Google’s new Alphabet

The company we know as Google or the Big G has just announced a massive change in its organisation structure. The founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin just created a new company called Alphabet.

What is Alphabet ? As per Larry Page, Alphabet is a collection of companies where Google is just one of the companies, the other companies that will fall under “Alphabet” will be erstwhile Google’s pot shots at healthcare, space, robotics etc.

The other companies under Alphabet are:
– Google X (self driving cars, internet balloons, delivery drones)
– Nest (smart thermostats)
– Google Fiber (broadband)
– Calico (longevity research)
– Life Sciences (contact lens )
– Google Ventures (start ups )

And Google which will now focus on

You Tube
– Infrastructure

As per Google’s blog post, each of the above companies will focus on its core products and will be headed by a CEO, who will report to Larry Page.

Sundar Pichai who has been instrumental in shaping the search and mobile business of Google in the last few years will be the CEO of Google Inc. Sundar is an Indian born techie who moved to silicon valley to pursue higher studies, he has been with Goggle since 2006.

The restructuring is a good move by Google, it will help them run complex independent businesses and leverage scale for the new offerings.

Image Credit: wsj

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1 comment

Mamun August 19, 2015 - 6:05 am
Alphabet! google's new innovative idea. Really Appreciable. Thanks to share.....
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