If you’ve if not heard of Chris Guillebeau then you haven’t yet started living the life you love. Chris wears a lot of hats – he’s an entrepreneur, a personal development guru and an avid traveler. He travels the world teaching average people to do great things. How awesome is that 🙂
Through his blog “The Art of Non Conformity”, he helps people live unconventional lives, make their own choices, and change the world.
He lives a remarkable life doing things he loves.
My friend at Zen Pencils has paid tribute to one of Chris Guillebeau’s quote – 11 Ways to be remarkably average
1. Accept what people tell you at face value
2. Don’t question authority
3. Go to college because you’re supposed to, not because you want to learn something
4. Sit at the desk 40 hours a week for 10 hours of productive work
5. Go overseas once or twice in your lifetime, always to somewhere safe and easy
6. Get the largest mortgage you qualify for and spend 30 years paying for it
7. Don’t try to learn another language, everyone else will eventually learn English
8. Think about writing a book but never do it
9. Think about starting your own business but never do it
10. Don’t stand out of draw attention to yourself
11. Jump through hoops, check off boxes
I’ve been guilty for most of the above ways – especially point 3 and 8, which one of the above have you been guilty of ?
Have a great week ahead.
All credits:Zen Pencils