Drop Day- Excellent tool for buying valuable expiring domains

Since the last couple of days I have been looking to purchase a few domain names, I started checking their availability but the ones I wanted were not available. Searching for options I stumbled upon a domain tool analyzer called Dropday.com

The site amazed me, it defines all logic of design and colours, if you see the site you’ll figure out that there is no design, branding or colours to it. The core of the site is the powerful functionality that is very well projected on the site. As a marketer it made me feel whether design adds any value to a website that has a powerful feature or functionality.

If you are looking to buy expired domains or are in the domain buying business the site has all the possible features, functionality and tools to help you get the correct information regarding the expired domain. But seriously I am amazed at the way information and data is organized and easily accessible on the site.

Some of the features of the site include:

Quick Links:
Quick Links is not a section on the site but links to relevant information about expiring domains. ie. Out of the total of 598,066, domains, you can check how many of the domains have a Google PR, How many have Yahoo Links, How many appear in Google SERPs, How many are listed with DMOZ, How many listed with GoDaddy, Snap Names and other domains. All this information appears under Quick Links and helps you to easily navigate information related to expiring domains.

The below links appear under Quick Links for easy navigation and information about the domains

Total domains: listed today, listed yesterday
Domain with : Traffic, Google PR, Yahoo Links, Google Links
Domains with : DMOZ listed, Google directory, Yahoo directory, Alexa rank
Domains from : Godaddy, SnapName, NameJet
Visits per day: Less than 20 , 20 – 50, more than 50
PR: 3, 4 , 5 , 6
Domain Age : less than 4 years , 5-10 , more than 11
Key searches: Less than 150K , 151K to 500K, 501K

All this information is comprehensively displayed on the top part of the homepage and is very easy to navigate.

If the quick links did not impress you with the results you were looking for then you should try the site search. This will help you filter your search query based on a variety of options including ie. TLD’s ( .com, .net, .org,.me,.mobi and lots more), search for domain names, search domains based on vowels, numbers, hypens, special characters and more. The search is also displayed on the top half of the page.

Advance Search:
You can do an advance search to check out more expiring domains, this feature is a filter based search along with options that were included in the Quick link. ie. you can search for a domain with Google listing, DMOZ listing, Yahoo listing, Go Daddy listing, Snap Name Listing, Alexa listing and much more.

The advance feature open up when you click on the link Open advance feature, when you open this link it automatically reduced the size of the Quick Link feature with easy. Its amazing how the functionality shuffles between the two elements ( Quick Links and Search ) with such easy to show you relevant data.

Load time:
After seeing the exhaustive functionality and the data structure I thought that the load time would be impacted, but that was not the case the results are quick and the site loads much faster than most of the sites that don’t boast of such functionality.

DropDay gives you a FREE 10 Day Trial offer for you to check out their services. After the trial offer you can choose any pricing option from the below mentioned packages

Month Subscription – $18.90
Quarterly subscription – $50.70 ($16.09/month)
Semi Annual subscription – $89.40 ($14.90/month)
Annual subscription – $154.80 ($12.90/month)

Check out DropDay.com

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Cool Web Developer September 29, 2010 - 2:14 am
This post is of great value to me ..I had no idea that expired domains can be so valuable and the kind of information that we need to look for while buying a domain...I have a basic question , what is the advantage of buying an expired domain ?
ZK September 29, 2010 - 9:10 am
Expiring domains can be very valuable since a lot of them have very important parameters for the internet business, ie. Google PR, Alexa Rank, Domain Age History, amount of Google Back Links and Yahoo Back Link, Dmoz listing and more...you'll save time and a few years v/s a new domain where you ll have to work hard to get backlinks, PR, traffic and other parameters.
Alex Dumitru September 30, 2010 - 6:04 pm
They usually lose the PR once Google updates it, so they have no value considering SEO. Though some of them might still have traffic if there has been a website on them before expiring.
Aluminum Cases October 1, 2010 - 1:56 pm
I wouldn't say they have no value for SEO. An expired domain can still be well aged with a lot of backlinks. One of the biggest domain buying entrepreneurs relies heavily upon snatching up any expiring domains that are of value.
Free Voip Calls October 1, 2010 - 10:08 pm
I would agree with you that an expired domain may be very useful as it will be having lot of backlinks. This will indeed save a lot of time. Together you may be getting direct traffic to that expired domain.
ZK October 2, 2010 - 2:50 am
If the links are good they will not lose PR, its wrong to assume that they will lose PR once Google updates.
Alex September 29, 2010 - 3:23 am
I have been looking for something EXACTLY like this. Great find and cheers for the share. The pricing looks really reasonable as well. You make a good point about the design or websites and adverts etc as well. I have seen some of the nastiest websites you can imagine in 2010 making tens of thousands of dollars a month. It is incredible and really beggars belief! Of course, how good your design should be mainly depends on the market and traffic source. In this case, in this market, I think poor design can definitely be excused for excellent functionality.
ZK September 29, 2010 - 8:56 am
@Alex Its a fine balance and a conscious decision to go with a minimalistic design banking on functionality. Craigslist is a great example of a successful website with no great design, structure or functionality.
Dan Lew October 4, 2010 - 11:59 pm
Yeah there are loads of different reasons why domains drop, some are they just went bankrupt, so PR should stay same so long as they had changed hands fairly recently!
Slava September 29, 2010 - 7:24 am
Although that looks pretty useful, but somehow I feel like any good domain is snapped by registrars as soon as it's dropped.
ZK September 29, 2010 - 9:04 am
Yes, that's true they have their ears to the ground for dropped domains after all its online real estate and very lucrative :) ...but that does not mean you can't get one.
Milind Bawankar September 30, 2010 - 1:07 pm
In buying expired domains it is really important that you first study first about this industry. It is better if you choose domains that are already aged because they rank easier on search engines.
Usama September 30, 2010 - 2:27 pm
Nice service drop day is provideing. Thanks for the info.
Alex Dumitru September 30, 2010 - 6:03 pm
It seems like an excellent tool, ZK. I'm going to give it a try.
Dan Lew October 4, 2010 - 11:59 pm
Let me know how you go with it?
used tires October 1, 2010 - 1:14 am
This definitely looks like a great service ZK, though I wonder myself on the chances of actually capturing a good experienced domain name. I mean the easy part is the research, I am sure hard part is grabbing the domain name :( Till then, Jean
Car Rental October 1, 2010 - 4:14 am
That's a great tool.I really like the advanced search and Google PR filters. Thanks ZK!
Property Marbella October 1, 2010 - 4:59 am
Hi ZK, Interesting tool, I’m always looking for domains who is old and with PR with Marbella or real estate in. I am going to test it for 10 days now.
Aluminum Cases October 1, 2010 - 1:59 pm
You do have to be careful when buying expired domains. There is often a very good reason why the domain was not renewed. The domain could've been penalized by search engines or it could have other shady history. Or it could be a sign of a downwards trend in a particular niche.
used tires October 1, 2010 - 2:36 pm
@Aluminum, I would have to agree with you. Although I would agree more with the part that the website/niche wasn't profitable. Even if the domain had shady history or was penalized, I am sure it could get fixed and get back on the good graces of Google. So if anything I would agree more with your last sentence! Till then, Jean
Aluminum Cases October 4, 2010 - 4:38 pm
Jean it sounds like you don't have much experience with a website that is in Google's bad books. It is not easy to recover from. It's not something that will get fixed with a couple good links. You could waste a lot of money and time building links for a site that is limited to a certain ranking.
celie October 2, 2010 - 1:38 am
This is just what I have been looking for, domain buying and selling on is a viable business right now and this will shortcut a lot of the work needed when choosing which domains to go for. Thank you for a clear and complete article/review.
Cheap Voip Calls October 2, 2010 - 2:25 am
I just want to know, and believe that they are not one of those fake sites to sell fake information domains with fake PR's and domain age?
ZK October 2, 2010 - 11:41 am
You can double check the authenticity of the domains with alexa, google tool bar, age of the domain, backlinks checker etc..
Aluminum Cases October 4, 2010 - 4:40 pm
Yes you can double check the PR with the Google toolbar, but beware of domain sellers who redirect an older domain to the one they are selling. So the site may have artificial PR that may drop once the redirect is changed. You should compare the amount/quality of links with their PR to see if it all adds up. Obviously if they have few backlinks and good PR, it's likely too good to be true. Don't expect the PR to last.
evan schulte October 4, 2010 - 9:33 am
Wow that is a pretty incredible tool you found. I have such a hard time sometimes when choosing what domains to buy and this will help so much.
Dan Lew October 4, 2010 - 11:57 pm
They have a nice list of domains there, i'm surprised they are expiring, i'm sure they are being back ordered though
Software Development Company October 11, 2010 - 7:04 am
It's really great tool for buying expiry domain. Complete details of expiry domains on that sites.
Arnie October 14, 2010 - 2:23 am
I've been collecting a list of valid GoDaddy promo codes, which you may find useful if you're buying a lot of domains :) GROUCH3 = new .com domains for $7.49/year each (best deal) EMMA412 = new .com domains for $7.49/year each (best deal) EMMA3 = new .com domains for $7.99/year each EMMA30 = new .com domains for $7.99/year each EMMA35 = new .com domains for $7.99/year each MTECH412 – 30% off .com domain names GROUCH2 = $5 off promo code for any Go Daddy order $30 or more GROUCH1 = 10% off discount code for any GoDaddy order (no minimum spend) EMMA410 = 10% off voucher for any Go Daddy order (no minimum spend) MTECH410 – 10% off source code for almost any order (no minimum spend) EMMA411 = 20% off any $50/£35+ godaddy.com orders MTECH411 – 20% off any order over 50USD EMMA125 = 25% off $100/£65+ godaddy.com orders EMMA25 = 25% off $100/£65+ godaddy.com orders MTECH125 – 25% off a $100 or more order GROUCH20H = 20% off web hosting (economy, standard and deluxe hosting for 1, 2 and 3 years) EMMA20H1 = 20% off web hosting (economy, standard and deluxe hosting for 1, 2 and 3 years) MTECH20H1 – 20% off all web hosting plans (economy, standard and deluxe hosting for 1, 2 and 3 years) GROUCHSSL = $12.99 standard SSL certificates (normally $24.99-$49.99) EMMASSL = $12.99 standard SSL certificates (normally $24.99-$49.99) MTECHSSL – standard SSL certificates just $12.99 (normally $24.99-$49.99)
Flex Developer September 20, 2011 - 3:23 am
Nice post. As per SEO point of old domain is very good for site. If your domain is old that google or other search engine will take it as trustworthy domain. So it will benefit to site.
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