Internet Marketing trends with The Internet Time Machine

One of the trending topics on twitter and across the internet this week is Octopus Paul. Paul predicts the winning teams before the soccer game, his success rate has been as high as 85 % with 11 out of 13 matches correctly predicted.

It is believed that Octopus Paul can see the future and predict the winners. Octopus Paul Allen does not predict based on any logic, he does not have any past history of trending data to analyze the winner, his predictions are based on his animal instincts and gut feel. Without any data or tends 85 % of his predictions about the winning teams have been correct.

What if you had a tool to predict the future just like Octopus Paul

As an internet marketer or affiliate marketer what if you had a tool that could actually predicts the trends and niches on internet marketing, would that help you to take a more informed decision on which niche has a better reach and conversion.

Of course it would, you won’t have to spend hours in front of Google trends to find out what does well. You could easily run that software and get working on you niche in no time.

With The Internet Time Machine you can actually predict data and profitable niches before your competitors. You can see which niches are doing better with the kind of data that the software generates. The Internet Time Machine eliminates the time consuming process by offering niches that are rising in demand with less competition.

How does The Internet Time Machine work ?
The smart tool collects data from over 40 million sources across the web every 24 hours, because of its ability to collect huge amount of data it can find new niches and trends for you before anyone else.

Niche marketing is the most popular way of making money online, if you know that a certain niche is profitable you can set up a website based on that niche and market the site to get traffic or promote products of that niche. The potential and option to market a niche are many once you find a profitable niche.

Finding profitable niches and trending topics:

The Internet time machine offers three types of related trending data:

1 ) The most recent mentions in the last 24 hours
2 ) Potential trends
3 ) Core trend analysis

I’ve taken the above image from the most recent mentions in the last 24 hours, the arrow points to a phrase titled “Salisbury Steak Recipe”, the software shows that there is significant traffic coming to this phrase and when I click on the link there is no sponsored ad ( no pay per click ad on Google ), which means that the competition is little or zero for the keyword phrase. When I clicked on other keywords in the list I noticed that there were little or no PPC ads just like

If you have a cooking site “Salisbury Steak Recipe” is a phrase that you can use to get more traffic.

I see similar keyword trends when I do a search for potential trends and core trend analysis. The Internet Time Machine is a great tool to search for low competitive keywords and trends. A sure shot successful way to launch a web business.

The Internet Time Machine Contest: Win $20,000

The Internet Time Machine which runs on Now Relevant, the best new search engine on the internet is holding a contest where you can win $10,000 in cash. Not only that the person who refers you also has a chance to win $10,000. So sign up as an affiliate, refer someone to win the contest and make a cool $10,000. Watch the video to know more 🙂

Check out The Internet Time Machine.

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Plumber Sydney July 11, 2010 - 5:40 pm
Now this looks interesting. I'm going to have to check out the time machine. Plus - it couldn't hurt to be in the running for an extra $10k! With the amount of data it says this thing collects it would have to be somewhat accurate hey.
jtGraphic: James Thompson July 11, 2010 - 6:16 pm
Ugh. This review shows up on EVERY blog online. I guess that's what happens when you have a $10,000 prize for signing up. I really think that's an unsustainable sales strategy though, because people are signing up for the money, not the product.
Plumber Sydney July 12, 2010 - 6:14 pm
It might not be sustainable but it sure drives a whole lot of traffic \ sign ups. I think it's a pretty good way of doing things to be honest.
Web Design Los Angeles July 11, 2010 - 9:35 pm
This is great concept. The reports are good.
used tires July 11, 2010 - 10:48 pm
10,000 Dollars has my attention now, will investigate more on this and see where I go with it. So far I am surprised though at the low number of views on that youtube video you put here. I can definitely understand so far though with what he is talking about with the Supply & Demand Curves, that's a concept that I don't hear enough when it comes to internet marketing. Till then, Jean
SQL Training July 12, 2010 - 12:56 am
I am going to check this product out. I have just signed up for it lets see what this product holds.
znish July 12, 2010 - 5:51 am
I've really had a lot of success with internet marketing and I recommend the business to family who are interested in making an income online.
Lee Ka Hoong@Starcraft 2 July 13, 2010 - 12:16 am
That sounds cool! How good if we can predict our future, then we all will be millionaire, lol! Paul is cool this round, it made 100% accuracy on its' prediction, that was pretty cool! I'm going to check out the tool and the contest. ;)
Laptop Briefcases July 14, 2010 - 1:07 pm
I was not aware that the Internet Time Machine had any kind of trend data. Back when I last used it I only remember seeing the ability to see cached versions of a website over the years. With how many websites they analyze, they are sure to have some valuable trend data.
Dany Event Planning July 14, 2010 - 9:43 pm
SEO needs time before you can see or view the result if you want to get a better reult yu should continue working for your site..
Tim christensen September 18, 2010 - 9:34 am
Very interesting angle. Not talked about enough today .
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