Query Ads: A PPC advertising network for long tail keywords

Digging into long tail keywords is a very lucrative market potential, almost 1/3 rd keywords searches done on Google are long tail. As an advertisers you should aim to get ranked for long tail keywords, the advantages are being profitable and being targeted.

A recent quote from a Google blog post says :

Did you know that 20% of the queries Google receives each day are ones we haven’t seen in at least 90 days, if at all?

When you couple the Google quote with Hitwise’s numbers that more than 18% of searches contain five or more keywords, it can be a mammoth task to find all those keywords for your adwords campaign.

The term long tail relates to less competitive niche markets v/s the broad keyword market. ie : “Thesis Theme” would be a broad keywords, where as “Thesis Theme Discount” or “Thesis Theme Coupon” would be a long tail keyword.

In the above example you’ll find a lot of search queries and a lot of competition for “Thesis Theme” and less searches & competition but very targeted searches for “Thesis Theme Discount” or “Thesis Theme Coupon”.

If you have an adwords campaign running for your product or service, you would know that the bids on keywords are for broad matches. They actually don’t take the long tail keywords into consideration when they display the ads.

Like Google Adwords there are a lot of other Pay Per Click advertising networks like adbrite that work on a similar search technology.

Until now there wasn’t any Pay Per Click advertising network that could display ads based on ‘long tail keywords’. Query Ads is a new and unique company that features ads based on long tail keywords. This concept makes them different from Google Adwords.

What is Query Ads

QueryAds is a new and unique Pay Per Click advertising network firm that actually monetizes real time search engine query traffic for advertisers on which they can bid. The search queries come from quality publishers sites which they manually approve and then stored in a detailed list providing traffic history reports.

I am an advertiser, how will QueryAds help me

Query Ads has technology that will help you with targeted traffic based on 1000’s of long tail keywords, your keywords will have a much higher conversion rate at a reduced cost.

Advantages for Advertisers :

– Real time keyword traffic
– More targeted Keywords
– Keywords that work
– 1000’s of Long Tail Keywords
– Save time and money
– Quality Publishers’ Websites
– Complete advertiser’s control

I am a publisher, How will Query Ads help me

As a publisher when you opt to install Adsense codes a lot of time you see irrelevant ads, that are not based on the content of your site. With Query Ads you’ll eliminate the chances of irrelevant ads as the technology targets relevant searches that include long tail keywords.

Query Ads also provide a higher click thro rate to the publisher and guarantees a min payout of 10 cents for every click that you receive and it pays you 80 % of what it receives. Unlike Google where you get paid between 0.1 cent and 0.3 cents.

If your Adsense account has been banned by Google, Query Ads is a good option.

Affiliate Program :

If you have a blog, I recommend you to join their Pay Per Click Affiliate Program they have a 10 % lifetime commission for every new publisher or advertiser that joins via your affiliate link.

Example : If you have 1 advertiser or publisher join through your link who spends an average of $500 a month you get to keep 10 % of it, 1 x $500 x 10 % = $50 a month. You make $50 a month from 1 advertiser, now if you send 100 advertisers each spending $ 500 a month, you make $5000 a month, 100 x $500 x 10% = $5000 a month

The more publishers and advertisers you refer, the more passive income you make

All payments are via paypal and the payout threshold level is a min of $50

Check out Query Ads

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Tom@Best Affiliate Products March 14, 2010 - 1:39 am
I haven't treied QueryAds yet, but it looks like some decent competition for Google, because they don't really have any. .-= Tom@Best Affiliate Products´s last blog ..Finding the Perfect Temperature For Your Mailing List =-.
Jack@Online Marketing Blog March 14, 2010 - 3:34 am
Query Ads looks like an interesting program. I usually don't run my ppc ads on broad match though, the keywords wont be targeted enough. For those who don't know what a broad match keyword phrase is, it's when a user types in a phrase in the SERPs (for ex. Thesis Theme). The problem with broad match keywords is that your ad would show up when they even type Thesis, Theme, free Thesis Theme, etc. These phrases are not going to help you at all, and you will lose money from people clicking on your ad. The conversion won't be there. A phrase match will have your ads show up for the phrase "Thesis Theme", with the words exactly in that order. But your ads will still show up for Free Thesis Theme, Thesis Theme Tips, etc. These keyword phrases are better, but won't likely convert your clicks to an affiliate sale. Here's the best method: Use Exact match for your keyword phrases. An exact match will have your ads show up only when the user types in a search term that matches exactly to your keyword phrase. So for [buy thesis theme], you ads will only show when a user types in "buy thesis theme". The traffic won't be as high as broad or phrase match, but your conversion will be much higher. Why? Because "buy thesis theme" is a phrase that tells you someone is ready to buy! Those are some of the tips I use for ppc. Going to add more ppc tips in a new category on my blog soon. Hope this helps. Great post ZK! .-= Jack@Online Marketing Blog´s last blog ..Writing For Traffic or Visitors? – Have You Been Doing It All Wrong? =-.
ZK March 14, 2010 - 12:11 pm
Thanks Jack , you ve summarized it very well :)
Tiff @ online passive income March 14, 2010 - 2:14 pm
I haven't dived into PPC yet as I want to be sure that I do it right if I do use them since I don't want to lose a lot of money, but if I do decide to start using PPC I am going to look into Query Ads now. .-= Tiff @ online passive income´s last blog ..Online Passive Goals Gets a New Look and New Address! =-.
Mathew Day March 14, 2010 - 4:24 pm
Query Ads sounds like a great alternative to Google, thanks for the review. I like how they target long tail keywords and they seem to show more relevant ads than other networks. .-= Mathew Day´s last blog ..XHeader Pro New Release – FREE Header Graphics Software =-.
omarc March 14, 2010 - 10:12 pm
Seems to be a good ads network ! thanks for sharing .-= omarc´s last blog ..Online calculator javascript =-.
Paul@Palabuzz March 14, 2010 - 10:39 pm
I have about this before but haven't ahd the chance to try them out. rigt now I am still using Adsense and I am not thinking of addding another ppc since my traffic is not that much. .-= Paul@Palabuzz´s last blog ..Grace Lee has an accident in Korea =-.
Maserati Service March 14, 2010 - 10:39 pm
I have known that long tail keywords already have good position in the SE then why we need to spend on PPC.
limos gold coast March 14, 2010 - 11:52 pm
I have only ever tried PPC with Adwords, but never really spent the time to actually really try and make it work! These are some great tips and hopefully I will get the chance to use them.
Lynnette@Make Money Online March 15, 2010 - 12:24 am
Thanks for this info. I went over to their site to sign up as a publisher, still waiting for the confirmation e-mail. It sounds like a really good alternative to the Big G. .-= Lynnette@Make Money Online´s last blog ..Ask Directions! Why You Need a Business Mentor =-.
Web Design March 15, 2010 - 3:45 am
More, as well as more effective, alternatives to Google Adwords. It is nice to have a choice, thank goodness for that.
Ahmed@Net User Reviews March 15, 2010 - 9:38 am
Thank you for this nice post. This is the first time I hear about QueryAds but I think It can help me so I will consider trying it. PPC is the fastest way to drive traffic to your website but it can be very tricky so you need a good training. As mentioned above bidding on long tail keywords is the best way to drive hungry buyers. There is a new internet marketing course by George Brown called Traffic Ultimatum which teaches how to drive targeted traffic to a website. I advise you check it out. .-= Ahmed@Net User Reviews´s last blog ..Traffic Ultimatum Review =-.
Quick Sale March 15, 2010 - 11:35 pm
Extremely useful and it is good that it is providing the longtail keywords with good position. So query ads really very competitive and consistent.
kitchen taps March 16, 2010 - 5:17 am
I think PPC is the best but expensive too. And its good for long tail keywords if it is done very properly.
limos gold coast March 17, 2010 - 12:43 am
You are bound to run into Google Adwords one day. Sometimes just by using some of Google’s free services such as being a member of Google Analytics or Webmasters, you may get free vouchers to test your Adword campaigns free of charge. .-= limos gold coast´s last blog ..Introducing "The Bride's Day" =-.
used tires March 17, 2010 - 5:11 am
The way I see it, PPC has its positives and negatives and it's all about weighing them against each other before you decide to pay. Till then, Jean
Dev | Technshare March 17, 2010 - 9:59 am
QueryAds look like an interesting program, gonna try soon :) thanks mate .-= Dev | Technshare´s last blog ..SEO – Your Basic Fundamentals =-.
Mayweather vs Mosley March 18, 2010 - 3:08 am
This is one great alternative to Google. The long tail keywords are those keywords that are more detailed and people who are searching using those long-tail keywords may end up availing your service. But those people who are searching for the more general keywords tend to end going out of your website. .-= Mayweather vs Mosley´s last blog ..Several reasons why Mosley beats Mayweather =-.
Laptop Cases March 18, 2010 - 3:55 pm
You definitely want to take advantage of long tail keywords if you are doing PPC. Bidding on short general phrases can result in paying for totally irrelevant traffic. Imagine how varied the users' goals are when searching for something like tires or cars. To get the best conversion rates and avoid wasting money, you want to go after highly relevant traffic.
Aluminum Laptop Cases March 18, 2010 - 4:16 pm
It's good to see some competition to Google AdWords. They have been too dominant in the PPC market for too long, especially their AdSense division. Many people have made small mistakes with adsense and are now banned for life. So this may be a good substitute for people like that. For people still in AdSense, I have a feeling, that the overall earnings is higher with AdSense compared to QueryAds. I will have to look into this.
mario oyunları March 20, 2010 - 10:25 am
Thanks Jack , you ve summarized it very well
Jennifer March 23, 2010 - 12:49 am
Great post. QueryAds seems like a very useful tool especially as an alternative to Google AdWords. The 10% lifetime commission for their Pay per Click Affiliate program seems like a great program especially as the number of publishers and advertisers referred increases. Anyway these are some great tips and hopefully I will get the chance to use them.
Davits March 23, 2010 - 3:47 am
Long tail keywords with low competition and effective.
Asbar July 28, 2010 - 3:44 am
As many of you know Google has recently introduced a few new tweaks to the infamous Quality Score mechanism that calculates the minimum bid on particular keywords.

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