Facebook’s New Logo, Like it ?

Yes, I noticed it. Not sure if you did.

Facebook now has a new logo, if you logged on Facebook in the last 24 hours – you’ll see a new logo, well a subtle new logo I would say.

It’s not the entire revamp of the logo but a very minor modification that would generally go unnoticed by many.

The original logo was designed in 2005 by Joe Kral and Cuban Council using the kalvika font. The thick font now makes way for a thinner font and less bolder look of the new logo.

While none of the alphabets have changes, the alphabet “a” has a major change. The double story “a” is now a single story “a” the rest of the alphabets are rounder and the overall look is less bolder and thinner – It’s not facebook any more but facebook. Less bolder and thinner.

The new typography is supposed to be “more friendlier” according to Josh Higgens, Facebook’s creative director

Did you notice the change ? Do you like the new logo ?

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