How to use GetResponse Marketing Automation Tool – A Tutorial

GetResponse is an All-in-One marketing platform to stimulate the growth of your business. It provides a suite of powerful tools, aimed at boosting your sales and maximizing ROI. It was previously known for their email marketing tools.

But GetResponse has gone one step ahead by unveiling their Marketing Automation tools, considering the need of time. GetResponse Marketing Automation is evidently competitive considering the price, and efficient considering the functionality.

What Is Marketing Automation?
Marketing Automation refers to the use of software and technology to automate the marketing strategy of a business. It makes the process of marketing much easier, effective and efficient. It can be used to automate repetitive tasks, saving precious time.

Marketing Automation tools are designed to perform an array of tasks including:

Analysis of Customers
– Development, analysis, and management of marketing campaign.
– Organization and Storage of Customer data.
– Moving From Leads to Customers

GetResponse Marketing Automation

GetResponse recently launched their Marketing Automation Tools, which can be labeled as an addition to their AutoResponders feature. These marketing automation tools let you create automation workflows using a simple drag-and-drop builder. Automation workflows, also known as Automation flowcharts, are designed to direct GetResponse on what to do while reacting to any action from the subscribers. This feature comes in handy when you want to turn your subscribers into customers.

Marketing Automation is based on instinctive and if-then logic. GetResponse Marketing Automation tools will go through your subscribers’ list to find your pre-set conditions and take actions accordingly. GetResponse also enables you to apply filters to add more precision to your searches.

Conditions enable you to create automation events based on user behaviors. These conditions can narrow down your search according to your requirements. You can choose conditions from the variety available, to define your target subscribers. The following are a few of those.

SUBSCRIBE: You can use this condition to find only those who subscribed to a certain campaign or signed-up for a particular activity.
SPECIAL EVENT: This condition can be used to reach out to subscribers on events such as their Birthdays, anniversaries, upon subscription or upon purchase.
PURCHASED/CART ABANDONED: This condition can be used to follow-up with customers and engage with them as soon as they complete a purchase, or leave the cart without making a purchase.
VISITED URL: This condition will narrow down your search to those subscribers who visited a certain URL, and you can engage with them.

Actions will be taken based on your preset conditions. These actions will enable you to engage with a specified group of followers. Following are some of the actions that you can select for particular groups of subscribers.

– SEND EMAIL: You can use this action to send a particular email to your specified subscribers
– MOVE: This action can be used to move subscribers from one campaign to another, based on their interactions with the workflow
– COPY: This action will copy the contacts based on their actions
– MOVE TO WORKFLOW: Use this action to move contacts from one workflow to another.

Filters can be applied for more precise targeting. You can use these to narrow down your search results.
The provided filters include:
AMOUNT: This filter is used to limit the segment to a specified range. It means you can apply amount filter to limit the number of subscribers in a segment.
RANGE: You can use this filter to specify the number of subscribers who are affected by a certain action
CAMPAIGN: This filter enables you to target subscribers based on their participation in specific campaigns.

Scoring and Tagging
These are the two most important elements of Marketing Automation. The main motive behind the utilization of these features is to nurture relationships with your audience.
Using these features together enable you to create a perfect customer profile and a highly-customized automation workflow.

Scoring, if used separately, can be utilized for segmenting and tracking activities of subscribers. The insights extracted from Scoring will give you a wider picture of the value of your Database.

In a nutshell, you can score your subscribers based on their actions and evaluate the value of your audience, considering the scores.

Similarly, Tagging can also be used to segment customers while used separately. You can differentiate better between your subscribers by adding labels to each of them. It will encourage personalized and relevant communication with your audience.

Tagging feature enables you to Assign labels to your subscribers, based on their activities. These tags can be added or removed manually or automatically, based on certain criteria.

Web Event Tracking
This feature assists you in turning your potential customers into actual customers, and actual customers into loyal customers.
Web-Event tracking will let you discover the users who have been visiting your website frequently. You can understand and analyze their interests by examining the pages they’ve been visiting. You may also score or tag these users.

Once you’re well-aware of their interests, you can generate and send targeted emails, based on their interests.

Web Event Tracking will also let you communicate with customers as soon as they complete a purchase, in order to enhance customer loyalty. You can send a message thanking them for their transaction and can move them to other campaigns.

Automation Segmentation:
This is an important and effective element of GetResponse’s Marketing Automation. It lets you divide your subscribers into groups based on their activities and interests, for a sharply-targeted marketing.

You can utilize this feature to maximize sales and engagement by delivering relevant and specific content to them at the perfect time.

You can create dynamic segments based on numerous combinations including:
– Subscription date
– Presence in AutoResponder Cycle
– Last Message Date

AutoResponders are emails, newsletters, and messages that are sent to your subscribers as soon as autoresponders are triggered. You can either set intervals or can set up autoresponders in a way that they are triggered by users’ actions.

For example, your subscribers could receive a ‘Welcome’ message as soon as they subscribe. You can also set autoresponders to send your subscribers a discount promo or loyalty promo after a specified interval.

GetResponse Email Marketing
GetResponse was hailed as one of the top email marketing tools. The email marketing tools are quite comprehensive and effective.

These tools will enable you to send highly personalized content to your subscribers, based on their interests. The emails/newsletters can be designed using the templates provided by GetResponse.
Moreover, A/B testing can be used to check the expected engagement for your messages, and the engagement can be maximized by using A/B testing insights to alter the content.
GetResponse’s analytics will give you a wider picture of your success with your marketing strategy.

Landing Pages Designer
GetResponse’s landing page designer is certainly amongst the best out there. It is highly convenient and useful. You can create sales, promos, downloads, and signup pages by choosing from the variety of templates offered. The editor is evidently simple too.

Most of the processes are drag-and-drop based, making it convenient for everyone.
These landing pages can be integrated into social network profiles, for maximum performance
You may also use A/B testing and analytics to conclude the most efficient design.

Ease of Use
GetResponse is extremely easy to use and comprehend. Even though marketing automation isn’t a piece of cake, the user-friendly UI and helpful tutorials will make it simple for you.
The interface is quite neat and bright with pretty much everything categorized accordingly.

Perhaps GetResponse’s standout feature is its pricing. Along with affordable and scaled pricing, GetResponse also provides a 30-day full featured trial.
They provide four plans to choose from, with EMAIL being the cheapest /least featured and ENTERPRISE being the full featured/most expensive.
The EMAIL plan costs $15/month and offers only a couple of Marketing Automation features including Workflows and Tags.
The PRO plan starts from $49/month and offers all of the Marketing Automation features including Workflows, Tags, Scoring, Abandoned Cart, Web event tracking and Automation segmentation.
The ENTERPRISE plan costs $750/month and offers additional features.

GetResponse is undoubtedly one of the best Marketing Automation Tools out there. It is quite cost-efficient, considering the services they provide. GetResponse offers a 30 day free trial with full features. Go give it a shot.

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