Good Morning Sunday: To my Son on Father’s Day

Dear Son,

Today is an emotional day.

It’s your first father’s day and you just turned 9 months :).

While you’re enjoying the day with Mom. I sit caught up in deep thought, wondering the lessons of life I would teach you. I hope I can pass on the great values to you, that I’ve learnt from my Father. I hope to teach you to be responsible to yourself and to your family.

Will I be a good Father ? A Dad that teaches by example. A few years later on Father’s Day will you be proud of me ?

And Son on Father’s Day I don’t need any gifts. Hugging you and seeing you smile is the greatest gift I get. No gift can compare to the happiness when I sing to put you to sleep.

I hope I can give you a good education and the necessities of life. I hope to teach you to lead the life you would want to lead, have a great attitude in life and not to embrace mediocrity. Always be grateful for what you have.

Nothing I’ve ever done has given me more joys & rewards than being a father to you.

There can’t be a better day for me to sit back and reflect about my responsibility and your future.

Your Loving Dad

Happy Father’s Dad to all the Dads

Have a Super Sunday and a great week ahead

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Martin June 17, 2013 - 3:24 am
What a lovely post for Father's Day))) Made me smile! Thank you!
ZK June 17, 2013 - 12:25 pm
Glad you liked it :) , thanks for the comment
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