Make easy money with LogoNerds’ Affiliate Program

One of the major mistakes affiliate marketers make is that they promote products that have high commissions without understanding the value that it offers the readers. While the product may give you a high commission, it may not go well with the audience. You need to pick and market a product that offers a need based product or a solution based product to your audience rather than pick a product that has a high commission and does not relate to the audience.

Of course making money is important if you are running an online business, but not at the expense of your readers. Pick a product that has universal appeal and it will go well with your audience. Logos have universal appeal, every website needs one to have a distinct online identity.

It’s a no brainer that promoting such a service will appeal to your audience and make money from your blog, LogoNerds is one such top notch logo firm with a great affiliate program. It has all the right elements to appeal to your audience and at the same time give you a high commission on sales.

Wider audience appeal:
– LogoNerds offer logos for as low as $27 while similar options in the market cost upwards of $200. The low cost option is good for you as an affiliate – it will have a wider appeal with your audience and generate a large number of leads.

Partnered with Share-a-Sale:
– Trusted third party tracking solution provided by handles all their payments to affiliate program partners. Share-a-Sale has a great reputation as an affiliate network, they are a network to more than 500 top online merchants. I closely work with their team and I can vouch for their credibility and support function.

Slab based commissions:

– LogoNerds has a slab based commission structure

5 logos a day = $1000 month
10 Logos a day = $2000 month
15 Logos a day = $3000 Month

If you generate only 5 logo sales per day then you will end up earning 1000$ per month. The program converts at an
approximate rate of 10%. That means you just need to send 50 visitors everyday to earn 1000$ per month. The average commission rate per sale is 25 %.

Referrals are tracked for life:

– The deal keeps getting better. The visitors that you send are tracked for life and hence you make money on each purchase that they make. That greatly enhances the value of the customer for you. While LogoNerds specializes in logo creation, they provide several other related services. That means you get paid for not only for the logos that your visitors purchase but also for other associated products that they may end up buying.

Real Time Tracking :

– See how much commission you’ve earned at any time – you will be provided with an online statistics facility with real time
updates. This will help you monitor traffic and conversion.

Two-Tier Webmaster Referral Program
– The referral program is two- tier, which means that you receive an additional 5% commission off every sale that is generated by all webmasters that join our affiliate program from a link on your site.

The payments are made on the 20th of each month with a minimum of $50. The affiliate program is easy to join, once I filled in the application form I got a confirmation mail in less than 10 minutes.

Click here to join LogoNerd’s affiliate program.

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Aluminum Cases December 3, 2010 - 5:11 pm
Yes you definitely need to promote products that matches your visitors' interests. Sometimes that may be obvious when a site is tightly themed around a specific niche. In other cases, you may need to do some testing to see what works best for your traffic. I like to check what competitors are promoting to get an idea of what has been working for them.
steve @ Christmas 2010 December 3, 2010 - 11:59 pm
I have had a couple of really good logos created by logonerds after finding them on Shoemoney's marketplace.
seo training pakistan December 4, 2010 - 1:48 am
Thanks for sharing this post. found it very useful regarding how to be a good affiliate marketer.
TechNina December 4, 2010 - 1:54 am
While selecting the product...make sure the product is worth its value..otherwise people won't buy it...I would prefer selling products which may earn me less amount but its really worth for people...
Property Marbella December 4, 2010 - 9:54 am
Hi ZK, Don’t think people are not stupid; a quality product to a really good price is what people buy and of course, a combination with a nice logo from can always help you more.
Alex@jocuri December 4, 2010 - 11:16 am
I think is pretty hard to find people that will buy logos, you have to find a niche or to promote your website in such a way that you will get a very targeted audience. But nothing is impossible, great find nonetheless!
Car Rental December 4, 2010 - 12:21 pm
I think I agree with you on this. Google only supports local sites these days and if there is not much web deisgn in ur country, you might not get them sold.
Android December 4, 2010 - 9:10 pm
Easy ? Not like we talk because target traffic isn't easy :)
Printable Coupons December 6, 2010 - 3:53 am
choose a product that goes with your niche, or post... people would likely to visit or click something if it relates to the page they are already in...
Software Development Company December 6, 2010 - 5:04 am
Logo is important part of website. It's really good affiliate program offer by them.
sell used textbooks December 6, 2010 - 1:52 pm
Logos can be a great way to brand yourself outside of what you normally have to do. People recognize logos above all else.
SEO Miami December 7, 2010 - 12:10 pm
I took a look at their program, it looks pretty solid.
Psychometric Test December 14, 2010 - 10:44 am
I think you hit it on the head ZK. “If you are a professional blogger” is the key here. For someone who I writing a blog for fun but isn’t devoted to making money blogging, a free logo is plenty.
Bloice Davison October 27, 2011 - 7:12 pm
Good information for someone new to blogging and affiliate marketing. Thanks!
Custom Facebook Fan Page Design January 26, 2012 - 4:45 pm
I've also worked with LogoNerds and they do awesome designs. Other designers could easily charge up to $300 for the same quality.
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