We’ve featured Steve Jobs and Guy Kawasaki very extensively on this blog, we love both of them. Steve is iconic and I am one of his greatest admirers. Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley author, speaker, investor and advisor to a large number of start ups. He was one of the Apple employees originally responsible for marketing the Macintosh in 1984.
Today’s Good Morning Sunday features a super video by Guy Kawasaki at the Silicon Valley Bank’s CEO Summit on October 6, 2011, the day after Steve Jobs passed away. Guy shares 12 lessons he learnt from Steve Jobs. These are essential traits that all of us can learn and apply to our start ups. Guy Kawasaki worked with Steve twice at Apple, from 1983 to 1987 and then again from 1995 to 1997.
He is one of the few who worked for Steve Jobs twice and survived 🙂
I’ve tried to summarize the 12 lessons below, but I highly recommend you to grab a cup of coffee and listen to Guy in the below video, he is awesome.
Lesson 1: Experts are clueless, they will tell you what other people think.
Lesson 2: Customers cannot tell you what they need – They will always tell you “better, faster, cheaper and keep the status quo”.
Lesson 3: Biggest challenges, beget the best work.
Lesson 4: Design Counts – Human Interface truly does matter.
Lesson 5: Big Graphics & Big Fonts – Keep presentations simple.
Lesson 6: Jump Curves – Not Sameness, Don’t do things 10% better Do it 10 times better.
Lesson 7: “Work” or “doesn’t work” is what really matters. It really does not matter if it does not work.
Lesson 8: ‘Value” is different than “price”.
Lesson 9: “A” player hires “A+” players.
Lesson 10: Real CEO’s can demo their products.
Lesson 11: Real Entrepreneurs Ship – If you’re looking for the perfect product, it will never ship.
Lessons 12: Somethings need to believed to be shipped – If you’re waiting for other to accept, it will never happen.