Facebook removes inactive accounts from page likes

Facebook is taking some bold decisions in making the platform meaningful and relevant to businesses and users.

It has decided to remove inactive accounts from business pages, accounts that seem spammy and in active will be cleaned out.

According to the Facebook blog this will have an impact on the number of likes that businesses have on their page. There would be a decrease in the number of likes due to the clean up activity.

This is to ensure that the data is that is shown to users on business pages is insightful and accurate.

While some big names have been impacted due to this change, the move seems to have a positive sentiment from the industry and analysts.

Some of the business pages who have seen a massive drop in their page likes have been New York Times, Harvard Business Review, You Tube, Gawker, Etsy, Kenneth Cole.

Has you seen a drop in number of facebook likes to your page ?

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Mick Kennys March 18, 2015 - 1:57 pm
Good! Maybe know all those artifically made likes will disappear :)
ZK March 19, 2015 - 3:30 pm
That's the goal :)
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