Facebook introduces New Search FYI

Search has always been Google’s forte, they’ve been on the forefront of search and have launched numerous products around search and search capabilities. The Google founders started Google as a search engine for the web and the rest is history.

Twitter came and challenged the real time search capabilities of Google where tweets were shown in real time, this was a great feature and thus popularized the real time tweeting and real time news events. Bing had entered into a partnership with Twitter to showcase real time searches in 2008 but that did not make any impact since the market share of Bing was not as large as Google.

Recently Google and Twitter announced a partnership where Google would show real time tweets in their search results.

Facebook today announce that it has revamped its search function with the New “Search FYI”, Facebook has over 1.5 billion searches a day. The search function on Facebook never showed relevant results, it was largely ignored by the Facebook team, but with 1.5 billion searches and 2 trillion posts a day on Facebook improving search becomes a major concern.

Some of the key changes to the “New Search FYI” are

– Better search suggestions: The search will now show events and news from the feed as you type searches in the search box. This will help you follow the latest news and stories from around the globe.

– Find Public conversations:
You can now check out what people on Facebook are conversing and get involved in the conversations.

– Search results within your network posts : You can also search for results from within public post and your friends posts.

The New Search FYI will roll out in the next week on Android, iOS and desktop.

This move could result in a very powerful business model for Facebook, once they get users liking the function and searching more often, Facebook will start showing ads on their search results challenging Google in the search domain.

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1 comment

Godlove October 26, 2015 - 7:06 am
Facebook is making use of its popularity. It 1st reduced its font size so people can see the ads more clearly. Now they have change their search a logarithm?
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