How I increased Google PR for a 2 month old site

Google’s recent PR update has been good for a lot of sites. Two months back i launched a new Health Directory for one of my clients. I was surprised to see a PR 2 after the recent new Google PR update. Generally it could take between 6 – 8 month for a new site to get PR depending on factors such as indexing , tagging , link building , fresh content etc . But how did I achieve this in only 2 months for a new site , the answer is very simple : I stuck to link building basics.  

Link to Relevant sites and blogs : Google values and rewards relevancy. Link your site with other sites relevant to your theme and content .

Link to high PR sites and blogs : This could be difficult for new sites but try to have a link building mix of sites that have a high PR than your site. If a high PR site links to your site Google views your site as a site that has potential as it has been introduced by a site with higher authority. Its like a recommendation from your boss or a reference. Links from Higher PR sites will help you increase your PR.

-Linking to Authority Blogs : Blogs get indexed very quickly by Google. Google values blog content and view blogs related to specific niches as Authority Blogs. Link your site to blogs or authority blogs that are content rich and command an authority in your domain. 

Results show that Google is being very friendly off late to blogs as they have been sending quality search traffic which in tune results quality traffic for Google Adwords Advertisers. Quality traffic results in better ROI for advertisers on Google. i am hoping that this trend will continue and be beneficial for all of us in future PR updates.

The best way to get Google attention for your blog is to create quality and relevant content, get  quality inbound links , create interactivity on your blog , comment on other blogs that give a link to top commentators and publishing articles to directories on a regular basis.

Also read related posts :
How to Rank on page one in Google in 15 days

Do you have a SEO friendly Wordpress structure

Have you seen a recent PR update. Leave your comments.

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bahce September 28, 2008 - 12:15 pm
This is the best observation i have ever seen for this subject
article post robot May 5, 2009 - 6:58 pm
great information zk this is great information I remember when I started blogging I didn't know anything about seo, or any of the things I do now and when I started my blog I went from a 0 to a pr 2 and there's many other one's out there that have more than what i have but from some reason in 2 months I got a pr of 2 and they have a 0 its simply amazing and i didn't know how I got it article post robots last blog post..Review Of “The One And Only” Atomic Blogging 3.0
Beat depression July 19, 2009 - 6:23 am
At first, I wasn't sure if this blog would live up to its name. I wondered if I was just wasting time on something that would fall short of my expectations. It's a good thing I was wrong! Nice article, I really like this!
Diet Magazine July 24, 2009 - 8:30 am
I'm not a pro when it comes to evaluating blogs - and most of what I've seen over the years leaves a lot to be desired. But you can take my word for it that your blog is everything they say it is and more! Seriously - nice information. I am so happy to read your blog!
Damon@Honest Debt Settlement October 30, 2009 - 6:35 pm
I have been doing a lot of linking over the last few months trying to increase my google PR. I just noticed today that when I check my PR using a service it has a PR 2, however, my firefox addon that checks pagerank continues to say 0. I have checked with multiple other sources that all say I have a PR 2. Any thoughts as to why the firefox toolbar and the pr checker in my seobook toolbar still say 0? .-= Damon@Honest Debt Settlement´s last blog ..Debt Settlement Companies - Top 5 ways they can Screw you! =-.

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