How to set up “Trusted Friends” – The New Security Measure from Facebook

Sometimes by an oversight while using a shared computer we forget to close our session on Facebook, we can be victims of identity theft. Sometimes an oversight or an excessive reliance on the browser storing passwords can cause this issue and we can not access our account on Facebook.

Thinking of improving the security of your social network and, above all, speed up the password recovery process without compromising the user data Facebook will soon trigger a new recovery system in which our identity is verified by our own friends. This feature has already been rolled out in some markets.

Yes, for there is no better endorsement Facebook than our own friends and, on that principle, trigger a method called “trusted friends” with which we can recover our password in case we cannot access our account or our email (that is, if we have a case of identity theft). With this feature, users can appoint 3 to 5 trusted friends who will be in charge of guarding the “keys” that access your account.

The idea is Facebook sends a key to each of these trusted contacts who will be responsible to be passed on the code to you. Once you retrieve the correct code or key from your friends you can access your facebook account. You can change your password once you access your account with the new ‘keys”.

This is an additional layer of security that was announced for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

How to set up “trusted friends” ?

– Go to your security settings page ( Account > Account Setting > Security )
– Click on trusted friends sections
– Click choose trusted friends
– Scroll through your friends or search for specific friends
– Select 5 friends and confirm your choice

You can edit your friends from the security page anytime

What do you think about this new security feature from facebook ? Have you set up “trusted friends” ?

Image Credit: Laughing Squid

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Daniel Wood November 1, 2011 - 4:03 am
It sounds like a cool technique. So facebook has started taking measures for its major drawback. Security has always been a matter of concern with Facebook. Hope measures like this will put the worry off from it's users mind. I haven't still chosen my 5 trusted friends. Going to have a look at this feature.
Mahesh kumar November 1, 2011 - 6:53 am
Hi Daniel Wood, Do you know about facebook chat option. Is it recordable or can be removed as Google talk history??
sam @ goa carnival November 1, 2011 - 7:46 am
Hi, Nice info for protect our FB account. We will don't have any problem if we will follow this useful tool.
ZK November 1, 2011 - 1:54 pm
It looks like a comprehensive security measure
Melbourne real estate November 1, 2011 - 12:13 pm
The internet has no privacy and we cannot expect either we just have to be very careful by logging in and out very cautiously. There has been so much ID thefts and hacks so we have to use the right way.
Kelli November 1, 2011 - 8:04 pm
I think all this will be pointless as Google + seems to be taking over. You had a good run facebook, now just sell out to the Gmen.
Chris McCoy November 1, 2011 - 9:06 pm
Cool idea but jeez, it's only a social networking site. I mean, I bet most people I know would rather have their credit card stolen rather then have someone hack their Facebook account haha
Chris November 3, 2011 - 2:24 am
facebook is very key for local business Chris Owner Cel Financial Services Registered Bonded California CTEC Tax Preparer Please visit my website for all your Income Tax Fillmore needs.
What is backup November 3, 2011 - 7:16 pm
@ Chris it is not just a social networking site.My friend had this experience someone stolen her identity in facebook. All she did is asking money from my friend friends. We also need to secure our personal info in the internet.There are people will do anything for their own interest.
Delhi Hotels November 5, 2011 - 5:41 am
According To Latest Information These Days Facebook Has Become Very Key For Local Business ... :) ...
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