How to reduce Google Adwords Campaign Cost with Landing Pages

If you are Google Adwords user or planning to use Google Adwords to launch your online campaign then you might have heard about the Google Adwords Quality Score. A high Quality Score for each keyword will trigger your ads in higher position and at lower cost-per-click (CPC). A Quality Score of keyword depends on your landing page quality to great extent.

So if you have high quality landing pages then you could get high quality score for your keywords which would help in reducing the cost per click for your keywords and increasing ROI of your campaign. In this post we would be going to discuss tips how you can improve Quality Score for each keyword by improving your landing pages.

Make your Landing Pages Relevant: – Your Landing Page should be relevant to your ad copy. For eg:- if you are selling red widgets in your ad, then the content and headline of your Landing Page should contain keyword “ Red widget” in them so that your landing page become relevant to it.

Creating Unique and Relevant Content: – Google hates duplicate content and treats your landing pages as any other page. Always add relevant and unique content on your landing pages. In case you are promoting a product as an affiliate then don’t copy the product specifics as it is from manufacturer website, rewrite it in a different way and put it on your landing page. Google Adwords don’t show multiple ads at same time directing to identical pages with same content.

More Loading Time: – Landing pages which take more time to load always have low quality score. Google compares the loading time of landing page with the average loading time of a page where your server is located. For E.g.:- if you page is hosted on Server in Australia, then Google will compare the loading time as compared to average loading time of websites in Australia. Landing page with more loading time will negatively affect your Quality Score. Avoid use of Flash, Pop-ups and iframes to decrease loading time. Also you can use image compressors to reduce the page size.

Arbitrage Pages: – If your landing pages only purpose is to show ads or send traffic to other website without providing any useful information then you would be having low Quality Score. You’re landing page need to provide useful information about your product to the user for free. If you have sponsored ads on your landing pages then you need to mark them as sponsored. You need to maintain a balance between informational aspect and commercial aspect of your landing pages.

Transparency: – Your Landing Page should have a link to your privacy policy and contain information about your product and business. If you want your user to register for a product then you should mention what the user will get after registering or subscribing to your website. If you are looking for some personal information then provide a disclosure policy that this information won’t be sold or used for any illegal purposes.

These are some important tips which you can easily implement on your landing pages to improve your Quality Score for Keywords in your Google Adwords Campaign and can get same amount of traffic by spending lesser amount of money in your PPC Campaigns.

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Crystal Guthrie November 4, 2009 - 7:47 pm
"Landing pages which take more time to load always have low quality score." Isn't that the truth! I had some hosting problems and it really messed up our scores. It took some time to recover from that.
Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online November 5, 2009 - 7:20 am
Reliable web hosting is very important, which web hosting you're using right now Crystal? Regards, Lee .-= Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online´s last blog ..5 Ways For Teenagers To Make Money =-.
chandan November 7, 2009 - 8:35 am
@ Lee you are right, on PPC campaign another point is keyword research, if you do not use the perfect keyword its hard to get ROI. .-= chandan´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
Gagan November 5, 2009 - 8:33 am
Landing pages with more loading time always put negative effect on your Quality Score. You can check grade for your landing page's load time in your AdWords account. If your keyword is graded 'This page loads slowly,' your landing page quality and Quality Score will be negatively affected. .-= Gagan´s last blog ..30+ principles to a better landing page design =-.
Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online November 5, 2009 - 10:35 pm
That's right, if the landing pages with more loading time, visitors quit before reading the full page and don't even what you're trying to sell or promote. Web hosting plays an important role, as well as the structure of your landing page. .-= Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online´s last blog ..5 Ways For Teenagers To Make Money =-.
Jacques @ Web Design November 7, 2009 - 1:50 am
One of the metrics we use when analysing web sites for SEO is load time. The faster the better, as the audience is fickle and very ADD, and if things do not happen quickly enough they go somewhere else. Time truly is of the essence!
chandan November 7, 2009 - 8:47 am
Lee have ever try google adword campaign. You know I really get surprise how people earn from adword, I will really try this campaign for know how it work actually. .-= chandan´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
kitchen taps November 5, 2009 - 1:14 am
I think that is true that landing pages take very long time and they have very low qulity score. Is it really worth?
Camper Trailers November 5, 2009 - 12:33 am
The online web marking blog is has been the remarkable tool to get the use of hot media methodologies.
Paul@diabetis November 5, 2009 - 12:42 am
TI would be better if you are going to develop a real website rather than just a landing page since it will earn more in the long run. .-= Paul@diabetis´s last blog ..Monogenic, The Third Type of Diabetes =-.
how to articles November 6, 2009 - 9:59 am
Good call. A landing page would be very long term.
Jim Olenbush November 5, 2009 - 12:54 am
Great post, thanks for the info. You can really waste a lot of money by pushing ads with low quality scores. It is definitely worth the time to improve your ads. .-= Jim Olenbush´s last blog ..Ask George and Chuck =-.
DotComSecrets Review November 5, 2009 - 2:51 am
Its depend on what kinda of landing page you have. But its true that these pages have very low quality link.
DotComSecrets Review November 5, 2009 - 2:54 am
This post contain with very useful info. thanks for sharing it with all of us. .-= DotComSecrets Review´s last blog ..Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 Review =-.
game-girl November 5, 2009 - 2:57 am
Thanks for showing the right way to do that.Many people understand how important to have landing pages with high quality score. .-= game-girl´s last blog ..Виват Анна скачать фильм онлайн =-.
Lara Maedchenspiele November 5, 2009 - 3:46 am
I am a Google Adwords user but did not know about the landing pages at all! This opportunity is simply great...thank you for sharing this precious info!! .-= Lara Maedchenspiele´s last blog ..Sunny und Peter schreiben ihre erste Mathearbeit =-.
Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online November 5, 2009 - 7:17 am
I do have a landing page that sells product, but I've never tried Google Adword before. Between, your points are great and I'll follow them to improve my landing page. :) Regards, Lee .-= Lee Ka Hoong@Make Money Online´s last blog ..5 Ways For Teenagers To Make Money =-.
Web 2.0 November 5, 2009 - 7:22 am
Create a specific landing page for each ad that spells out the details of your offer, why it is a great offer, and how it can benefit the customer.
Samantha Edwards November 5, 2009 - 7:59 am
Yep... absolutely agree with you web 2.0.
James Brinkman November 5, 2009 - 1:25 pm
I have found that A vs. B testing can really improve your landing pages. Don't guess, test and test again!
Gagan November 5, 2009 - 9:16 pm
You are Right , Its very important to analyze results and improve your landing pages.
Dino November 5, 2009 - 3:41 pm
Thats was really interesting read for sure, thanks for posting it up. Dino | .-= Dino´s last blog ..Finally Finally! Flame War!! =-.
Sell Property Fast November 6, 2009 - 12:18 am
You have nicely explained about the reducing adwords campaign cost!
Seaward November 6, 2009 - 2:44 am
I would like to add something that one thing which you have said that the home page should be relevant with the ads, You are saying 100% right.
oes tsetnoc November 6, 2009 - 4:32 am
Thanks for the post but why only google adword??
Gagan November 7, 2009 - 12:39 am
Most of the people use Adwords use that's why i only mentioned Adwords but same rules apply to for all online campaigns .-= Gagan´s last blog ..30+ principles to a better landing page design =-.
Martin Abbey@restaurant furniture November 6, 2009 - 5:22 am
Well in many pages i have seen Flash advertisement which looks smaller without mouse overriding and it booms up with big banner when mouse is been overridden on it, this really adds featured advertisement to your blog.
black friday ads 2009 November 6, 2009 - 5:29 am
this is great for ad word users absolutely we should keep our page relevant with the ads.
Billy@Long Mynd Hotel November 6, 2009 - 6:09 am
I would advise of Flip feature in your home page, there must be something attractive at your home page where people gets attracted to click, this will really help you to advertise your business.
how to articles November 6, 2009 - 9:58 am
These tips should keep you withing a 7-10 quality score range.
Dennis Edell November 6, 2009 - 11:56 am
Hmm..... .-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Mistakes To Avoid While Designing Your Landing Page - Guest Post =-.
SEO Workgroup November 7, 2009 - 6:41 am
That's a good effort you have put on the network through your blog. Its depend on what kinda of landing page you have. But its true that these pages have very low quality link. I appriciate your work.
game-girl November 7, 2009 - 9:58 pm
It is just the time to test my landing page.Thanks for drawing attention to that point.So important. .-= game-girl´s last blog ..Возвращение домой скачать фильм онлайн =-.
mona@ashford coupons November 8, 2009 - 2:59 am
That’s really informative and i think your landing page should be attractive this will really help you to advertise your business. .-= mona@ashford coupons´s last blog ..Special offer =-.
mona@ashford coupons November 8, 2009 - 3:00 am
hi.this is great for ad word users and absolutely we should keep our page relevant with the ads. .-= mona@ashford coupons´s last blog ..Special offer =-.
chandan November 9, 2009 - 1:35 am
Landing page is really very much important for get better success on PPC campaign. I think lots of advertiser are earning very big due to their attractive landing page. .-= chandan´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
thinkgeek coupons November 8, 2009 - 9:44 am
i think this is great for ad word users absolutely we should keep our page relevant with the ads. .-= thinkgeek coupons´s last blog ..Special offer =-.
monikaSEO@advertising agency toronto November 9, 2009 - 12:18 am
i really appreciate your work.thanks for sharing your knowledge.well ad worl is very useful it influence individual to purchase products and services or ides.i got some good points here. .-= monikaSEO@advertising agency toronto´s last blog ..Special offer =-.
Tiens store November 9, 2009 - 3:14 am
Adword campaign is very important coz it helps its users keep their pages relevant.
Dataflurry November 9, 2009 - 11:48 am
Great post, a lot of people don't understand how to improve their conversions with quality landing pages which will help to dramatically reduce costs per acquisition
psychics November 10, 2009 - 3:22 am
You can check grade for your landing page’s load time in your AdWords account.
psychics November 10, 2009 - 3:25 am
If you are going to develop a real website rather than just a landing page since it will earn more in the long run.
psychics November 10, 2009 - 3:26 am
But its true that these pages have very low quality link. I appriciate your work.
Davits November 11, 2009 - 6:09 am
Good advice of landing pages. Some are use home page as landing page for online campaign. It's not more effective. Thanks for information about reduce cost of Google Adword.
game-girl November 11, 2009 - 10:11 pm
I improved my landing page due to the post that delivered info showing the right way in it. .-= game-girl´s last blog ..Три дня скачать фильм онлайн =-.
Camper Trailers November 12, 2009 - 12:32 am
Google has a tutorial on where to put meta tags, specifically your verification code. It's just another html tag you put AT THE TOP of your html coding in the section.
Jamie Xuereb @Custom Labels, Australia November 12, 2009 - 1:35 am
yeah i agree with you that landing pages only purpose is to show ads or send traffic to other website without providing any useful information. if such thing happens then you would be having low Quality Score. You’re landing page need to provide useful information about your product to the user for free.
Bubba Moe November 19, 2009 - 10:15 pm
Some is trial and error, but with clear names, split testing and running reports frequently you can get an idea of which one is working best. Good Luck!
sofia@seo company india December 12, 2009 - 2:23 pm
Google adwords is one of main resource for many company to find the new clients and increase in the business. For any campaign Google adword's right landing page is very important. It could help in increasing the quality score and thus decrease in CPC. Thanks for the resource.
sofia@seo expert December 13, 2009 - 1:26 pm
Really wonderful piece of information about google quality score and PPC is something which helps a webmaster to sell his product and let him earning some bucks from his products. for some of my keywords i am getting 10/10 i.e. they are perfectly matched and for some i am getting 3/10-4/10.
Chrisile@Google Adwords December 20, 2009 - 9:36 am
It's not necessary to always make your homepage the landing page as your homepage contain the general information of your website and people will tend to get bored by that. January 26, 2010 - 8:44 am
Some is trial and error, but with clear names, split testing and running reports frequently you can get an idea of which one is working best. Good Luck! .-=´s last blog ..İkbal Gürpınar Şiirleri (korkmuyorum seni sevmekten,hayırsız evlat,seviyorum de,Gittin gideli Efendim) =-.
video izle January 28, 2010 - 8:18 am
Create a specific landing page for each ad that spells out the details of your offer, why it is a great offer, and how it can benefit the customer. Regards.
Lida February 1, 2010 - 12:43 pm
The online web marking blog is has been the remarkable tool to get the use of hot media methodologies.
Lida February 1, 2010 - 2:58 pm
Lee have ever try google adword campaign. You know I really get surprise how people earn from adword, I will really try this campaign for know how it work actually. .-= Lida´s last blog ..Kalori Hesaplama ve Lida =-.

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