Now pay $1 for every hour you waste on Facebook

You love facebook, you’ve been spending all day uploading pictures and sharing them with your friends. You are addicted to the Facebook like button and keep liking all posts shared on your wall. You also realize that you’re spending too much time of your day on facebook doing these activities.

Timewaste Timer is a great tool to help you manage your time on Facebook, it work on the simple time-money principle – the more time you spend on Facebook the more money you pay.

The app is a chrome plugin extension that can be downloaded on your desktop, it will charge you $1 for every hour you spend on facebook per day. You need to initial pre-load it with $20 when you activate the service.

Time is money and this app is a perfect solution for you to save time and concentrate on better things in life. Download the app and take control of your facebook addiction. You can try it for free using the code – nomoretimewasting.

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1 comment

Samantha April 25, 2015 - 7:37 am
WOW its quite unique, Well I'm also an facebook addict and I guess I'm gonna have to try it once. Thanks
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