Good Morning Sunday: Celebrate Presidents’ Day – Great Quotes from Greatest Leaders

As USA prepares to celebrate Presidents’ Day tomorrow, I take the opportunity to dedicate today’s Good Morning Sunday post to reflect on advise from the greatest leaders of all time.

“Great Quotes from Great Leaders.” This Simple Truths classic 3 minute movie, features the inspirational words of great leaders such as Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Walt Disney, John Wooden and many others. It is filled with timeless wisdom from world famous leaders from all walks of life that will encourage and inspire you.

Click here to play the video (embedding is disabled for this video )

Some of these great quotes are below:

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’ – Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1760)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts” – Winston Churchill (1874 – 1965)

“The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave” – Thomas Jefferson (1743 – 1826)

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend” – Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)

“If you can dream it, you can do it” – Walt Disney (1901 – 1966)

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time” – Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)

“The quality of a person’s life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor” – Vince Lombardi (1913 – 1970)

“No one can make you feel inferior without your concent” – Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 – 1962)

“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” – Nelson Mandela (1918 – )

“Weakness of attitude becomes a weakness of character” – Albert Einstien (1879 – 1955)

“Liberty without learning is always in peril, learning without liberty is always in vain” – John F Kennedy (1917 – 1963)

“We must become the change we want to see in the world ” – Mahatama Gandhi (1869 – 1948)

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently” – Henry Ford (1863 – 1947)

“Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours” – Ronald Reagan (1911 – 2004)

“In this life we cannot always to great things. But we can do small things with great love” – Mother Teresa (1910 – 1997)

Have a Super Sunday and a Great week ahead 🙂

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Mark@Marketing With Anik Review February 19, 2012 - 10:13 pm
My favorite leader of all time Mahatma Gandhi is the definition of change. To be able to deviate from the norms and to be able to make things happen. That is the is the best thing that Ive learned from this man of wisdom and humanity.
Angel Collins February 20, 2012 - 7:12 am
Thanks for posting this. I consider that it is everybody's rights to be equally important.
Coupons February 21, 2012 - 8:26 am
Mother Teresa is one of the inspirational personality I have ever seen. Her social working quality have been one of the motivational factor for a lot of humans.
ZK February 22, 2012 - 2:03 am
Mother Teresa's "The Missionaries of Charity", has inspired millions around the world. Her work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world. God Bless her noble soul.
Bjorn February 21, 2012 - 9:50 am
Yes, Gandhi is probably one of the most successful leaders ever. Setting free a great country like India without violence is impressing..
ZK February 21, 2012 - 12:14 pm
Mahatma Gandhi's approach to non- violence ( ahimsa )places him as a farsighted and sensitive man of peace. He led a long nonviolent struggle against British rule in India, which eventually helped India win its independence in 1947. The birthday of Mahatma Gandhi ( Oct 2nd ) is observed as International Day of Non-Violence.
john February 23, 2012 - 11:08 am
brilliant post!!!! i need to remember your quoted words from Eleanor Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your concent” am gonna have to write this out in big red letters and stick it on my wall
CRM Software solutions March 12, 2012 - 3:23 am
I have found this post very interesting. I like the way Mahatma Gandhi fought for the freedom and his thoughts were really impressive. With non-violence, he proved a lot. Here, I liked Benjamin Franklin's thought. That sounds really good.
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