Tips for Successful Business Networking

This is a guest post by Ricky Petrson

Successful businesses have strong pillars made with a mixer of support, co-operation, will-power, challenges, motivation, team power and hard work. Business decisions doesn’t come to one single point unless there is good communication in the company, how much ever big or small your company, you got to have good networking tools which will stand the reason for good successful business in future.

There may be many an acquaintances in your business travels at conferences, business party, product launch party, etc. but that doesn’t serve the purpose of networking, a true networking success only comes by following some simplistic rules that are given below:

1 ) Make a point to fill the feelers while attending any events like conferences, meetings or get-togethers. In any events, you must have noticed people giving out their business cards to everyone present in the room. There are thousands of acquaintances which you might have come across while meeting people in conferences but you don’t really make any personal relationships with them or rather they making to you.

When you start networking with people, you are building some personal relationships with them that will help you in longer run. So, remember next time while attending a party or conferences you don’t need to go and excuse yourself for handing out that business card, following are some of the things you can do to build a successful business network.

– Look out for the people who are most popular in the group, these are basically the people who have made name for themselves by being the most talked about persons. You obviously want to get associated with such people to get more business contacts.

– After discovering the “it” crowd of the group, you want to communicate with them, but don’t create an obvious situation, wait out for some opportunity where you can start talking to them.

– Once you have already started having talks with the “it” crowd, this is the time when you can actually join the group, this won’t create an awkward situation for any one in the group as you are already in conversation with them.

– After some time, you realize you don’t have anything else to talk about, this is the time you want to get a person’s contact information; you can ask them casually about their contact number or ask for their business cards.

2 ) After getting the contact information of the people, start following them for further proceedings for business. Don’t forget to follow up someone after 24 hours of meeting them in person, if you forget to follow up there are chances that they might forget you so it is best to contact them to the earliest time possible. You can mail them or just send a quick SMS or leave a voicemail.

If you feel that you need to have some reason following them up, than you can talk to them regarding some business proposal from X party they might be interested in or arrange their meetings in person. If they are interested in your business proposal then they would surely reply you within the next 24 hours, for this I would like to discuss some etiquette rules, you should follow on your meet up:

– Try to pick up a meeting location which is convenient to both the parties, if you are the one who offered a business proposal, there is no reason why the other party would come and meet you so its best that you drive up to them.

– Reach the location well before the given time, don’t give stupid reasons like traffic or any personal family problems of being late and make a point to reach the meeting room on time that will give good impression to the other party. You are not going to loose anything by reaching the place early.

– Make the bill payment yourself without creating an awkward situation for any of the parties; don’t wait expecting other party to shell out money. If the other party offers to pay money, tell them that they can always pay next time. Don’t make a mistake of splitting the bill in to half; this is the worst thing you could do which will make it obvious that you don’t want to pay the bill.

3) Business relationships become much stronger when there are personal relationships involved; try to build a personal relationship with the client you are working with. Don’t make relations boring by just talking about business and money always; successful networking only happens when you know the correct cards to play for building personal relationships.

You can divert your topics from business communication to more general topics like family, sports, holidays, places, etc. make them interested in your talks not just business talks but over all general informative talks.

Pay close attention to the body language of your partners, know what makes them interesting and if you feel the topic is boring than kindly change the topic. Search for topics which are interesting to both the parties.

After your first meeting with them you will know them more as a person than just a friend or an acquaintance. This is the secret to successful networking, you will be more open to a friend than just a business colleague, try to give your best in first shot itself in whatever may be your endeavors with them.

If you are interested in further meetings with them, you will obviously like to have few more meetings with them to finalize the business deals. Remember, it takes time to develop a relationship whether a personal or a business relationship, don’t just expect your networking to go great guns in a matter of just few days or months, sometimes it even takes years to build that perfect bond to get business going.

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Tycoon Blogger@Make Money Blogging July 22, 2009 - 7:05 pm
Great post and I agree that the key to relationships is taking a personal approach. This is a great post for all business people as well as bloggers. .-= Tycoon Blogger@Make Money Blogging´s last blog ..DOES SEO MEANS OPTIMIZATION ONLY FOR GOOGLE? =-.
kitchen taps July 23, 2009 - 5:21 am
These are very beneficial tips. I think doing overall general informative is good way for looking real networking.
Toronto Car Service August 6, 2009 - 2:33 am
Very helpful tips ..good for networking thanks
Jerry McVictor@Make Money Online July 23, 2009 - 2:12 pm
Excellent post and solid advice, Ricky. Reminds me I have to get some new business cards! .-= Jerry McVictor@Make Money Online´s last blog ..How To Attract Money =-.
Bodyc July 24, 2009 - 6:12 am
Online platforms are also a greta way to network your brand and business. Thank you Bodyc
paul July 24, 2009 - 8:27 am
Nice tips on networking , I need to focus on this one. Thanks for sharing. .-= paul´s last blog ..Hoboken Mayor Arrested =-.
christian louboutin July 24, 2009 - 1:45 pm
I love the T-shirt and quote ...Good one ZK
Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers August 6, 2009 - 2:37 am
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Peter Luke Baptiste July 24, 2009 - 4:49 pm
Interesting overview article. Always an interesting read. .-= Peter Luke Baptiste´s last blog ..Have You Thought About Creating New Business & Money Through Service Learning? =-.
videostar July 24, 2009 - 9:23 pm
Nice tips! I absolutely share the opinion to bring personal relationships into business in some measure.This is my way. .-= videostar´s last blog ..Че Гевара =-.
Toronto Car Finance August 6, 2009 - 2:38 am
Business networking plays a vital role if we follow the rules than def the success will be ours
Seaward July 25, 2009 - 12:06 am
Great tips man i would like say some thing that if you will interact with more peoples mind so you will learn extra. Relationship is a nice thing for business.
jim@chiropractic office software July 25, 2009 - 1:00 am
perfectly written. this one is great.much useful. thanks .keep sharing.
game-girl July 26, 2009 - 9:30 pm
I would like to wear such a T-shirt. .-= game-girl´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
Website Marketing Joel July 27, 2009 - 2:56 pm
Excellent advice ZK, all too often people don't pay attention to the small details needed to succeed!
Bubba Moe July 30, 2009 - 12:12 am
If you will interact with more peoples mind so you will learn extra. Relationship is a nice thing for business. .-= Bubba Moe´s last blog ..Frank Kern’s Mass Control 2.0 Review =-.
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Ways for kids to make money August 3, 2009 - 3:57 am
To be success a business we have to work hard. Some times we will not receive which we expected. But we have to be patient and work more to be succeeded. .-= Ways for kids to make money´s last blog ..Some Business Possibilities for Pet Lovers =-.
Toronto Wedding Photographer August 6, 2009 - 2:39 am
I need to focus on this one. Thanks for sharing.
Part Time Jobs For Teens August 3, 2009 - 4:01 am
Much working make much earnings. Every time if we need to get good thing we have to work much. .-= Part Time Jobs For Teens´s last blog ..Easy Money For Teens =-.
Increase Website Traffic August 6, 2009 - 3:54 am
Interesting! In the past, offline media was one of the major mediums to promote one’s business and brand awareness. However, with the increasing popularity of the online media and its positive results, more people are turning to online marketing techniques to build a strong business presence across the globe. The Internet provides great opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses, but doing business online presents unique challenges and requires new skills. Per my experience search engine optimization would be the best practice to improve your online business.
Tanya Verra @ August 18, 2009 - 8:43 am
Excellent info. Thanks for the sharing excellent information about social networking, now a days it is important to maintain a social network, it is more important to maintain online social network, because one will come to know the latest trends of the market world wide through these social networking sites. These social networking sites are very helpful, as well as beneficial for all.
Haleigh August 24, 2009 - 2:49 am
They ask me.. Why do business fails? I tell them because you lost the passion on the way.. A business is just like raw cement whatever falls on you makes an impression
Greg August 27, 2009 - 2:56 am
Great Info !! Really, Business decisions doesn’t come to one single point unless there is good communication in the company. Your information is really helpful...
Tanya Verra September 2, 2009 - 5:01 am
Almost every business need 24/7 care, if any body takes easy on any aspect of the business then it will be hard to control the down fall of his business........ to be success in the business one should be ever ready to serve as per the market conditions and the end users requirements............
Name Tags January 7, 2010 - 12:58 am
I totally agree with you Tanya. This is a great post, I really appreciate the fact that you emphasize personal relationships. Relationships are a second thought when it comes to online businesses.
FHA STREAMLINE September 9, 2009 - 3:36 am
this one is great . well written.its useful and helpful. thanks for sharing.
Seaward September 14, 2009 - 1:03 am
Your all rules for to be a perfect internet marketer seems appropriate. and you have set great example of that.
Turkey Property September 17, 2009 - 4:51 am
Making more relationship with the people, business networking must required other you will fail in your business, anyway, thanks for the tips.
Jacques @ Web Design September 17, 2009 - 5:46 am
It is nice coming across guest posts of Ricky / Chris Peterson. I follow his blog too and he offers good information and value. There is no substitute for networking, and one has to make the most of opportunities when they arise. I am also a subscriber to the train of thought that business cards work the best when they are in the hands of other people, rather than gracing the inside of your wallet or briefcase. The business world reequires you to self-promote as much as possible, and is definitely not the place for wallflowers to thrive in......
Jannice@Enterprise Networking October 1, 2009 - 3:16 am
Within or outside your network, you might encounter some people who write negative thoughts about your brand or your business so its better to watch out for those incidents and find an easy way to track them like Google alerts.
mp3 songs October 7, 2009 - 10:52 pm
Really wonderful piece of information and I appreciate it that you share something so useful with the readers of this blog.
monika@children party invitation November 3, 2009 - 7:58 am
wonderful information you shared i learned many key points here seems very useful i will implement them and hope i get good results.
monikaSEO@advertising agency toronto November 4, 2009 - 4:58 am
business networking is very useful nowadays it helps i creating good business.well i got many key points here i will definitely use them.thanks to you for sharing.
jinnie@relationship coaching December 28, 2009 - 1:29 am
Great information on getting started networking business. I will be using some of your tips. I always wondered why I don’t get the traffic and therefor the income! I really like the idea .I’ll be practicing what you preach! .-= jinnie@relationship coaching´s last blog ..Lovelessness- Can One Person Save a Marriage =-.
monika@Christian Counseling Dallas January 15, 2010 - 5:47 am
Social networking has been around us for quite a long time and now there is a change in the trends. Some of the people out there think that social networking is losing its charm. Global recession is what people point out as a reason that is degrading the popularity of the social networks. The real fact is that social networking is headed towards a different path.
sam@Chiropractic software January 24, 2010 - 11:26 pm
I think social media play an important role to promote business and for link building.You can get a lot of traffic to your website as well.
Jim@Austin Texas real estate January 30, 2010 - 9:32 am
Great post and thanks for the advice on social networks. You're right, communication is the key to success whether how big or small your company is. You should have chemistry and understanding. Anyway, thanks for this nice article. Hope you can make more of this. I'll keep following.

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