How much time have you wasted on Twitter ?

I’ ve been trying to convince my ex boss to use Twitter as a tool for marketing his online products and projecting his site as a voice or an expert in the domain, he is’nt convinced that spending time on Twitter will be beneficial. He thinks Twitter a waste of time.

When he asked me how much time I spent on Twitter and was it worth the time spent, I actually did not have an answer. I begun my search to find out how much time I had spent on Twitter since I started to tweet.

I came across, this is a fun site that tells you the actual time you spent on twittering as well as tells your rank compared to other twitterers. Its also has a plugin that can display your tweetwasters stats on your blog, if you want to display how much time you spend on twitters to your readers.

As per the calculation I’ ve had 325 total tweets and assuming they spent an average of 30 seconds per tweet they’ve spent 9,750 Seconds or 163 Minutes or 2.71 Hours or 0.11 Days using Twitter!

My Tweetwasters rank: #18150

Check out how much time you’ve wasted on Twitter

While this is just a fun application, it has nothing to do with Twitter not being an effective tool to market your products. I highly recommend you to use Twitter and follow me . And no I am not sending this to my boss, unless he happens to see it on the blog.

Do you think Twitter is a waste of time, how much time have you wasted on Twitter ?

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Ben Tremblay December 17, 2008 - 8:45 pm
Fun stuff! I must say that I don't really agree with their calculation because they assume we are taking 30 seconds per tweet. I usually take more like 5-10 seconds per tweet... hehe anyway, 9 hours wasted for me... Ben Tremblays last blog post..The business mindset
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 17, 2008 - 11:08 pm
Hi Ben, You are an evolved blogger, they are talking about the time taken by an average joe here :) ZKs last blog : A good resouce to build backlinks
MLDina December 17, 2008 - 8:55 pm
Twitter is definitely an asset, though if you do waste a lot of time on it, like anything, then you're just wasting time. :) I think interacting with people in your industry or with similar interests is helpful on a business and personal level. Just try not to get too caught up in checking tweets too often, no matter how addictive it is!
Shanker Bakshi December 18, 2008 - 10:45 am
I agree - i can see lot of visitor to my site thru Twitter in my google Analytics. Twitter is a real asset if you know how to use it. Shanker Bakshis last blog post..Do You Think 140 Characters Are Not Enough To Say -What Are You Doing?
Michael Henry December 19, 2008 - 4:55 pm
Or it can be easily abused. Like who really cares about this iFart iPhone app? Ha! Michael Henrys last blog post..Where I’m at: Free Flu Shot Clinic
Ajith Edassery December 17, 2008 - 8:56 pm
That's a funny little web service. The following is what I got to see for mine: So you've Tweeted for 1.13 hours hours. Way to go on making a half-assed effort. Tweetwasters rank: #22451 I guess, I did not waste much time of my life on twitter yet :lol:
Ben Pei December 17, 2008 - 9:50 pm
Lol thats interesting.. I could spend the whole night tweeting away.. Ben Peis last blog post..Video Blogging: The Next Big Thing?
Taris Janitens December 18, 2008 - 10:34 am
So far, I've wasted NO time on Twitter lol - its one of those things i think it will take me a long time to join Taris Janitenss last blog post..My Stock Picks: Update!
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 18, 2008 - 12:10 pm
Hi Taris , You are missing out on building your business at a fast pace..Twitter will take your business to another level... ZKs last blog : A good resouce to build backlinks
Tom - December 18, 2008 - 2:24 pm
I never got into twitter either. I havn't even really checked it out. I guess I'd rather focus on building my email list, then another list. Tom - StandOutBlogger.coms last blog post..SMART Goal Setting For 2009
ZK@Internet Marketing Blog December 18, 2008 - 11:03 pm
Hi Tom, Your following on Twitter is 7 times more likely to click your link or listen to you compared to your email list...A Twitter following is more powerful than an email list ZKs last blog : A good resouce to build backlinks
Dennis Edell December 18, 2008 - 6:43 pm
Oh man. I plan to begin in the new year, but once I do I doubt I'm gonna wanna see those state. LOL Dennis Edells last blog post..$100 First Prize! The *Best Blog Review Contest* Is In Full Effect!
Jonathan Muller @ How to Blog December 18, 2008 - 9:58 pm
I think it's hilarious how one popular site will come up, then everybody else will twist it a little bit, and try and jump on the bandwagon. There are a million sites that have come up, playing off of twitter's success. But I guess people like it, because they keep coming up... Jonathan Mullers last blog post..Blog Review:
Blog for Beginners December 19, 2008 - 4:33 am
Well, based on the no. of followers I have, I'm not too sure if it's a waste of my time. I'm still figuring out how one could have 1000 followers in a week.... Yan Blog for Beginnerss last blog post..Timeless Blogging Tips for Bloggers
Dennis Edell December 19, 2008 - 7:36 pm
How many Yan? About 60 for me, so I figure it's time to start using it. LOL Dennis Edells last blog post..Free Permanent BackLinks: Are You A Subscriber Or Follow Me On Twitter?
Karl Hadwen December 23, 2008 - 4:27 pm
I can imagine that many people use twitter daily, so yer I reckon it's used daily enought to be checked hourly or so for everybody. Karl Hadwens last blog post..TicklemeElmo
John Lessnau January 6, 2009 - 10:29 pm
Twitter is pretty much a time waster for most people. Those stats are only estimated time typing tweets. Reading and thinking about what to write are not factored in. I recommend limiting Tweeting to 15 to 30 minutes a day and keeping the people you follow under 300 that you really care to hear from. Unfollow those that post the mundane. This will keep your toe in the water incase Twitter becomes more than a fad. Check out She'll lead you through her life every step of the way and show you how to twitter away your life. John Lessnaus last blog post..Twitter Tweets about The Depression as of January 6, 2009
jons Gifts shop March 19, 2009 - 10:30 am
Nowadays, I find myself spending too often on sites that aren't worth the time i.e. myspace, facebook,twitter. The internet was not made for merely social web surfing. What are some interesting sites that will benefit my mind and education other than waste away my time? jons Gifts shops last blog post..Tips to choose the perfect gift for any occasion
Rapid Application Development June 12, 2009 - 6:04 am
Twitter is a waste of time, but isn't that the whole point of Twitter?
Brad@office supplies August 20, 2009 - 9:23 am
Although I just started really using Twitter, I'm almost afraid to see how much time I spend on it. I'm not the most productive person in the first place. This is really just another tool to keep my attention off things I really should be doing.
kitchen taps September 15, 2009 - 5:52 am
I haven't staterted yet using twitter but very soon going to apply tha one.
Joe September 17, 2009 - 9:24 am
Twitter is a waste of time for marketing purposes. I now have 1,500 followers and follow pretty much everyone back. Direct messages? Nothing but spam. I don't read them. When you follow as many people as I do, it means that anyone's tweets that I see are all of 30 seconds old or gone forever. Go to your page? That's rich...forget that, I don't have time. If you're a musician or a business person hoping to cash in on Twitter, the average person who will probably see your tweets is a 16-year-old girl with 20 followers. I've told some singers who are friends that they are wasting their time tweeting because I will never see a word they write, and I'm not going to bothered to visit their stupid Twitter pages to read through babble, that the best way to reach me is by mass e-mail to keep me informed. Some have listened, most continue down the path of the stupid. So if you like advertising to 16-year-old girls, Twitter's your perfect tool. Other than that, forget it. Good luck using it.

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