Now upload 140 second videos on Twitter

Video tweets on twitter have increased by 50% since the beginning of 2016 and Twitter is moving rapidly to address the user preference and product changes related to videos. The latest change is a major one, gone are a days where you could upload only 30 second videos on twitter.

The 140 second videos:
Today twitter announced that users can now tweet videos upto 140 seconds. This is a significant change from the 30 second video restrictions. Twitter is encouraging its users to create and share longer videos ensuing higher engagement rate and time on the channel.

A great move to counter the video strategy of Facebook which is working on similar video related experiences for its users.

Now, how will this impact vine is a different debate and I am assuming that the video length on Vine would also increase in the coming weeks, lets wait and watch.

See more videos
Twitter also announced that it will make it easy for users to search for videos, you can explore a lot more video content on twitter with this change.

The battle for video content creation has begun with Facebook, Twitter and You Tube working hard to get their users to spend more time on their channels. Of course You Tube leads with no restrictions on video upload size, but that may soon be history.

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