Facebook extends Like Buttons, Launches Reactions

The Facebook “like” button is going to have a few friends now. After researching for a few years and listining to its users Facebook has decided that its going to extend the “like” button family to include more emotional reactions. The “like” button family will now extend to Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry.

The Facebook team has included 5 more emotions for users to engage with the posts. Facebook users will now be able to use any of the above emotions to express their views about a particular post. To use these you’ll simply need to hold down the like button on mobile or hover over the like button on the desktop to see the reaction options and tap any of them.

Facebook has been testing “reactions” on their platform in different markets and has received positive feedback on the same. The ‘Reactions” buttons are now available for all users on facebook.

Facebook has not announced if these buttons will also be available on business pages, I wonder how brands would react to the “angry” button on their post. It’s best if Facebook keeps this only to individual pages.

Check them out, let us know your reaction

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