Shopify now on Wordpress

Shopify has made eCommerce more easier for wordpress bloggers and website owners building sites on wordpress. If you’ve been blogging on wordpress and trying to make money by selling products, here is a good option to consider.

Shopify the big giant that powers “small business websites” has launched new plugin for wordpress, this makes selling on wordpress very simple and hassle free. Apart from the new wordpress plugin, shopify also launched new wordpress themes.

The plugins and the themes are free to download from the wordpress site. These can be used to design your product and manage your pages and posts directly from wordpress.

You can blog while shopify manages your ecommerce cart and payment related aspects ie. security, check out, shipping and tracking details. The hard part about ecommerce is now taken care of, al you need is to integrate it with your blog and focus on blogging🙂

I wonder what took them so long to get this up.

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1 comment

Robin Khokhar March 24, 2016 - 3:23 am
It's really a great information. I have always used woo commerce. But after this, i will stick to Shopify E-commerce plugin.
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