - 7:40 am
cool selection of theme,normally i like to make my own preference when it comes to choosing a theme or design but this on is instantly attractive.cheers.
julie@krill oil February 11, 2012 - 11:59 am
thanks for the info, i like the fact that the Thesis Theme has a drag and drop image upload feature, should be easier to upload
Jasmine February 12, 2012 - 12:52 am
Thank you for this update. Glad that thesis 1.8.3 now loads much faster, it will be great for better user experience!
how2blog February 12, 2012 - 8:56 am
I'm waiting for thesis 2 :) By the way tnx for your update.
Angel Collins February 22, 2012 - 9:39 am
Hi. Thank you the information. Nice to know that thesis 1.8.3 loads much faster! :)
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