Press release
With the rise of social media and the popularity of blogs, many companies are turning towards techniques beyond press releases to issue news statements and save money. While the reasons can vary, there are a few major concerns that govern the transition to blog based news in favor of the old standby – a well written press release. Determining which method is better is the real task facing the news driven company marketing or public relations representative.
Using a Press Release to Publish News
Press Releases are designed to cover small amount of news in a lean and well designed format. The standard publication of a press release provides all of the information that a reader needs to absorb the news and make an educated decision about a product or service. However, press releases are also often expensive to produce and distribute.
In most cases, they require a professional press release writer and paid submission to a variety of publishing sites. One conservative estimate listed a press release’s total publication cost to be in excess of $1,000. While this might seem like a high price to pay, press releases are also one of the most effective ways to get information to your readers.
Using a Blog Post to Publish News
While it may not have the power and distribution capabilities of a press release, a blog post is typically cheaper to produce and can reach a targeted audience composed of regular blog readers and web site members as well as SEO driven traffic. However, unlike press release, blog posts are bound by rules regarding duplicate content. If you choose to publish news in a blog post, you will not be able to publish the same post elsewhere without diminishing its value from a search engine point of view.
Blog posts can also be published within minutes of a news worthy event. So, in the event that news needs to published quickly, a blog post might be the best option for releasing information. On the other hand, a press release can take a period of several days to distribute before it appears on the market. In addition, there is no guarantee that the press release will immediately reach your valuable pool of dedicated readers.
Finding a Happy Medium Between the Two
One way to solve the problem of choosing between a press release and blog post is to use both depending on the situation. For example, if there is a time sensitive news release that could alter day to day activities, a blog post could be the best option to publish news. However, if a news story needs to remain active for a long period of time and reach a larger reader base than the existing members of a web site, a press release could be the best option.
Image Credit: Internet Marketing1