Good Morning Sunday: The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness

In today’s Good Morning Sunday series, we feature an awesome video with His Highness – The Dalai Lama. In this 8 min video The Dalai Lama gives us his view on what is happiness ? It’s important to understand what is happiness only then can you work towards achieving it.

According to The Dalai Lama – “Happiness is not some pleasure experience, but neutral sort of experience that can bring deep satisfaction.”

“It’s not money, it’s not success but peace of mind that makes someone truly happy.” In the video, he reveals his his profound teachings on human behavior and happiness, you would not want to miss.

What are your take away points from this video, how much of it will you implement today ?

Have a Super Sunday and a great week ahead.

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Robert Singh January 26, 2014 - 4:33 am
Hello Zk, The video is really cool, just watch it though. I guess dalai lama words for happiness are quite inspiring. Happy Sunday!
Josh January 27, 2014 - 7:34 pm
People put way too much emphasis on money being the answer to happiness. we all know that is not the true meaning of happiness.
Mark January 29, 2014 - 5:45 am
I guess happiness is more important than money. Sometimes we can buy something which bring happiness to some extent but all of other things wont. Thanks
Jonathan February 3, 2014 - 9:41 am
Yes, money is not the true meaning of happiness but it certainly helps you get there
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